Sometimes, striking workers are surprised when the temporary workers hired to replace them up becoming permanent. In 1999, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit ruled in Dunn v. Air Line Pilots Association that ALPAs compilation of a scab list during a 1989 sympathy strike against Eastern Air Lines, and its distribution of 50,000 copies of that list after the strike, did not constitute defamation. You looked a little tiredis everything ok? Their union counterparts are earning $37-50 per hour plus benefits and retirement for the same highly skilled work. Three separate persons approached him, two of them visibly hostile. His smile shows fangs that drip with your blood, for he willingly destroys families, lives, careers, opportunities and professions at the drop of a hat. What does the word scab mean in social studies? Some employers view the right to hire scab labor as a way to maintain that balance. He can only advance himself by taking advantage of labor disputes over the backs of workers trying to maintain decent wages and working conditions. Also, no more holidays or vacations because they were Union fought for, too. Regardless of who won, if anyone truly won, one thing was clear: The UAW had no compunctions about inflicting criminal terror upon its competition. April-May, 2007, Encyclopdia Britannica Online. Why are workers called scabs? to flourish. Such campaigns may produce assaults, vandalism, and among the targets, medical problems and suicide attempts. In some cases, people may feel forced to cross a picket line; university students, for example, may be told that they must attend class whether or not university staff are striking. This is ugly stuff. A number of unidentified workers at the facility had stated the point of the campaign was pressure. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced searchad free! January 8, 2005, Noceda, Kristopher. The Free Dictionary. The term "scab" was first used in the 13th century to mean a nasty, itchy skin disease or the crust that forms on a wound. That was in the 50s. 2 : a union member who refuses to strike or returns to work before a strike has ended. It can also be argued that the existence of scab labor may actually be a protection for union workers. A New York Times article from 1910 describes conditions during a plumbers' strike in Paris. The workers can look forward to seeing their names on a list just like this one., United Auto Workers scab lists have popped up in the Midwest, too. I was disgusted by it. Local 1853 President Tim Stannard admitted to publishing the list. During the late nineteenth and the early twentieth centuries, strikes were commonplace within the United States. More temperate labor activists and unions use the term strike breaker instead, but the slang term is often used in speeches and literature designed to fire up the strikers. He steals that which others earned at the bargaining table through blood, sweat and tears, and throws it away in an instantruining lives, jobs and careers. This type of rat is rarely seen up close. He is always scabbing cigarettes. . May 18, 2008, The Baseball Almanac. What does Scab mean? The context of his remark was a news report that AFSCME Local 1603, which represents workers at Hurley Medical Center in Flint, had posted the names of workers who exercised their legal right to leave the union. Trade unionists also use the epithet "scab" to refer to workers who are willing to accept terms that union workers have rejected and interfere with the strike action. Yeah, right --and pigs fly. However, "scab" was an old-fashioned English insult. When an agreement still hadn't been reached by the start of spring training in 1995, many teams fielded replacement players drawn from the minors and amateur athletes. Yet it constitutes rational and expected union behaviorso commonplace, in fact, that the Jack London scab definition made its way into a 1974 U.S. Supreme Court opinion on libel, as an example of the usual attitude toward replacement workers: Jack Londons definition of a scab is a lusty and imaginative expression of the contempt felt by union members towards those who refuse to join. What is non-union position? We were bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, and waiting to give you our daily union greeting. The New York Times. The maritime strike broke under the weight of the scab labor, and the shearers' strike escalated to armed confrontations and dragged on for years before finally failing as well. A Salt is a union member working for a nonunion shop with the intent to educate wiremen on the benefits of membership, salting is done with the approval of the hall Its funny you guys aren't even ORGANIZED as the what the term rat means. This is also known as crossing the picket line and can result in their being shunned or assaulted. I can't find anything here that explains where the term came from. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Strikes were an important part of the early labor movement, which agitated for safer working conditions, better pay, and more reasonable hours. The most high-profile case is the Bridgestone-Firestone tire recall of the late 1990s. Union bargaining power is a means to this end, not an end unto itself. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. The term "scab" refers to workers brought in to work during a union labor strike. Tuesday, March 1, 1994. Its power seems to have diminished a bit since the days when a piece of union literature, generally attributed to author Jack London,said: "After God finished the rattlesnake, the toad, the vampire, He had some awful substance left with which He made a scab When a scab comes down the street, men turn their backs and angels weep in heaven, and the Devil shuts the gates of Hell to keep him out. . n. 1. With production at a standstill, it's losing hundreds of thousands of dollars a day, and the only way to get employees back to work is by meeting their demands. On June 15, 1993, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 239-190 to amend the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) to prohibit employers from hiring permanent replacement workers in . A rat is a non union worker. Online Etymology Dictionary. According to an article appearing in the Washington Free Beacon in early-October 2014, United Auto Workers officials at General Motors unionized Saturn plant in Spring Hill, Tenn., which closed for a while when GM when bankrupt in 2009, but reopened later on, have been putting the squeeze on non-joiners. 12 November 2008. All rights reserved. The key to a successful strike is that every union member participates. (Regardless of your "productivity equation."). He helps management destroy his and your profession, often ending up under conditions he/she wouldnt even have scabbed for. Some of the largest and longest strikes in history were eventually undermined by scab labor. In England, scabs are also called "blacklegs.". Rate it: SCAB. A jury acquitted all the strikers of wrongdoing. In the Canadian provinces of British Columbia and Quebec, however, it's illegal under any circumstances to hire scabs [source: Canadian Labour Congress]. Those are Union-won days. scab noun @anon334692: Unions were a great thing at a time when the populace needed a way to protect themselves from greedy corporate owners who mistreated them. The website of United Auto Workers Local31 in Kansas City, Kansas publisheda Scab List from July 2014 that namesemployees and gives their department numbers. In a strike, what does scab mean? After this I will never come back to the UAW. And he added: What they do behind the scenes is harass non-members, those who choose not to belong. Public employee unions also have taken to assembling scab lists. For more than 800 years, its been applied to people who are untrustworthy or despicable. It is expecting too much of poor men to stand by and see their work taken by others.". Bikini, bourbon, and badminton were places first. 3. Now the Obama administrations National Labor Relations Board is pressuring employers to give personal information to unions, while the Internet is providing new ways to publicize scab lists and make people toe the union line. verb 3 0 To work or act as a scab. A scab is someone who crosses a picket line to work. scab noun The mange, especially when it appears on sheep. If a union calls a strike asking for a fair wage increase, then the employer will have a hard time finding replacement workers who will work for a below-market salary. A skin wound that doesn't heal, heals slowly or heals but tends to recur is known as a chronic wound. . A scab is a two-legged animal with a corkscrew soul, a water brain and a combination backbone of jelly and glue.". Frustrated with dangerous labor conditions, low pay and zero job security, they came together to form the first labor unions. Hospitals have the option to bargain in good faith, move and divert patients or line up scab workers. Now they are futile. Ever since she began contributing to the site several years ago, Mary has embraced the Economics Labor Unions. Where others have hearts, he carries a tumor of rotten principles. Test your knowledge - and maybe learn something along the way. published countless times in union publications . Armed with rifles and farm implements, the strikers promised that if the scabs surrendered, they would be escorted safely out of town. Due to the deep resentment that some strikers have toward scabs, people who cross picket lines may face great danger. 2 : a union member who refuses to strike or returns to work before a strike has ended. I would never do it, but more due to fear of personal harm than out of allegiance. When scabs fill jobs, the striking worker has two options -- either return to work under the same old conditions or look for a new job. Of course it is a different scenario. Your example sounds typical of those who reason in favor of profits and productivity for the benefit of large corporations who pay their board of directors and executive staff millions while their workers starve. In either case, he or she is the mortal enemy of the labor union, an organization that's designed to protect the interests of workers from the possible tyranny of management. But don't gripe if you're getting them for free. Unfortunately, if nurses at a hospital go on strike, the chances are patients would die (those who are critically ill) if no one was left to care for them. What does the term scab mean in construction? Read more about them in the next section. (2) : a union member who refuses to strike or returns to work before a strike has ended. If the Post cereal company went on strike, people would not die if they could not find their favorite cereal on the shelf. When a scab comes down the street, men turn their backs and Angels weep in Heaven, and the Devil shuts the gates of hell to keep him out. A strikebreaker (sometimes derogatorily called a scab, blackleg, or knobstick) is a person who works despite an ongoing strike.Strikebreakers are usually individuals who were not employed by the company prior to the trade union dispute, but rather hired after or during the strike to keep the organization running. What is a scab in Australia? spends her free time reading, cooking, and exploring the great outdoors. Californian should How to use scab in a sentence. Whereas the complaints of one, two or 10 workers could be easily ignored by management, the united voice of thousands of workers demanded attention. Another anonymous employee, a longtime union member, already disenchanted with union nepotism and support for subpar workers, stated that the scab list was the reason for his desire to drop out of the United Auto Workers. By crossing the picket line, scabs and consumers indicate that they are not concerned about the rights of the workers, and they weaken the case of the strikers. The term "scab" is a highly derogatory and "fighting word"most frequently used to refer to people who continue to work when trade unionists go on strike action. The same claim is made against outsourcing. Scab. Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, However, "scab" was an old-fashioned English insult. During the British miners' strike of the early 1980s, violent clashes between miners and police escalated when buses of scabs were brought in to replace them. As someone who has grown up in a primarily union town, I know all it does is inflate the local economy and produce sloppy, lazy workers who are paid more than individuals who know how to work. "Anti-Scab Legislation: the Case for Balance and Fairness." Read more in the next section. You, my former brother, have now turned into the lowly yellow-tailed scab rat. American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) District Council 25 recently revealed the identities of workers who had opted out of continued union membership in the wake of Michigans enactment late in 2012 of Right to Work legislation. They don't make insults quite like that anymore. For example, if an employer wants to avoid paying higher wages for union labor, he can send his factory to another country where pay is lower and safety standards may not be the same as those in his country. Members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Local Lodge 1426, the union representing workers at the Smurfit-Stone Container Corp. plant in Sioux City, Iowa (and which struck in 2007), addressed an open letter to scabs within the local. Labor unions attempted to help with this by organizing workers, who paid dues that could be used to support them during a strike. Such campaigns may produce assaults, vandalism, and among the targets, medical problems and suicide attempts. "Workers Pay for Anti-Scab Laws." A nurse working during a strike is a continuation of essential services, not strikebreaking. Jack London, the early-20th Century fiction writer and journalist, is supposed to have said that. Answer (1 of 7): Why are non-union workers called scabs? Definition of scab scab someone who borrows things and doesn't expect to pay them back. scab synonyms, scab pronunciation, scab translation, English dictionary definition of scab. (3) : a worker who accepts employment or replaces a union worker during a strike. This anti-scab legislation should: Prohibit employers from using replacement workers for the duration of any legal strike or lockout, specifically banning the use of any employee or contracted workers to perform the duties of a bargaining unit employee; Some union members consider the employment of illegal immigrants a form of scab labor. Glenn Taubmann, a staff attorney with the Springfield, Va.-based National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, puts it this way: It comes as no surprise that unions in Right to Work states engage in all sorts of harassment and pressure tactics against independent-minded workers. Labor activists believe that striking is an effective tool, and that if the workers band together, they can achieve their goals. "Replacement Players in the Major Leagues", Schlach, Kathleen. b: a detachment stationed in camp for such a mission. Similarly, what does it mean to be called a scab? Doing this; she go's down to the Union hall later and tries to pick up a strike check. This is also known as crossing the picket line and can result in their being shunned or assaulted. The decline in unions is equal to the decline of the U.S.A. At its highest the unions represented 34-40 percent of the workforce. A union anti-scab campaign does more than simply express disapproval; it enables full-scale character assassination. The term scab is a derogatory term used to refer to people who continue to work when trade unionists go on strike action. Arguments against scab labor continue to this day. By crossing the picket line of strikers marching and holding signs for better working conditions, the strike breaker hurts the cause of the workers. Nov 16, 2011 "Scab" is considered a derogatory term (I used it here once and was roundly chastised). April 12, 2007, Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security. Learn a new word every day. Major League Baseball (MLB) players went on strike midseason in 1994 when they refused to accept a salary cap. Example: They want a 30 percent pay increase but are they outputting 30 percent more productivity? In general, people want more money and benefits, yet are not putting out any more work effort. I'm sure many of you posted this while on one of your 15 breaks throughout the day, too. "Strikes, Scabs And Tread Separations: Labor Strife And The Production Of Defective Bridgestone/Firestone Tires." It was so vile and politically and emotionally charged that it caused shame and anger. Prior to 1981, no major U.S. industry had hired permanent replacements during a strike, even though the law allowed them to do so [source: Schlach]. Anonymous that said unions are outdated and retarded. Whenever workers refuse to work in order to gain concessions, it is called a strike. No matter. Why does a Writer's Strike Affect Television Programming. (Origin: temporary replacements for workers on strike - " scab labor"). Send us feedback. The term comes from Latin scabere, to scratch, and from Old Norse for the crust that forms over a wound or sore. Actual malice means that one must have made the statement with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not. That must be shown by clear and convincing evidence. On the other hand, non-joiners, who for obvious reasons dont consent to having their names revealed, have a right not to be harassed or assaulted. Scabs is a derogatory name for union members who refuse to go out on strike or workers who are hired by businesses to replace striking workers. scab noun An incrustation over a sore, wound, vesicle, or pustule, formed during healing. However, "scab" was an old-fashioned English insult. By making themselves available for work in the event of a strike, they effectively lessen the power of the strike as a bargaining tool. Looking at the word in the context of that time, many people with veneral diseases had nasty scabs on their skin. Please copy/paste the following text to properly cite this article: Dave Roos They lived for months with a well-grounded fear of being beaten or killedand unions are no strangers to beating or killing. Keep reading to better understand the relationship between unions and scabs, to hear about some of the most famous scab conflicts and to find out if there's actually a positive side to scab labor. Last edited on May 17 2011. The term "scab" was first used in the 13th century to mean a nasty, itchy skin disease or the crust that forms on a wound.By 1806, the word "scab" arrived at its current meaning -- a strikebreaker who willingly crosses the picket line [source: Lexicon of Labor, Online Etymology Dictionary]. SCAB - What does SCAB stand for? For example, should nurses be able to strike? What Does Scab union Means? I totally respect the rights of workers to strike, and to want others to provide a united front, but it can't be easy for people to make the decision to cross the picket line. A successful relationship between union laborers and employers relies on a delicate balance of power. One nonunion employee, who requested anonymity for fear of union retribution, said harassment began soon after the release of the report. I am a nurse and I personally do not think that human beings (patients who are sick) should be treated like a box of cereal. and Terms of Service apply. 'What is a scab?' The formation of the breakaway Union of Democratic Mineworkers in Nottinghamshire during the 1984/5 miners strike broke the monopoly of the National Union of Mineworkers.. On the night of July 5, 1892, barges carrying hundreds of armed Pinkerton detectives floated up the river toward the Homestead plant. In 2007, a striking teacher was forced to shut down a Web site where he posted photos of teachers who crossed the picket line, implying that strikebreakers would pay for their actions [source: Noceda]. Imagine a factory in rural Michigan. Does a yellow scab mean healing? Last week, readers@amyh914 and @johnjaramillo13 were wondering about the origins of scab as an insult for people who cross picket lines. Consider the behavior of the United Auto Workers during a pair of strikes against Caterpillar Inc. during the 1990s. Obama Administration policies are now helping unions in their witch hunts for scabs. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), as Diana Furchtgott-Roth reported in the February 2015 Labor Watch, is assisting the Administrations friends in unions by issuing a new regulation that will force companies that face union elections to turn over workers contact information, such as home phone numbers and e-mail addresses, to labor organizers, who will then be able to threaten the employees with ostracism if they dont do as theyre told. You get the pay you deserve. National Football League (NFL) players went on strike in 1987 when owners refused to loosen free agency rules in their contracts. Meaning of the word scab union. Andrew Carnegie never recovered from the tragic events at Homestead, saying later, "but the false step was made in trying to run the Homestead Works with new men. Can you feel the noose tightening? Flag. Every company has one! Some of the many causes of chronic (ongoing) skin wounds can include trauma, burns, skin cancers, infection or underlying medical conditions such as diabetes. "Herrin." We believe every The Free Dictionary. For lots more information on scabs, strikes and unions, follow the links on the next page. To what extremes do unions go to discourage non-joining workers? . By 1806, the word "scab" arrived at its current meaning -- a strikebreaker who willingly crosses the picket line [source: Lexicon of Labor, Online Etymology Dictionary]. 2. What does it mean if a scab doesn't go away? Scab lists enable the creation of such duress. The lesson: Scabs make strikes ineffective. These early strikes were often brutally put down, and workers had a choice between going back to work and starving. MN-Nurse, ASN, RN The rest of the season, including the World Series, was canceled. Mary has a liberal arts degree from Goddard College and Also, What does the word picket means? In 18th Century England, laborers used it to denounce their peers who were unwilling to join a strike. February, 2003. Brawny men would cruise up and down streets where known picket line-crossers lived, honking their horns, staring at family members, making violent gestures and yelling threats. He stated: Ive had more trouble with the union than with management. Amazon Doesn't Want You to Know About This Plugin. Etymology, Synonyms, Antonyms, Rhyming Words, Sentence Examples are also available. According to an independent study, a significant number of tires produced by replacement workers at the Firestone plan in Decatur, Ill. in 1994 and 1995 were defective and had potentially deadly tread separations. The term "scab" was first used in the 13th century to mean a nasty, itchy skin disease or the crust that forms on a wound. For three weeks, the owners fielded scab players who earned $4,000 a game. There are few people who inspire as much controversy as the labor scab -- a union worker who returns to the job without permission from the union, or a nonunion employee who needs the work and is willing to put up with taunts, threats and even violence from strikers. Advertise here for $5/day scab Reagan's decision was a huge blow to the power of unions. Would it not make sense, therefore, to treat the dissemination of such lists as punishable insofar as they facilitate terroristic threats or behavior. Workers Have a Fundamental Right to Accept Any Employment Terms They Wish. "Scab" used to be thrown into conversation like a bomb. It is of more than passing significance that a key organizer of those Caterpillar strikes, Dennis Williams, last June became UAW general president after having served as secretary-treasurer. Who continue to work before a strike has ended job security, they can achieve their goals jelly and.... Examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors strikes against Caterpillar Inc. during the.! Links on the next page protection for union workers & id=68 & Itemid=106, Britannica... Blow to the decline in unions is equal to the deep resentment that some strikers toward! Productivity equation. `` way to maintain that balance $ 4,000 a game a. This i will never come back to work in order to gain concessions, it is called a scab corkscrew... Blow to the decline in unions is equal to the power of unions when they refused to any... 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