I believe hes a great person, a passionate researcher, and an impactful presenter. Since 1999, ExRx.net has been a resource for exercise professionals, coaches, and fitness enthusiasts; featuring comprehensive exercise libraries (over 1900 exercises), reference articles, fitness assessment calculators, and other useful tools.. ExRx.net has been endorsed by many certifying organizations, government agencies, medical groups, and universities. Weighted Situps. Well, mostly because a steady diet of three leg exercises doesnt seem like a lot of variety. Heres an example of a T-spine mobility drill (courtesy of Eric Cressey) but I recommend that you read up on the topic as there are plenty of good drills that also incorporate thoracic rotation, thoracic extension and rotation, thoracic rotation and lateral flexion, etc. It simply implies that the damage is not in a place where it hurts. Weighted Pillow. Over time you will be able to demonstrate excellent form but it takes consistency! I really appreciate the response. Im doing most of those, just not often enough. That was a much, much longer post than I originally intended. This is why our list of glute ham raise alternative exercises covers all of these areas. Thanks topowerful PR campaigns the deadlift appears as something otherworldly when in reality its just an exercise. I believe that once you achieve good hip mobility, core stability, and glute activation, its hard to lose if you keep training wisely. Great cue as well! FREE . Great to hear someone else say this have something very similar lined up for my blog next week! Ive heard the pig spine argument (horizontal vs. vertical loading) and I side with McGill on itI dont think it matters too muchwhat matters is that the structure and size are almost identical. This makes it a perfect movement for keeping the knee healthy and covering all your bases. Its never unwise to hammer the posterior-chain which is often a weak link among lifters and athletes [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_bMeu-ciT0&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&border=1]. Last, Im okay with SLDLs but theres no reason why regular deads and trap bar deads cant be worked into a program and if he believes that squats were giving him spinal arthritis why wouldnt SLDLs also give him spinal arthritis? Vidar Roman Chair Back Extension Bench Adjustable Hyperextension Bench - Hamstring Back Exercise. What I get from this article is that when performed correctly If its later, where were you in respect to your previous deadlift working weight when you hurt your back? If I look at your list of things you do, you must be successful in prevention and I think it agrees with current research and clinical wisdom from Janda, Sahmann and the likes. Poor technique will sabotage your results or provide inferior results. Chris you are one smart son of a b#%*!. 9.5: A+ : Buy on Amazon: 2: Stamina Hyperextension Bench Roman Chair Back Extension Machine w/ Smart Workout App - Adjustable. Some sprint coaches love them too for their transfer to sprinting. 6. If you cant teach an exercise correct, then dont prescribe until you do. Whats not to love? You are using an out of date browser. At Hug Sleep, we have created a perfect travel alternative to the weighted blanket: the Sleep Pod. Assistance: 2 sets of weighted hypers and 4 sets of weighted sit-ups. Anteroposterior movements like back extensions and reverse hypers are not quite as dangerous as you get shear forces plus flexion which in my opinion isnt as bad (although Im sure Stuart McGill and other back experts would take issue with this statement). If you are looking for a durable reverse hyperextension machine, Titan has the product for you. I have to respectfully disagree that the examples of people that do sit-ups proofs anything, because most important component in the quality of the disc is genetic (Batti MC 2009). The. I can see how sitting would shorten the hip flexors but not the erector spinae. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." One less piece of equipment you need and all the conveniences of a barbell. Weighted hyperextensions are rarely seen in the gym due to four reasons. Experiment and figure it out for yourself! When you hold onto the handles in the case of the reverse hyper, you activate the forearms and lats and transfer energy from the hands down through the arms, back, and core. I had a great talk with a physiology professor at ASU who knows of Dr. McGills work and thinks differently about the issue. If you doubt me, I recommend palpating someones erector spinae all the way up and down the spinal column to see how hard theyre contracting during the lift. Is it weak glutes? Barbell Rows. Hes also done 111,000 sit ups in 24 hours. I hope I dont seem too harsh, but one thing I love about having a blog is that I can rant and rave and try to positively impact lifters perceptions. I could go on and on about his arguments, but Ill try to focus on a few main points: 1) Back extensions are not back extensions; they are hip extensions. But in sports we combine several joint actions at once and usually move our upper and lower bodies simultaneously. 4) Pick one or two abdominal/core movements. Anecdotal evidence seems to support the notion. It really comes down to the persons needs not the exercises. Brutal exercise for spinal erectors, glutes, and hams depending on where you position the pad. and train with 176 lbs(80 kilo). and receive myFREE Lower BodyProgressions eBook! how to upgrade globalprotect client; russian population in philadelphia; breakaway chords with capo; susan clarke obituary; train from boston to charleston, sc There may bebut its far more than his research suggests for many individuals. Brett, this post couldnt have come at a better time. Clearly something is going on physiologically to create this circumstance, whether its fluid being pumped into the discs, increased blood flow, traction, etc. Like were all so stupid that we cant tell the difference. Ive read his books and his journal articles and am very impressed by his intelligence. I would throw in some McKenzie, Mulligan and Sahrmann in the mix, but I do rehab also. These help you to build the strength you need for a, Set up with the pad just on the bottom of your hips, so you can hinge fully to 90-degrees in the hip, Keeping your core tight and feet pressed into the footplate, lower yourself all the way down, Press your hips into the pad and extend the hips to straighten your body holding for a 2-count, Lower yourself down under control to end the rep in the starting position, Hook your feet under a stable object and kneel on a cushioned or soft surface, Start kneeling, with your core and hips active and stable keeping a straight line from head to knee, Lower yourself forwards, opening the knee joint until you reach the floor / a straight head-foot position, Keeping the hips open, close the knee joint and use the hamstrings to pull yourself up to the starting position, These are very difficult, however, so you should start with an assisted Nordic curl. This is an oft ignored aspect of programming. Many individuals have witnessed their back pain disappear once they started performing back extensions and reverse hypers. understanding c programming. Bean bags will work quite a lot like a weighted blanket. The posterior chain is the group of muscles including the back, buttocks, and hamstrings. In the clip below, I perform a heavy set of reverse hypers while allowing the sacrum to rotate. Second, you cant lift a lot of weight. These are important since the glutes stabilize the spine so more strength keeps the lower back safe and healthy. Yet some lifters like Vince Anello felt that the negative accentuated dl was his best deadlift-assistance exercise. In fact, I cant think of one strong deadlifter who has never aggravated his or her low back at some point from heavy deadlifting. Do you think that you have already answered my question in your article? Exactly my point. While I appreciate the logic behind these folks arguments, I am still a big supporter of these lifts. 5. Personally, I think they are good for both strengthening and recovery. Lean: Which Physique Is Better? Weighted hangs. Deadlifts. In this article Im going to roll through some of the arguments in favor of and against back extensions and reverse hypers. In glute ham raises, your feet stay still while your . Personally, I find that the longer I can hold the position the better my back feels and I have L4/L5 S1 disc herniation. The 45-degree back extension, sometimes called the hyper-extension, is a Romanian deadlift alternative that can be easily modified to isolate more of the glutes or lower back depending on what you want to target. - Samuel Adams. I am currently trying to increase my squat and dl poundage. If an exercise increases shear 20%, but still in the safety range and it increases performance 5% more than any other known exercise, it may well be worth the price. Its also worth mentioning that I met this chiropractor in the gym, and his leg workouts consisted entirely of leg pressing (dude could press well over a grand for reps), leg curls, and SLDLs. You believe what you choose and I'll believe what I know. I like sl sit ups for two important reasons: 1) Their hip flexor strengthening effects. 4) Rounded back extensions can be performed sporadically (like once every 2-4 weeks). Heres another way to think about it: Stronger deadlifts equal faster sprints. Somewhere 20 to 36 percent of asymptomatic population has a hernia (Boden SD 1990). Tricep Extention. I have fully read all his books and his newer materials. Reverse hypers are therapeutic for the low back. Thank you for your reply. And I actually believe that the comment about folks who do sit ups (and back extensions incorrectly) does strengthen my argument because there are so many of them who never have back problems, perhaps on one hand they are hurting their discs by all the flexion and extension but on the other hand they are strengthening the glutes, erectors, abs, obliques, etc. Would I be best to just train my erector isometrically for endurance anyways, since the goal during a squat is to maintain erect? If I prescribe straight leg sit ups and hanging leg raises, have them move at the hips and t-spine, not the low back (must be very advanced to do thisit can be done just not in the traditional manner) Okay, so bad form was probably the main contributing factor Im seeing a (qualified!) Static stretching isolates muscles. 8. There are really 2 movement patterns you need to train when replacing the glute-ham raise. Since the glutes contract very hard at the top of these movements at end-range hip extension, they may help add much needed power to that range of motion during athletics. I hate the inability to edit comments! Anyone with any weightroom experience knows that deadlifts involve much higher incidents of acute injuries. I suggest working really hard on planks, bodysaws, ab wheel rollouts, side planks, suitcase carries, Pallof presses, landmines, cable chops, and cable lifts for a couple of months. Form matters tremendously! Stacks of Blankets (can also use towels) Stack em' up. 99 $79.99 $79.99. Barbell Good Morning. After a few months, I was doing 122lbs/55kg for 12-15 reps at the skinny bodyweight of 150lbs/69kg. Anyway, what Im getting here is that, regardless of the applicability of back/hip extensions to the lifting programs of your average largely-sedentary middle-aged office workers, strengthening the spinal erectors, in conjunction with the rest of the posterior chain, seems a lot more useful for someone whos squatting and deadlifting on a regular basis. Poor back endurance? Pull the weight to the top, and then descend normally until the bar is just below the knees; when you reach this point, quickly reverse the weight. Some have performed over 1 million flexion cycles which is 5,555% more cycles than in McGills research yet they still dont have herniations. Im not trying to be rude, just speaking my mind. Therefore, having a fixed gaze will improve your balance. 270,380,190. Its our job as professionals to teach our clients and athletes how to perform lifts properly. I love using them both in my own training as well as clients. Thanks! It reminded me of something Rooney or Tumminello would say. These are the same muscles as the glute-ham raise, but all you need is a free weight. Squats isolate double extension. What if an athlete has weak hamstrings? 3) Pick one or two posterior chain movements 2) The way Smitty described in his video Personally I am recovering from a bulging disc and working back to major lifts but I have always found these accessory exercises necessary for posterior chain work. The GHD reverse hyperextension exercise can be done using a glute ham developer (GHD) apparatus. In fact Id go with RDLs before conventional ones if I wanted to focus on an eccentric. celebrity beyond magic carpet menu; ninja sport bike for sale; hamilton beach electric grill manual. 8. As far as summarizing my points, you nailed it! You can perform bodyweight leg curls on a swiss ball, on sliders, or with resistance bands. Any exercise is wrong, if performed incorrectly, 3. Quad-dominance? I will not cave until I am completely convinced that I should change something, and there are certain trends in the industry that leave me unconvinced at the moment. Also, I suggest a general warm-up consisting of foam rolling, static stretches, and mobility/activation drills. Deadlifts and especially trap bar deadlifts are a safer hip dominant lift. If you apply this same amount of coaching to other lifts they will get it. These lifts have impressive levels of hamstring and glute EMG activity In fact I think the latter two may have more, since on deadlifts the eccentric is more about staying tight and getting the bar back to the floor than it is about actively trying to fight the weight on the way down. Conventional Deadlift Alternatives The Sumo Deadlift. It took me years to build up the courage to start blogging, etc. He was a big fan of rounded back good mornings, and wanted to have his athletes work up to 8-10 reps with about 50% of the weight they were squatting. 7. An exercise that combines them in a similar way is usually going to be preferable. These would be ideal if you were in need of a weighted blanket that weighed 20 pounds. I am a strength and conditioning specialist in the Milwaukee area and I completely agree with you on the use of reverse hypers and back extensions. If you thing this is a low back exercise, youre doing it wrong, see point 3, 3. How many muscle constructors are willing to give up arm training because they have bad elbows? Get into anatomy, into biomechanics, functional training, read book from some gluteguy, learn, ask instead of judging. Start with bodyweight if you've never done them and gradually work to where you are holding a plate against your chest with your arms crossed. This reverse hyperextension variation is done with a table (can also be done with a bench or box). It is a huge myth that these exercises lead to a disproportionate amount of erector spinae contribution. Madcow might not agree since if you're strong you can do GM's with a good deal of weight that might cut into DL recovery, or recovery in general. 3) The glutes fire very hard in both back extensions and reverse hypers. More on that later. Obviously. If you train at home with a simple barbell home gym, good mornings are a good barbell alternative to reverse hypers, back raises, and even glute-ham raises. Hypers - normal and 45 degree. Youll notice that in the Lyle McDonald article, he does discuss both. Im not always in agreement with the mainstream especially as it pertains to unsafe exercises. 5. Maybe the increased upper body growth from squats and deadlifts is simply due to the development of a strong set of erectors which allows for more weight to be lifted during upper body exercises like bent over rows, t-bar rows, bent over rear delt raises, and barbell curls. But thats a WHOLE different can of worms! All well and good, for athletes. 20-Dec-2005, 10:58 AM #5. 6. They just drop it under control. I know of some Oly lifters who say, We dont lower weights, we lift weights.. They start sitting back when they squat or sit down in a chair. Every lifter that has been training for a while has experienced that day where he locks into to pull his 5-rep work set, but instead the barbell just sticks to the floor. Chris Johnson (http://chrisjohnsonpt.tumblr.com ) a great PT here in NYC brought up a great point about the empty can movement and how everyone jumped on board because Dr. Jobe recommended the empty can movement for isolation of the supraspinatus, although it seems he never stated isolation in his research. You are essentially doing the equivalent of biceps curls for the lower back. Ive heard of Olympic weightlifters who do weighted hyperextensions after every training session, but they are most likely sticking with thesame weight (no progression) for a really long time and injecting steroids in their obese glutes. Bean Bags. Genetics? instead of: to never let people think. Bret, These lifts have impressive levels of hamstring and glute EMG activity. So heres a general template that I like for lower body training: 1) Pick a squat or unilateral squat pattern Sports Science Topics & Research Guest Articles, Peer-Reviewed Articles (Journal Publications), Coaching, Personal Training, Programming, & Nutrition Topics, Coaching, Personal Training, Programming, & Nutrition Guest Articles, http://www.precisionnutrition.com/protein-limit, http://www.yourchiropractor.net/discussion-7.htm, http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/training/back-extension-technique.html. . This exercise is are all about the hamstring. There are many folks that perform crunches, sit ups, and back extensions their entire lives and never experience back pain. Wow, thanks Brett! 3. As of now, I am following the foam rolling / warm-up protocol in Eric Cresseys Starting Strength program. 7. sits on the editoral board f Spine Journal and not yourself? Im still going to stay away from the extreme spine extension movements , however. Especially for beginners, who may not have the body awareness to execute a Deadlift or Good Morning. I just skimmed over the article without reading it carefully because I was immediately annoyed. 5. For example, maybe youre fine with high box squats or trap bar dls but cant do full squats or snatch grip deadlifts. I should mention that the two videos below showcase subtle technique alterations from standard form that increase gluteal contribution and decrease erector contribution: As you can see, my low back doesnt flex or extend even when holding onto a 100 lb dumbbell and draping a miniband around my neck which probably offers another 50 lbs of resistance to the top of the lift. Some of our top picks for the best reverse hyperextension machines include: 1. And the protein limit that Dr. Berardi talk about here- This means that we may be wrong about squats and deadlifts causing upper-body growth due to increased testosterone release. Any exercise has a price and a performance. Pretty shocking, until you see how the study was designed. What do you think about deliberately rounding on the 45 degree back extention to build and pump blood into the spinal erectors? EMG studies show it actually has similar activation for the chest as a regular push up as well. Also for the record, I can pick out about half of the factors you mention contributing to my back-tweaking. You can also perform this exercise with a . One without the others doesnt adequately do the job. (Topic#16066) br d Total Posts: 253: Seems like lower back shouldnt be touched. Then,. funny enuf i was jsut about to ask theee same question, lucky i found thisi work out at home so id love to get an answer to this since i dont have access to a hyper station. Strengthening the posterior chain in general may increase squat and deadlift strength in addition to staving off low back pain and injury. Weighted hyperextensions are rarely seen in the gym due to four reasons. Thanks Bret! Ive kept them out for the last year or so; I also tweaked my back sumo deadlifting a few months ago, and I cant help but wonder what role a weak lower back might have played in that. Make sure that during the core stabilization exercises you keep your lumbar spine in neutral, and work hard on them so you really improve your core stability. I have so many friends that have done millions of crunchesliterally millions, so McGills numbers are laughable in the world of statistics. Since it's just an assist exercise I tought I'd just do some good mornings instead. I heard a crack in the lower back at 270lbs. Anything that strengthens the posterior chain might lead to less low back pain and injury. Thats one that probably deserves to be on the scrap heap, regardless of who uses it, excels, and hasnt blown a disc yet. Ill tell you what it tells me: 1) Clearly we dont have a fixed number of flexion-extension cycles Its great to get 2 benefits from a single movement. Taking a study waaay too literally and not contemplating the practical application and repercussions. Therefore, reverse hypers equal faster sprints. Perhaps as a consequence of initially being introduced to reverse hypers on a machine with the rollers and not a strap, I had always performed them very strictly, starting each rep from a deadstop, and even trying to hold for a brief pause in the contracted position. The other reason for pain has to do with inflammation and whether nerves actually grow into the nucleus (Freemont AJ 1997). They require adequate levels of hamstring flexibility, anti-flexion core stability, hip flexor flexibility, and glute activation If someone is inflammation prone, you could even end up sooner with symptoms. If you aren't able to get the ability to use a plate, you can utilize . You can add as much weight as you want, over time, which makes the RDL appropriate whatever your strength level right now. Obviously if youre limited on time, go with standing movements. Summary of Arguments in Favor of Straight Leg Hip Extension Exercises. Single arm low cable row (18/10/10/15)/reverse weighted hypers 4x25/failure Rear delt flys 4x15-20 Bicep 4 exercises=1 set Hammers/preacher bench single arm/barbell DC/cable DC 20/12/12/15 . No motion (exercise) is bad if you can control it. Get their glutes very strong My biggest problem on the squat is a leaning forward when coming out of the hole. I prescribe them infrequently (maybe every other week) to most athletes that I train The Romanian Deadlift (or RDL) is a classic strength exercise that has built champions in all kinds of sports. Congrats on being so well-versed. Its a great hinging movement that builds core strength and power/control. When you get to the top, you should pop your hips forward and squeeze the glutes. 4. You can perform bodyweight leg curls on a swiss ball, on sliders, or with, Take your seat in a machine, attach bands to your feet, or grip the dumbbell between your feet depending on your equipment, Slowly move from an extended knee to a closed knee, squeezing at the end of your hamstring range, Hold the closed position briefly, before slowly returning to the start position to end the rep, If you are struggling with glute-ham raises for, They still offer the same kind of muscular benefits, however, in the glutes, hamstrings, and back. 40 hours per week at the desk, 10 hours per week commuting, 4 hours per week in grad school class, miscellaneous other sitting that adds up to 60-70 hours/week of sitting, minimum. What deadlift-squat replacement exercise do you suggest for guys who are suffering from disc herniations? Another useful property of weighted hyperextensions is that they are less stressful on your CNS than deadlifts. You SEEM to be saying that back-rounding in this movement is a bad idea too. So what happened when you tested your ability on deadlifts? Dr. Kleins squat study- we all know what happened with that. So obviously, Ill need to make sure that my glutes are firing in every set of lower-body exercises that I perform. When done the right way they are amazing, safe exercises. Im getting this in part from my chiropractor, himself a former competitive bodybuilder: http://www.yourchiropractor.net/discussion-7.htm. Also, you will be in the same position as if you were on a hyperextension bench but the range of motion will be shorter due to the height of the flat bench vs. that of the hyperextension bench. However, weighted hyperextensions can definitely produce just as much muscle mass in the lower back area. Bear Mode Vs. In sport-specific training the isolation of joint actions is not worthwhile. (And . When we pick up plates or dumbbells off the bottom rack, we experience large shearing forces on the spine. They still offer the same kind of muscular benefits, however, in the glutes, hamstrings, and back. Note: You can make this hyperextension exercise harder by holding a weight plate at your chest. If you are struggling with glute-ham raises for strength reasons, you should try back extensions. Benefits. To simplify: keep the torso neutral, keep the feet flat, and the knees in place, while closing and opening the hips. I really took a lot from your rant on theory and the current industry. I prescribe heavy reverse hypers to all ground-based athletes that I train At any rate, I have no problem with folks who decide to abandon more traditional ab exercises like crunches, sit ups, leg raises, and side bends, and instead concentrate on performing solely stability exercises like planks, side planks, Pallof presses, ab wheel rollouts, bodysaws, chops, lifts, and suitcase carries. Hip thrusts and glute-hams target some of the same muscles. Think about how many times you coach squats and deadlifts. If Im feeling beat up (Im a powerlifter so it happens), doing a few sets of high reps makes my back feel amazing.. I am fine. Click below now to go to our downloads page. Your question, Do you want to take the risk? is a great one and heres my answer: This is what I currently do to help prevent back pain with my clients: 1. My mistake for not making that distinction earlier. If a coach is having great success with a particular lift, and it seems to be transferring over to his or her athletes sports performance without creating any perceivable harm to the athletes bodies, then why on Gods green earth would that coach abandon the exercise? Second, you can't lift a lot of weight. They tend to transfer well on sprinters, they give high EMG values on targeted muscles, 2. Find the weighted average of class grades (with equal weight) 70,70,80,80,80,90: Since the weight of all grades are equal, we can calculate these grades with simple average or we can cound how many times each grade apear and use weighted average. In addition, we'll show you how to complete the weighted hyperextension (and reverse hypers) with hyperextension benches, regular benches, the floor, the stability ball, and how to do them using bands and suspension trainers. For the record, I have no problem with a strength coach who has years of experience with these exercises and arrives at the conclusion that these lifts are not worthwhile. This blanket is stretchy, breathable, and overall just comfortable. Thrusting is less important but puts more of the focus on the glutes and core working together. The barbell good morning is perfect for long-term progression, but you can also use a sandbag or any other heavy object. I am a rare strength coach who actually likes the leg press, but only as a supplement to squat/deadlift patterns. Reverse hypers equal stronger deadlifts. 3) Most folks can hit the posterior chain twice per week but the movements need to be varied. 1. Whats your explanation? Some dont. Your email address will not be published. 4. It is built with a thickly padded bench with reinforced stitching, a strong Y-frame design . It did not bother me, because I think highly of you. Dont you try to isolate the glutes with quadruped and bridging patterns in order to increase activation and hypertrophy? Heres a video clip of Smitty from the Diesel Crew explaining how they perform their reverse hypers: As you can see, it is possible to perform reverse hypers without flexing or extending the lumbar spine as well. There arent too many rules in strength training that are set in stone. High-rep, low-weight Romanian deadlifts are a great place to start practicing the movement. Just a guy in more or less the same kind of business like you, but then in the Netherlands. The science behind his work makes perfect sense. I do, however, have a bit of a problem with rookie strength coaches who have never spent a significant amount of time with these apparatuses and simply regurgitate what theyve heard from their mentors. You are damn right! In fact, the process of holding onto the handles and adding a lot of weight to the pendulum makes the reverse hyper an excellent total body exercise. 2) Most folks can deadlift twice per week too but one of those workouts might need to be a dynamic session. I hope that Ive done a good job of trying to persuade strength coaches to being open-minded about back extensions and reverse hypers. Thank you very much Chi! With proper progression and mechanics, you can perform heavy back extensions and reverse hypers and not have to fear spinal injury, and youll even safeguard the body to prevent injuries in competition. Thank you very much for your post! Ive seen excellent results from this, but do you think that a more free style, and emphasizing the swing a bit more/turning it into more of an SSC-focused movement versus a starting strength/dead sto one is more specific to sprinting and athletics in general?

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