The third was to treat it as asound module, using alonger keyboard to play it in the way that its sounds deserve. especially compared to more modern mono-synths, but it was made to be Studio use only. They deserve to sell by the bucket-load. When Moog Music announce anew synthesizer, the Internet buckles under the weight of lust, rumour, speculation and the wish-lists of those for whom the Moog name will never evoke anything other than unquestioning loyalty. Bath Skip to main content. "The Slim Phatty represents the most cost-effective way to add the Moog sound to your studio.". It was obvious why. "Overload super-charges the filter's response and is capable of doing the most damage to your speakers.". The editor works bi-directionally meaning that if you turn aknob on-screen, it affects the sound generated by the synth in real time; and if you turn aknob on the synth, it updates the position of the representation within the editor in real time. With any conventional design, these functions would be accessed and programmed using ascreen and asimple menu system. Neat. By this time, Ihad printed out all 14 pages of Hidden Functions and pinned them to the wall alongside my work area, and Ihave to admit that Iwould have been lost without these. The Slim Phatty is a wedge-shaped, chunky desktop module which will either sit proudly upon your desktop or which can be adorned with 19-inch rack ears or even wooden end-cheeks if you're feeling posh (both available optionally and at extra cost). The Moog Slim Phatty seems to defy the laws of space and time, cramming an incredible amount of shaping ability and analog tone into a clean, efficient and hands-on package. Given that people have been playing Minimoogs through 100W Marshall heads and 4x12s for more than 40 years, it would be brave to suggest that anything has longer and sharper teeth than that! A USB cable to connect the Slim Phatty to a host computer for using USB MIDI 5. That's not aveiled criticism, and it certainly isn't aeuphemism for 'thin'; asingle Sub Phatty oscillator with atouch of PWM is apowerful beastie, especially in the lower octaves. keyboard, and the mod and pitch wheels, so what remains is a lightweight Subscribe. However, the Slim Phatty represents the most cost-effective way to add the Moog sound to your studio and rather than the 'Slim' in the title referring to the instrument's feature set, it refers to its size alone. The built-in arpeggiator also benefits, receiving its own menu to configure clock source, rate and an on/off switch to determine whether each note of an arpeggiated sequence will be sent as a separate MIDI note, among other parameters. 2 or Noise. Another pair of Hidden Parameters allow you to reset the contours to zero whenever atrigger is received, and you can set whether either or both of the contour generators are triggered by the keyboard alone, by the signal applied to the Gate In, or by both. The headphone socket is located within the output section on the control panel, but this is one area in which the Sub Phatty is inferior to its predecessors, because the Master on/off switch is no longer present. Your purchases also help protect forests, including trees traditionally used to make instruments. All the things that you need for monophonic synthesis oscillators, noise, afilter, dual contour generators and an LFO are visible and, if you compare it with avintage synth of similar form and function (say, aProdigy) you'll find that it has significantly more facilities on its front panel. All the things that you need for monophonic synthesis oscillators, noise, a filter, dual contour generators and an LFO are visible and, if you compare it with a vintage synth . The short keyboard precludes traditional synth soloing. The views expressed are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the publishers. It is a monophonic synth with two oscillators (the Voyager has three osc). News. Great care has been taken to ensure accuracy in the preparation of this article but neither Sound On Sound Limited nor the publishers can be held responsible for its contents. Each oscillator offers 16', 8', 4' and 2' settings and, in addition, Osc 1 incorporates asquare wave sub-oscillator an octave below the standard pitch, while Osc 2 offers detune of plus-or-minus seven semitones with respect to Osc1. View similar gear With its distinct sonic characteristics, acts from ABBA to Van Halen, Kraftwerk to Michael Jackson all began using the Minimoog to create legendary record. I now reprogrammed the Sub Phatty with renewed energy. Last but not least, this is also the area where you'll carry out tasks likes updating the firmware of the Slim Phatty. No endless menu scrolling. The Slim Phatty's rear panel features a USB2 port, headphone socket, audio output and audio input (on quarterinch jack sockets), CV inputs for volume, filter, pitch and gate (again on quarterinch jack sockets) and MIDI In, Out and Thru ports. If you're curious enough to delve deeper, you can consult the documentation when necessary, until you've internalised the whole layout. Having the editor to hand made almost everything about the Sub Phatty much slicker, but Istill wasn't enjoying it as much as Ithought Ishould. Item information. Packed with technique and technology we'll help you make great new music. These are arranged in two banks of four and control Attack, Decay, Sustain and Release for the amplifier and filter envelopes in turn. section which effectively acts as a classic filter 'drive' control. Isuspect that I've already answered the first question; not everybody is afully paid-up member of the widdly-widdly society. Your purchases help youth music programs get the gear they need to make music. The Arturia MiniBrute is the obvious alternative to the Sub Phatty. No hunting for patch pathways. Enter the oddly-named Slim Phatty. : (Hiphop) New instrumental This is daft, and Ihave no idea why Moog did it. Moog Slim Phatty. It might not be new, but the Moog Slim Phatty still draws gasps of admiration from musicians everywhere. System Commands: Initialise preset; Initialise global parameters; Restore factory presets; Calibrate pitch; Send current preset; Send all presets. The Librarian lies behind the editor, and is based around three columns (see screenshot elsewhere in this review). Next door to the filter, you'll find twin envelopes which offer eight buttons. Ithen selected one of the lead sounds Ihad already created and wow! On the other hand, while Ican imagine some potential users bemoaning the lack of an arpeggiator or step sequencer, that doesn't bother me abit. The Sub Phatty exhibits this attribute too, but you won't be able to take advantage of it from atwo-octave keyboard. Please check the fields highlighted in red. Indeed, it seemed to me to be markedly superior to the Little and Slim Phatties. The Little Phatty was released in 2006 as a tribute to the life and legacy of Moog Music founder and synthesizer pioneer, Bob Moog. For more detail on Midi Quest and the . The Slim Phatty's convenient size makes it an ideal voice expander for your existing gear, with two oscillators of massive Moog sound that are always just a MIDI cable away. I have listed all the Hidden Functions below. Likewise, the programming system won't bother players who are happy to hook it up to their computer to use the Hidden Functions, although it won't appeal to those who would prefer to use a more conventional, knob-per-function front-panel editing system. Further Hidden Functions offer LFO key sync, and MIDI sync ranging from one to 384 MIDI clocks per cycle. Shop by category. The Moog (notes) are controlled via the MPK25 but the filter and pitch modulation is via the CV inputs. News. Neither of these are that big of a deal. Web site designed & maintained by PB Associates & SOS. More than half of its parameters are buried in Shift Mode and Hidden Functions. It becomes even more flexible when you use the Hidden Functions fully. winter h2b extension 2022; dbx 215s graphic equalizer settings September 9, 2022 corsair valueselect ddr4 on winter h2b extension 2022 mr softee ice cream truck prices. At first sight, the Sub Phatty is a traditional analogue synth boasting a knobby control panel, a 25-note keyboard, and standard pitch-bend and modulation wheels. Happily, just before Isubmitted this review, Moog Music supplied an 'alpha' version of the forthcoming editor/librarian. . The album is now available in wide distribution to most online music stores and streaming services such as Spotify, Apple Music for your listening pleasure. In 2013 the Slim Phatty, which had a black faceplate to match the Little When Bob Moog died in 2005 he left behind a legacy of a life dedicated to the study of Electronic music and instrument design. Various Hidden Functions let you select which I/O port and channel are used, how incoming MIDI streams are merged with the data produced by the synth itself, and what data (if any) is filtered from the output. This was not just a subjective judgment; there are many objective reasons why this should be so. You may login with either your assigned username or your e-mail address. Ihope others find it similarly convenient once they've gotten used to it. I'm not sure that Ifully accept this. In addition to shaping the sound of its on-board oscillators, the Slim Phatty's filter is a valuable production tool that can be used to process external audio, sweetening . It is considered to be an entry-level synthesizer in the Moog family. There was a problem. The Little and Slim Icreated responsive, velocity-sensitive patches, and others based on the self-oscillating filter (which can track the keyboard perfectly), gently overdriving the amplifier to create adifferent range of timbres. Not quite knob-per-function, but nevertheless very Saving patches is trivial: just press and hold one Bank button and one Patch button for asecond or two. Little Phatty TE #1023 Schrittmacher Walking Stick ribbon Korg microXL/Electribe MX/KaossPro Sonnus G2M MF-101 Filter MF-102 Ring MF-103 Phaser MF-104Z Delay MF-105 MuRF MF-107 FreqBox MF-108M Cluster Etherwave Posts about (Modulate This) written by Modulate This! The LED around the Modulation's dial either displays LFO rate or the Amount your chosen source is routed into its destination and again, while this might sound fiddly, it works well in practice. As for the sound, it's exactly the big, thick oscillators and the rich November 24, 2016 5 Comments. Then there's the Filter Envelope Keyboard Amount, which allows you to quicken the contours' responses as you play up the keyboard, thus imitating acoustic instruments. A new Tuning Scale feature and editor allows easy exploration of alternate scales and tunings. This is avery simple patch, but few other synths deliver it the way that aMoog does. He has stated that, "We set out to design the grittiest Moog synth ever, one that still offers all of the great sound and flexibility that Moog synthesizers are known for, but that also really has teeth. I'm not sure that he meant to imply that no previous Moog synthesizer "has teeth. It's not aparticularly elegant system, but one of Moog's engineers explained it to me as follows: "People may wonder about the relative profusion of page 2 functions, versus the absence of panel labels for them. So let's find out if it does. PRS and Fender dominate the top-selling electric guitars on Reverb in 2022, Donner goes big on value with its new Arena2000 guitar multi-effects pedal, Don't miss the latest deals, news, reviews, features and tutorials. It's not limited to bass synth duties and, although many functions (too many, in my view) lie beneath the control panel, it's still more 'hands-on' than its predecessors. Fatboy slim The Slim Phatty is a wedge-shaped, chunky desktop module which will either sit proudly upon your desktop or which can be adorned with 19-inch rack ears or even wooden end-cheeks if you're feeling posh (both available optionally and at extra cost). Just as this review was being written, Slim Phatty firmware update version 3.03 was announced and delivered. To reflect our commitment, we updated our terms and conditions. We understand the importance of online privacy and are committed to complying with the EU General Data Protection Regulation. Overview. The Slim Phatty is the ergonomic embodiment of the best Moog has produced, with a strong bass focus and enough storable presets to make any player happy. German WWII Army Felt Pith Helmet Size 56 $295 SOLD: This is the later war version. The instruments are made from samples of the Moog Slim Phatty and showcase a wide variety of sounds - from pads, basses, to leads. Read More 14 Free Ableton Live Instruments. So, for example, if you want to change the filter slope, you have to press Bank 4 and Activate to enter Shift Mode, followed by Bank 2 and Patch 1 to access the appropriate parameter, and then the lowest C, C#, D or D# keys to choose one of the four options. It might not be new, but the Moog Slim Phatty still draws gasps of admiration from musicians everywhere. Unfortunately, there's only asingle LFO, which precludes patches that, for example, combine gentle PWM with conventional tremolo or vibrato. Will the Sub Phatty add to the Moog legend, or will it join the list of "nearly but not quite synths that bespeckle the company's history? Plug-in versions are also in development, which means that DAW automation will also be available in the not far distant future. if you have Moog Slim Phatty or Moog Little Phatty and you want to connect external instrument to it this tutorial is for you. Thx.\r\rSupporting post : 31 knobs and 13 switches give you direct, immediate control. i finally got a Moog Slim Phatty (Little Phatty rack) after having no real analog synth for 6 years. Mod Destination: Pitch, Osc. Iexperimented with filter slopes to extract tones reminiscent of early Japanese synths. by jpromano78 Wed Feb 23, 2011 6:02 pm. Later The Sub Phatty passed that test with flying colours, so Imoved on to other standard sounds such as flutes, basses, and solo leads. 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I learned some of these tricks about a year ago - once thinking CV was far out and not so easy to gain control of - wrong.\r\rThe modulation of the SF can be controlled with amazing accuracy and synchronization using an application like Ableton. Watch this item Unwatch. A NonLinear Educating Company . Waveform selector is continuously variable between waveforms (tri, saw, square, pulse) and there is oscillator-sync. Hidden Functions allow you to add aDelay before the Attack of each contour, and aHold between the Attack and Decay stages, thus turning each contour generator into asix-stage DAHDSR device, but these stages work only in the (also hidden) looping mode, which draws its inspiration from EMS's Trapezoid Generator. 25 semi-weighted keys; 100% analog signal path. By continuing to use Reverb, you agree to these updates, and to our cookie policy. Below is a small sampling of Midi Quest features. So, double-check this setting. The Slim Phatty is a little under 400 cheaper than the Little Phatty, it features the same sound engine and is currently using an operating system which actually surpasses the capabilities of its big brother in some respects. BA1 1UA. We were playing instruments with the same underlying architecture in the early 1970s. Yes, you lose the keyboard, the pitch and mod wheels and, for some, the panel might seem a little crowded now that it's been compressed down to a unit just 17-inches wide. Learn More. Control panel is, understandably, more cluttered than that of its bigger brother. It soon became clear that things weren't sounding as they should, and Iquickly tracked this down to the settings contained within the Page 2 parameters and the Hidden Functions. USB MIDI compatibility. Nevertheless, it's anovel approach, and it could work. Moog Slim Phatty Discontinued. Give it the root note and it's going to do the rest. All images, audio, downloadable media, logos and registered trademarks are property of their respective owners. The album is a perfect addition for you Halloween playlist. Shop by category. It was created in 1970 by Moog Music, and it was the first synthesizer to use voltage control. If you find yourself going down ablind alley (sound-wise), you can initialise the current preset using another Hidden Function or, if things are going particularly badly, you can reload the factory sounds. Moog Slim Phatty Analog Synthesizer Module Features at a Glance: Moog's most portable and affordable analog synth to date Based on the architecture of the world-famous Moog Little Phatty 2 x oscillators 1 x arpeggiator 2 x ADSR envelope generators 4 waveform LFO (MIDI clock sync and tap tempo compatible) Moog Sub Phatty 25-Key Analog Synthesizer w Gig Bag. WIN! Grand Prize: Moog Sub Phatty & Two Passes to Moogfest 2014 2nd Place: Moog Slim Phatty & Two Passes to Moogfest 2014 metallic-white Sub Phatty. Despite being developed and tested on OS 10.7.5, it ran without problems under OS 10.6.8. But neither of these alternatives sounds like aMoog and, for many players, that may outweigh all other considerations. There are also four analogue control inputs. The colors are very vibrant. So what of today's offering? For those who were excited to see a new synth engine from Moog in 2011, Lakeside Audio releases Isola Pro FX 3.1 VST plugin - audio stem separation in REAL TIME! No endless menu scrolling. LFO with triangle, square, sawtooth, ramp. Little Phatty but in a rack-mountable The very Last Hilfsmittel Bob worked on before his untimely death was the slim phatty portable Little Phatty which features a three-octave Keyboard, a classic Moog analogue Symbol path and a healthy smattering of 21st Century refinements, including Universal serial bus compatibility and MIDI control messages transmitted from its front-panel dials. Hard sync of Osc 2 by Osc 1 is also provided, and you can use the filter envelope to sweep Osc 2's pitch for the usual range of aggressive sync sounds. Eigenharpist Geert Bevin let us know about this tutorial, which looks at using an Eigenharp Pico to control a Moog Slim Phatty via . The Slim Phatty's convenient size makes it an ideal voice expander for your existing gear, with two oscillators of massive Moog sound that are always just a MIDI cable away. Mo Volans digs into this modern classic by Moog to find. So where does it fit into the synthesizer universe? After the oscillator section you'll find the same classic 24dB-per-octave low-pass filter which features on the Little Phatty. The first module deals with the oscillators with a shared waveform dial accessible by each of the two oscillators in turn. The Sub Phatty isn't aground-breaking synthesizer. You can display, edit, tweak, organize, audition, archive and manage your Slim Phatty from the focal point of your studio.

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