Battin's argument about the difficulty of ascertaining the precise nature of a case before acting paternalistically raises the important point of whether a person's motives and intentions should be determined in all cases before paternalistic intervention. This dichotomous view of autonomy is taken up by Reference NysNys (2008) in an article that takes a public health perspective on paternalism. Ethical perspectives on suicide and suicide prevention,, Reference Schmidtke, Hfner, Diekstra, Maris, Platt and Brill, Reference Beauchamp, Regan, Beauchamp and Callicott, Reference Barraclough, Bunch, Nelson and Sainsbury, Incapacity legislation has been recently discussed in Advances in, Interface between the Mental Health Act and Mental Capacity Act: deprivation of liberty safeguards, For a related discussion in Advances, see, Mental capacity assessment and best interests decision-making in clinical practice: a case illustration, Safety First: Five-Year Report of the National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Homicide by People with Mental Illness, A hundred cases of suicide: clinical aspects, The Death Debate: Ethical Issues in Suicide, Matters of Life and Death: New Introductory Essays in Moral Philosophy, Aiming to Kill: The Ethics of Suicide and Euthanasia, Psychological autopsy studies of suicide: a systematic review, Article 3 of the Human Rights Act 1998: implications for clinical practice, National Suicide Prevention Strategy for England, Effects of a drug overdose in a television drama on presentations to hospital for self poisoning: time series and questionnaire study, Of the Standard of Taste and Other Essays, The Kurt Cobain suicide crisis: perspectives from research, public health, and the news media, Lifetime and 12 month prevalence of DSM-III-R psychiatric disorders in the United States: results from the National Comorbidity Survey, The Reporting of Mental Health and Suicide by the Media: A Practical Guide for Journalists, Jan Palach the student whose self-immolation still haunts Czechs today, Public attitudes towards and effects of the mass media on suicidal and deliberate self-harm behaviour, Suicide and its Prevention: The Role of Attitude and Imitation, Equality, justice and paternalism: re-centering debate about physician assisted suicide, Social correlates of suicide by age: media impacts, Life Span Perspectives of Suicide: Time-Lines in the Suicide Process. 0000005573 00000 n People are different when it comes to upholding international ethics. This business setting involves business ethics and social responsibility. June 2021. Reference Beauchamp, Regan, Beauchamp and CallicottBeauchamp (1993) explains that Mill viewed any form of exercising power over a person, other than to prevent harm to others, as wrong. Anitha, C.; Harsha, T. S. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, v14 n1 p193-201 Jan 2013. This perspective may have helped them view the scenarios more completely, and be sensitive the possible range of actions they might have taken . Drucker advocated prudence ethics. In keeping with its stress on interdisciplinarity, Ethical Perspectives is also interested in publishing ethical reflection on the pedagogy of ethics at university and other levels of higher-education. In a consideration of the debate regarding physician-assisted suicide, Reference SneddonSneddon (2006) differentiates between shallow and deep autonomy. Striving after interdisciplinary collaboration among ethicists and specialists from diverse sciences, Ethical Perspectives is primarily an international forum for the promotion of dialogue between fundamental and applied ethics. Different people have various understandings of business ethics and social responsibilities. However, in these cases indefinite detention would be widely accepted as morally indefensible. Ethical Perspectives: Aim & Scope. Articles in the journal present new theories, apply theory to contemporary moral issues, and focus on historical works that have . Reference Beauchamp, Regan, Beauchamp and CallicottBeauchamp (1993) concludes that paternalism applies only to autonomous individuals. Therefore, it is vital to argue out that the moral standing of a business enterprise is not only to make monetary profits but also to lay down some rules and procedures that may make customers remain loyal to products being offered at any given time. In other words, had the nurses in these cases recognized that their patients were at risk, they may have been more likely to intervene or take proactive measures. If they are not able to communicate with healthcare professionals, they may be unable to access and receive appropriate care. The international code of ethics is to guide leaders on setting the right examples in leadership. xref doi: 10.1111/japp.12137. [2] Ethical Perspectives is a peer-reviewed international academic journal published four times a year by the Centre for Ethics of the KU Leuven and Peeters Publishers. To be ethical or not to be: An international code of ethics for leadership. However, the major issue in virtually all arguments is that business leaders should exercise ethical business practices. Muhammad (1993). Reference Barraclough, Bunch, Nelson and SainsburyBarraclough (1974) conducted one of the first studies to demonstrate this high prevalence of psychiatric illness, showing that in 93 of the 100 suicides studied the individuals had a diagnosed mental disorder: 70% had depression and 15% had alcohol dependence. People have different perspectives on being right or wrong. In this article we examine the moral and ethical implications of genetic testing and potential discrimination from perspectives that are dominant in the US healthcare system. Stakeholder value is a broad concept and implies that a company has responsibilities and commitments to many different internal and external stakeholders in the marketplace and society, not only . A woman attempted suicide by taking an overdose after a relationship ended. Business ethics is tied to the western tradition of operations. Ethical Perspectives is an academic journal. The author attempts to correlate ethics and morality. The effect has been shown to apply to both fictional stories and non-fictional media reports (Reference Stack and LeenaarsStack 1991; Reference Hawton, Simkin and DeeksHawton 1999). 1, pp. 0000001678 00000 n Business ethics involve theories on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), social contracts, and organizational justice. Ethics is an inseparable part of social media. As already mentioned, different people have different understandings of business ethics and social responsibilities. The journal publishes majorly in the area(s): Nursing ethics & Economic Justice. Public administration ethics focus on constitutional theory, citizenship, social equity, virtue, and public interest. Baseball stars Ken Caminiti and Jose Canseco have admitted to taking . Conley Contest Winners; From the Editor May 2013 Ethical Perspectives on Pain. I support the virtue ethics, as it supports the act of improving oneself. Ethical leadership dictates the behaviors, actions, and relationships among people. 0000060454 00000 n Yakeley, Jessica . This shows that short-term paternalistic intervention for a second time may be justified with a rational, autonomous individual, even though there is no duty to others or known ambivalence or mental illness, but where it is possible that the person's state of mind has changed. 0000001375 00000 n It is published by Peeters Publishers. Using sensitive terminology is recommended, as is avoiding describing a completed suicide as successful. Brenkert, George G. 1998. Drucker had various viewpoints regarding leadership and leaders. Most importantly, these are applicable in the administration of organizational finances and the provision of confidentiality. is a prominent perspective on ethics, one that is well aligned with economics and the free-market outlook that has come to dominate much current thinking about business, management, and economics. This is a moral responsibility that posits that the behavior of a person in a particular environment should be right. e long-term paternalistic suicide prevention with autonomous individuals is considered morally impermissible. Journal of Diversity Management, 5(1), 31-35. . COPE, or the Committee on Publication Ethics (2017) maintains a code of conduct for editors and publishers of peer reviewed journals to promote research publication integrity. The Israelites were forbidden to do some things while they were permitted to do others. . For a related discussion in Advances, see Biswas AB, Hiremath A (2010) Mental capacity assessment and best interests decision-making in clinical practice: a case illustration. Friedman, M. (1970). Alahmad, A. Independence and personal freedom are clearly important rights that society must aim to preserve. The principle of respect for human life posits that life has an intrinsic value that is deserving of respect (Reference Beauchamp, Regan, Beauchamp and CallicottBeauchamp 1993: p. 85). However, the article notes that the term responsibility has not been practiced highly by organizations in the world. In Perspectives in business ethics, edited by L. P. Hartman, 229-238. New York: Taylor & Francis Group. The theological position relates to the principle of respect for life: for Christians, God is viewed as creator and so taking one's life is disrespectful towards God (Reference Baelz, Battin and MayoBaelz 1980). It may be regrettable to thwart the suicide attempts of the (likely) minority who are genuinely rational, autonomous and non-ambivalent, but the alternative, allowing people to kill themselves who might have gone on to lead happy, productive lives, is surely worse. 2 - The Ethical Perspective Published online by Cambridge University Press: 19 October 2017 Helena Rcklinsberg , Mickey Gjerris and I. Anna S. Olsson Chapter Get access Summary A summary is not available for this content so a preview has been provided. Albert Camus (19131960) claimed that there is but one serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide. Emile Durkheim (18581917) says of altruistic suicide: The weight of society is brought to bear [on the individual] to lead him to destroy himself (Reference Durkheim, Spalding and SimpsonDurkheim 1897; 2005 reprint: p. 178). "displayNetworkTab": true, Ethical Perspectives is, among others, listed in the European Reference Index for the Humanities and in Thomson Reuters web of science. Published online January 24, 2017. . This book examines the relatively neglected area of social work ethics as located within a wider European perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 90(1), 245-252. These are appropriate in determining allocations of scarce company resources. Marketing to inner-city Blacks: Powermaster and moral responsibility. Ethical Perspectives is a journal covering the technologies/fields/categories related to Philosophy (Q2). Ethics deals with the principle governing ideal or . These different ethical perspectives help to explain what drives an individual 's decision when faced with an ethical dilemma. These are legal responsibility, societal responsibility, managerial responsibilities, corporate social responsibility, and responsibilities of stakeholders. individual and group retainer practices, also known as boutique, concierge, executive health, and luxury primary care clinics, are becoming increasingly common in the united states. Utilitarianism. The modernity and prosperity brought out drastic changes in the life-style of people. Ethical Perspectives in Home-Based Business | Journal of Small Business Strategy Ethical Perspectives in Home-Based Business Authors Stuart Dawson Victoria University John Breen Victoria University Abstract This paper reports the findings of an inaugural investigation into the ethical outlook of home based business operators in Australia. March 2020. Summary: Ethical perspectives: Journal of the European Ethics Network focuses on ethics at an international level. Utilitarianism The theory that the "right" moral act is the one that produces the greatest good for society. 0000075344 00000 n Understanding the implicit ethical issues in the onboarding process enables organizations to improve the employer-employee relationship and honor their responsibilities to incoming employees. (2003). Brian Littlechild, Ethical Dilemmas in Social Work: International Perspective, The British Journal of Social Work, Volume 41, Issue 8, December 2011, Pages 1609-1611, .

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