This course uses economic theory and methodology to understand and improve managerial decision making. As such, it should be relevant to all students, but especially to those who wish to work in service functions/industries (e.g., accounting, advertising, banking, finance, healthcare, hospitality, insurance, retailing, sales, supply chain management.) Most of them employ the sun-synchronous orbit at dawn and dusk (ascending node at 6 a.m. local time). This course provides an introduction to software development concepts and techniques. Only transfer grades of C- or higher apply toward graduation from the School of Business at KU. Using auditing standards and internal control frameworks as a guide, students learn how auditors (a) evaluate market conditions, industry practices, and client business activities to assess the risk of financial misstatement, (b) search potential misstatements by analyzing patterns of fluctuations in related financial statement accounts, and (c) assess the effectiveness of internal controls that protect technology-driven financial reporting processes from errors and irregularities. Graduation requirements and regulations for every academic program are provided in this catalog. A. Then, the optimal avoidance strategy problem was described in the standard form of optimal control description with further discretization. Low weight, precise, and broad observation are the significant advantages of the JWST. Individual securities and stock options are analyzed on a continuing basis. The ANN-based technologies have progressed with higher maturity and diversity, which will be a research hotspot in this field. Read the new Privacy Statement here. Moreover, Japan, Australia, and Italy have performed programs such as the SM-3 Block, Divert and Attitude Control System [23], and Medium Extended Air Defense System [24]. [239] presented a maneuver detection algorithm based on a probabilistic decision model, where the range rates among the satellites measured by laser range finders were selected as characteristic parameters. (Same as BSAN465 and MKTG465.) Trigonometrically and Triangulation survey. Section 4 reviews and analyzes various target recognition algorithms, and target monitoring algorithms are addressed in the next section. This course is primarily for School of Business Ph.D. students, but other advanced graduate students may enroll with the permission of the instructor. This course introduces the non-business student to the language of business, accounting, and its applications in the financial management of new and small business environments. Based on these studies, the relative position and velocity of space targets are estimated accurately enough using double line-of-sight measurement technologies. All first year PhD students in HRM, OB, and SM will typically enroll in this course their first and second semesters in the doctoral program. Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Language. Version Merchandise Category, Display Change Documents Replacement Article, Maintain Reference Determination F&R Integration, asssign Processor to Group Price Planning Layout, Maintain User Group Price Planning Layout, Delete Markdown Proposals Price Planning, asssign Merchandise Categories Price Level Groups, Generate Reference asssignment F&R Integration, Create Worklist of Price Changes Additionals, Process Worklist of Price Changes Additionals, Create Supplier Settlement List Settlement Documents, Check Consistency Reference Articles Merchandise Catgeory, Delete Change Documents Listing/asssortment, Display asssignment asssortment Module asssortments, asssign Merchandise Categories asssortment, Display asssignment to Classses asssortment, Display asssignment in Classs asssortment, Monitoring Tool for Web Services Portugal, Calculate Book Quantity Physical Inventory, Analyze Application Log Physical Inventory, Reorganize POS Transactions Physical Inventory, Display POS Transactions Physical Inventory, List Multiple asssignments asssortment Module, Create asssortment Module Value Contract, Maintain Procedures for Customers Additionals, Display Procedures for Customers Additionals, Maintain Procedures for Suppliers Additionals, Display Procedures for Suppliers Additionals, Request Messages for Article Additionals, Request Messages for Promotion Additionals, Process Claim Warranty Claim Processing, Maintain Authorization Warranty Claim Processing, Create Credit Memo List Warranty Claim Processing, Masss Processing Warranty Claim Processing, Claim Worklist Warranty Claim Processing, Process Query Warranty Claim Processing, Maintain Recalls Warranty Claim Processing, Process Parts Return Warranty Claim Processing, Search Claims Warranty Claim Processing, Display Claims from Archive Warranty Claim Processing, Archive Claims Warranty Claim Processing, asssign User Profile Warranty Claim Processing, Simulate Store Order Processing POS Inbound, Simulate Physical Invent. Not open to students with credit in IST320. Photometric technologies have been more maturely developed, while optimal estimation technologies produce advanced algorithms in artificial intelligence, which are separately reviewed and discussed as representative estimation technologies. Student and Academic Services can help students plan theirstudies to meet KU requirements while they are abroad. The learning transfers of heterogeneous data should be studied to improve the model adaptability to the target intrinsic feature changes in small samples, Current space-based monitoring systems have complicated in-orbit maintenance and significant influence from cosmic radiation. A study of marketing from the point of view of the business firm. Nevertheless, more advanced algorithms for data association and constrained nonlinear estimation are required to implement robust orbital tracking, whose applications in more complicated scenarios need further exploration. This course will introduce current Finance students to the possible career opportunities in the profession. Besides, Chan [257] analyzed the collision problems of orbiting objects. Enrollment restricted to Fort Leavenworth officers. Basic data mining techniques including neural networks, decision trees, clustering algorithms, linear programs, text and web mining in business setting. This course focuses on the dynamics of industries driven by technological innovation. It will introduce the student to the field of systems analysis and design, basic systems analysis tools, and the procedures for conducting systems analysis. Enrollment restricted. Internships for credit must be approved by the Director of the Internship Program prior to the internship experience. The financial services industry is undergoing significant changes, making the use of data and information technology increasingly important in driving business decisions and managing risk. An advanced course in legal aspects of business with emphasis on the Uniform Commercial Code. The UKF is superior to the original Kalman filter in parameter estimation. A second focus is the central role played by commercial banks in financing small, middle-market, and large businesses. Students will be required to create a working system for a large volume of data using publicly available data sets. The course will place special emphasis on understanding the unique institutions of emerging economies and their implications for doing business in these countries, and the effects of differences in culture on the practice of managements in different parts of the world. The teaching methods will combine classroom experience with an analysis and design case study using role-play techniques to simulate an actual analysis and design scenario. Prerequisite: ENTR301 or ENTR410 and MKTG310 or MKTG311, or instructor approval. Theoretically, the numerical methods have higher accuracy than the analytical ones but slower computational efficiency, difficultly meeting high standards of orbital prediction. Prerequisite: Determined by the instructor. South Korea, Change Documents For assset Master Record, assset Acquisitions For Mid Quarter Convention, asssets Reaching Residual Value South Korea, Tangible asssets Depreciation South Korea, Intangible asssets Depreciation South Korea, Display Bills of Exchange Payables Simple List, Display Bills of Exchange Payables Extended List, Payments to/from Nat Persns Czech Republic, Pmnts to/from Nat Persns Slovakia, Reorganize Customer Advices By Customer Account, Display Bills of Exchange Receivables Simple List, Display Bills of Exchange Receivables Extended List, Extended BoE List, Bill of Exchange Management South Korea, Gross Income Additional Tax Listing Argentina, Create Gross Income Tax Report Argentina, Financial Statement Actual/Actual Comparison for Year, Display Document Journal Poland, Document Journal, Document Journal Turkey, Create Compact Document Journal Argentina, Process Bank and Cash Postings Argentina, Determine Corresponding Accounts Russia, Display Bills of Exchange Simple List Minimal Variant, Display Bills of Exchange Extended List Minimal Variant, Display Outgoing Checks By Bank Account, Display Outstanding Checks By G/L Account and Supplier, Display Bank Advices Overview for G/L Accounts, Display Bank Advices Detailed List for G/L Accounts, Create Advance Return on Sales/Purchase Tax, Create Add. Topics include, but are not limited to, current trends in Marketing, professional expectations, job search strategies and preparation, and the four most common career tracks for a Marketing major: Professional Sales, Analytics, Brand Management, and Advertising/Communications. The primary objective is to provide a set of conceptual and managerial tools for effective management and marketing of services. In the previous subsection, the orbital prediction of space objects has been reviewed, and this section will mainly emphasize orbital tracking. Students are encouraged to enroll in their first semester at the School. Data fusion highly emphasizes feature and decision-level fusion as promising research. More than 1,000 large asteroids exist in space, threatening the spacecraft, the Earth, and other planets with hypervelocities. The faculty and career services staff are committed to providing a strong student-oriented program to help students develop career objectives and target job opportunities. This is a variable-topic seminar. Building on selected fundamental principles from psychology, economics, and sociology, this course emphasizes the importance of sound measurement practices for the acquisition of effective human talent by organizations. This course provides a seminar format for a discussion of the currently prevalent research topics, methods, and problems being addressed in the area of finance. Space-based visible telescopes are flexibly distributed in the low-earth orbit, the earth-sun Lagrange point, Venus orbit, and other positions, which can overcome most of the interference and solves the dead observation angles of solar illumination areas, significantly improving warning efficiency [247]. An undergraduate student whose cumulative grade-point average, either overall or at KU (in all courses or professional courses), is lower than 2.2 is placed on probation for the following semester. Case based and reading intensive, the course also includes self-assessment exercises aimed at personal introspection and development. Enrollment restricted. A networked robotic system can execute more intensive computational tasks. An introduction to the concepts, methodologies, and applications of risk analysis and modeling. Prerequisite: ACCT311 or ACCT425 and ACCT410 or ACCT411. Not open to students with credit in BUS 105. This course introduces advanced analytical methods in the examination of data from a variety of sources to provide marketing professionals with the tools necessary to engage in today's data rich decision-making environment. Not open to students with credit in SCM400 - Data Visualization. This course examines how firms finance their projects and investments, and how those corporate financing decisions impact firm value. In this course the student examines the disciplines which comprise the critical success factors in entrepreneurship and develops a fundamental understanding of the basic skill set required to manage his/her own business. Exclusive Licensee Beijing Institute of Technology Press. Finally, the coverage of space target monitoring systems is still insufficient with long monitoring intervals. Enrollment restricted to students admitted to the Bachelor of Business Administration Major. It can confuse the irrelevant information in the source domain with recognition tasks and weakening cross-domain fusion recognition capability. with the School of Law. Optimal estimation aims to minimize optimal indexes of the valuation results. This is a course about corporate "deals" - corporate transactions that change who owns a business or who controls it. In phase 1 there will be three sections i.e. The design of maneuvering avoidance strategies aims to timely take effective measures with the constraints to avoid space collision under the set warning, where the choice of collision probability safety thresholds is of great significance to the whole maneuvering strategies. This course focuses on the fundamental Excel functions and tools that are used by business professionals. Enrollment restricted. Topics covered include: effect of internal and external factors on consumer decision making, information processing, learning and memory, attitude formation and change, post-purchase behavior, ethical/social issues, effects on marketing strategy. You will develop an understanding of the basics of mortgages, purchase (buy) versus lease (rent) decisions, savings, investments, and insurance. Furthermore, fuzzy uncertainty overlap and false association are common due to noise in the short arc trajectory. Prerequisite: Admission to the Doctoral Program or graduate standing and permission of the instructor. This course is open only to students in the full-time MBA program. Overall, the involved data sources in decision-level fusion are heterogeneous and process asynchronous information simultaneously due to lower dependence on data acquisition devices. Students in this course will have the opportunity to engage in stimulating class discussions, justify ethical positions in case study analyses, investigate ethical issues in their own future professional lives, and develop and present their solutions for typical ethical problems faced by managers in organizations. This course addresses the theory and practice of designing distribution channels and logistics systems. We emphasize both current practice and projected industry trends and involve guest speakers. Furthermore, nonlinear optimization [265] investigated optimal avoidance strategies. This course provides an introduction to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. Accurate and rapid intention recognition according to the acquired information is the main research purpose in this stage. Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, Theory of Machines, Machine Design, Strength of Materials, Engineering Materials, Production Engineering , Industrial Engineering ,Production Planning and Control Material handling, Electrical Circuits, Network theorems, EM Theory, Electrostatics, Material Science (Electric Materials), Electrical Measurements, Elements of Computation Power Apparatus and Systems (Power System: Power generation; Thermal, Hydro, Nuclear & Solar power production and Transmissions), Electro mechanics, Control Systems, Electronics and Communications, Estimation and costing, Use of computers. Prerequisite: MGMT706. The principal objectives are to identify sources of risk to businesses and financial institutions, including commodity price risk, interest rate risk, and exchange rate risk; to understand institutional features and pricing of derivative instruments such as forwards, futures, swaps, and options; to use derivative instruments and other risk management tools to hedge financial and operational risks for both financial and non-financial firms and to appreciate the limitations of risk management and hazards such as "model risk" and counterparty risk. Topics covered include strategies and organizational structures for managing a multinational corporation and management of various functional areas (such as production, marketing, finance, and human resources) in an international setting. Prerequisite: DSCI712, DSCI 713, DSCI716, IST713, and DSCI 714. Analytics techniques involving data modeling, and the exploration, discovery, and experimentation of data for discovering trends and patterns will be discussed and applied. Students must bring a portable computing device that runs the most current full version of Microsoft Excel that is available for free from KU to every class session. It will introduce the concepts of business and the measurement systems used to control and evaluate business activities. However, it significantly declines as the small sample category increases. Other pedagogy involves readings, personality and behavior inventories, and case analyses. This class will cover two key areas of corporation taxation. We emphasize both current practice and projected industry trends and involve guest speakers. Searched results were manifested when the initial contour enclosed the target. The focus is on understanding human resource issues that are unique to international business and strategies for effectively addressing them. Students then complete media planning, creative execution, and budgeting and present the project to the business. Healthcare is one of the most critical industry sectors today due to its immediate impact on the lifestyle and wellbeing of individuals across different strata of the society. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. b. Prerequisite: Admission to the MAcc program. Therefore, multisource data fusion is developed for multirange 3D measurements, target recognition, orbital tracking, and maneuver detection. Enrollment restricted. Security Account ID, FTR_CREDIT_LINE_ANALYSIS (FTR_CREDIT_LINE_ANALYSIS), Credit Line Analysis, Credit Line Analysis Accessible, Display Where-Used List Treasury Contact Persons, Display Where-Used List Treasury Traders, Define Values for Expiry Time FX Option, asssign Profile and BP Group External Recipients, FTR_FPM_ANALYZE_POS_VALUES (FTR_ATPV_FPM_ACC), Treasury Position Analysis Accounting View, FTR_FPM_ANALYZE_POS_VALUES (FTR_ATPV_FPM_DERIV), Treasury Position Analysis Listed Derivatives, FTR_FPM_ANALYZE_POS_VALUES (FTR_ATPV_FPM_OTC), Treasury Position Analysis OTC Transactions, FTR_FPM_ANALYZE_POS_VALUES (FTR_ATPV_FPM_PROD), FTR_FPM_ANALYZE_POS_VALUES (FTR_ATPV_FPM_SEC), FTR_FPM_FINANCIAL_STATUS (FTR_FPM_FS_BOOKV), FTR_FPM_FINANCIAL_STATUS (FTR_FPM_FS_NOMAMT), asssign Business Partner Group Inbound Process, asssign Correspondence Classs Inbound Process, asssign Profile and BP Group Internal Recipients, Send Financial Transactions Trade Repository Reporting, Display Extraction Views Data Retention, Define Data Retention View Data Retention, Application Configuration for Account Payable Report China, Application Configuration for ARD Background Job Report China, Application Configuration for Account Receivable Report China, Application Configuration for AR Background Job Report China, Application configuration for Cash Journal Report China, Application configuration for CJR Background Print Job China, Application Configuration for GL Background Job Report China, FUCN_GL_REP_JLR_BY_BA (AC_FUCN_GL_REP_JLR_BY_BA), FUCN_GL_REP_JLR_BY_PRCTR (AC_FUCN_GL_REP_JLR_BY_PRCTR), FUCN_GL_REP_JLR_BY_SEG (AC_FUCN_GL_REP_JLR_BY_SEG), Application Configuration for Background Reporting Monitor China, Park General Journal Entries For Ledger Group, Automatic Debit Position and Posting Security Accounts, Execute Debit Position Manual Debit Position, Balance Sheet FX Risk In Transaction Currency, Define Key Figures Balance Sheet FX Risk, Generate Hedge Request Balance Sheet FX Risk, Maintain BoE Liabilities, Maintain Liabilities Of Bill of Exchange Receivables, Display Bills of Exchange Extended List, Delete Direct Debit Pre-notifications(Obsolete), Payment Order/Direct Debit Pre-notification for an Item, Display of Direct Direct Pre-notifications, UK Payment Practice and Performance United Kingdom, GHO_WDA_ALLOC_MRH_OIF (GHO_WDA_ALLOC_MRH_OIF_CFG), GHO_WDA_ALLOC_RESULTS_OIF (GHO_WDA_ALLOC_RESULTS_OIF_CFG), GHO_WDA_ALLOC_RULES_OIF (GHO_WDA_ALLOC_RULES_OIF_CFG), GHO_WDA_NETOBJ_OIF (GHO_WDA_NETOBJ_OIF_CFG), Change Network Object, Create Network Object, Display Network Object, GHO_WDA_OG_ENTITY (GHO_WDA_OG_ENTITY_INIT_CFG), Change Oil and Gas Entity, Create Oil and Gas Entity, Display Oil and Gas Entity, Display Detailed Information of Joint Ventures, Check Consistency for Intercompany Mapping, Periodic Update for Multiple Company Codes, Manage JV Non-Operated Billing Form Lines, Display Detailed Information of Joint Operating Agreements, Manage JV Automated Postings (Cost Calculations), Manage Automatic Adjustments of Overhead Rates, Master Data Reports Joint Operating Agreement, Manage Billing Indicator for Supplemental Detail, Map Recovery Indicator to Supplemental Detail Sets, Manage Project Type for Supplemental Detail, Manage Cost Center Type for Supplemental Detail, Manage Order Type for Supplemental Detail, Manage Protocol for Supplemental Detail Sets, Manage Balance Sheet Account for Splitting, Map EDI Billing Indicator to Service Code, Display Billing Extracts (Hardcopy or EDI), Manage Transaction Types for Equity Change asssets, Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases, Master Data Reports Venture/Equity Groups, GLE_FPM_OVP_ADB_TRIAL (GLE_FPM_OVP_ADB_TRIAL), Masss Upload Material Service Tariff Code, Compare Budget and Cmtmts/Actuals (Totals), GTCN_REFUND_LIST_REPORT_N (GTCN_REFUND_LIST_REPORT_N), GTCN_TAXREF_REPORT_TR_LIST (GTCN_TAXREF_RPT_TR_LIST), GTCN_TAXREF_SD_REPORT (GTCN_TAXREF_REPORT_SD_LIST_N), GTCN_TAX_REFUND_FILE_SEARCH (GTCN_TAX_REFUND_FILE_SEARCH), GTCN_TR_LIST_SEARCH (GTCN_TR_LIST_SEARCH), GTCN_TR_REFUND_FROM_PURCHASE (GTCN_TR_REFUND_FROM_PUR_CNF), asssign Goods Tax Catalogs To Tax Codes China, Maintain Tax Classsification Number China, Set Report Relevancy, Set Report Relevancy Set-Based Hierarchies, Display Change Documents of Hazardous Substance Master, Transfer Hazardous Substance Data Display Transfer Log, Transfer Hazardous Substance Data Delete Transfer Log, Maintain Handling Units Non asssigned Handling Units, Plan HUs from Stock Without Order Reference, Pack HUs from Stock Without Order Reference, Plan HUs from Stock For Demand Due for Delivery, Pack HUs from Stock For Demand Due for Delivery, Search Compliance Information Materials, Search Compliance Information Components, IBO_WDA_INBOX (EHPRC_WDAC_POWL_COMPL_INFO), Search Compliance Information Products and asssemblies, Display Change Worklist Regulatory List Revision, Import Bank Statement XML Format Japan, Machine Learning Inference Intercompany Matching, Machine Learning Monitor Intelligent Intercompany Document Matching, Machine Learning Training Intercompany Matching, Account Level Hierarchy (China) China, Account Level Hierarchy (Romania) Romania, Aging Report Accounts Receivable China, GR/IR Balances Invoiced Documents China, GR/IR Balances Delivered Documents China, Adjust Official Document Numbering China, Print VAT Doc for DownPmnt Czech Republic, Display Acquisition Tax Postings Czech republic, Display Acquisition Tax Postings Poland, Display Acquisition Tax Postings Slovakia, Manage Acquisition Tax Postings Czech republic, Manage Acquisition Tax Postings Poland, Manage Acquisition Tax Postings Slovakia, VAT Ledger Statement Czech Czech Republic, Upload VAT Ledger Ext Data Czech Republic, Check Supplier Certificate Validity, Check Vendor Certificate Validity, Check Vendor Certificate Validity Egypt, Check Vendor Certificate Validity Saudi Arabia, Check Vendor Certificate Validity United Arab Emirates, Tax Declaration Enclosures Saudi Arabia, Calculate Tax Depreciation of Fixed asssets Saudi Arabia, RCT: Create Contract or Payment Notification Ireland, RCT: Update Contract or Payment Response Ireland, Process Payment Orders For In-House Cash, Create External Debit Memos For In-House Cash, Create External Credit Transfers For In-House Cash, Create Internal Debit Memos For In-House Cash, Create Internal Credit Transfers For In-House Cash, Change Payment Orders For In-House Cash, Display Payment Orders For In-House Cash, Transfer Financial Statuses Of In-House Cash, Analyze Financial Statuses Of In-House Cash, Analyze Application Logs For In-House Cash, Change Functional Location Masss Change, INM_RESOURCE_DETAIL (INM_WDA_RESOURCE_DETAIL_OIF_CFG), Buckets, Checklist Items, Classsification Hierarchies, Collections, Initiatives, My Collections, My Initiatives, My Portfolio Items, My Reviews, Phase Approvals, Portfolio Items, Portfolios, Project Evaluations, Project Versions, Projects, Resource Pools and Teams, Reviews, Tasks, Templates Portfolio Management, Templates Project Management, User Group Administration, Display Insurance Object, Maintain Insurance Object, Display and Enter Sales Tax Document Data, Edit Bill and Payment Advice Note in Masss Activity, Display Maintenance Item, Display Maintenance Item (IP06), Prepare Balance of Payments Belgium, Prepare Balance of Payments France, Prepare Foreign Trade Declaration Belgium, Create Distribution Lot from Bill Processing, Process Distribution Lot (Aggregated Payment), Create Checklists Collective Processing, Checklist Usage Decision Collective Processing, Revaluate asssets for Inflation Argentina, Revaluate asssets for Inflation Chile, Integration of Taxpayers File Argentina, Taxpayer Integration Process Argentina, Income Tax Depreciation Calculation Report India, Display Transaction Details at assset Level India, Subcontracting Challan Reconciliation India, Create Additional Excise Invoices India, Download Outward or Inward Supply Details India, Download Inward Supply Details (Obsolete) India, Delivery Challan for Intrastate STO India, Reconcile Subcontracting Challans India, Reconciliation Reversal Without GR Cancellation India, Display Subcontracting Report India, Reverse Subcontracting Challan Reconciliation India, Tax Credit Reversal for Supplier Payments India, Maintain TCS Relevance for Procurement India, Re-distribute and Create ISD Invoices India, Adjustment to assset Block Opening WDV or Transactions India, Update assset Transaction Details India, Cancel Withholding Tax Certificates India, Reprint Withholding Tax Certificates India, Challan Number Updation Customers India, Create Remittance Challan for Customers India, India Withholding Tax (TDS/TCS) Status Report India, Update Business Place in Journal Entry India, Excise Invoice for Other Movements India, Configure Summary Tax Invoice Schedule Ukraine, Print Outgoing Corrective Invoice Ukraine, Mantain Electronic VAT Administration Data Ukraine, Link XML to Accounting Documents Ukraine, Prepare Data for Corporate Income Tax Ukraine, Display Fixed assset Revaluation Ukraine, Reverse assset Revaluation Document Ukraine, Check Status for Incoming Tax-Relevant Documents Ukraine, Check Status for Outgoing Tax-Relevant Documents Ukraine, Delete Transfer Pricing Notification Ukraine, Configure Foreign Organization Data Ukraine, Configure Groups of Similar Transactions Ukraine, Configure Controllable Transaction Amount Limits Ukraine, Map Materials to Ukrainian Codes of Goods and Services Ukraine, Configure Market Prices of Controlled Transactions Ukraine, Prepare Transfer Pricing Notification Ukraine, Configure Participants of Transactions Ukraine, Set Reason for Invoices to be Kept by Seller Ukraine, Maintain Time-Dependent Customer Tax Data Ukraine, Maintain Time-Dependent Vendor Tax Data Ukraine, Prepare Incoming Parked Tax Invoices Ukraine, Manage Incoming Documents in Register Ukraine, Manage Outgoing Documents in Register Ukraine, Create Document List for Annex 8 Ukraine, Print Settlement Management DocumentDocs.

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