See the modder's resource spreadsheet (Music Bank IDs tab) for a list of valid cue IDs. Likely used in one of Maru's heart events. Sets the game mode to the specified value. 1. upload your SMAPI log (see instructions on that page) and post a link here; Adds a TV furniture item to your inventory; this will be either a Budget TV or Plasma TV, randomly chosen with equal chances. Grows all crops in the current location the specified number of days. (Note: Money is capitalized in this example because if it is all lowercase it triggers a special chat response instead of executing the command.). Warps you to the specified level of the Volcano Dungeon. (This doesn't work with the non-debug commands.) Arguments are interpreted as an array of strings. Removes all NPCs who are in the current location. Sets input simulator to the specified type. You can run Stardew from its folder without SMAPI using Stardew.exe. Waters all tilled soil on the current map. Brings up a character customization menu with HSV sliders for dyeing your currently-equipped shirt. Syntax: player_add name [I:count] [I:quality]. Toggles game pause state. Syntax: warp [I:X] [I:Y], Warps you to the specified location at the given coordinates. Marks the specified dialogue question as answered. Breed can be 0, 1, or 2 and determines which texture to use. See furniture data for a list of base game IDs. Known IDs as of version 1.4.3 are: AverageBedtime, BarsSmelted, BeveragesMade, BouldersCracked, CaveCarrotsFound, CheeseMade, ChickenEggsLayed, CoalFound, CoinsFound, CopperFound, CowMilkProduced, CropsShipped, DaysPlayed, DiamondsFound, DirtHoed, DuckEggsLayed, FishCaught, GeodesCracked, GiftsGiven, GoatCheeseMade, GoatMilkProduced, GoldFound, GoodFriends, IndividualMoneyEarned, IridiumFound, IronFound, ItemsCooked, ItemsCrafted, ItemsForaged, ItemsShipped, MonstersKilled, MysticStonesCrushed, NotesFound, OtherPreciousGemsFound, PiecesOfTrashRecycled, PreservesMade, PrismaticShardsFound, QuestsCompleted, RabbitWoolProduced, RocksCrushed, SeedsSown, SheepWoolProduced, SlimesKilled, StarLevelCropsShipped, StepsTaken, SticksChopped, StoneGathered, StumpsChopped, TimesFished, TimesUnconscious, TrufflesFound, and WeedsEliminated. Must be in a farmhouse/cabin. Name is a fuzzy match. Adds a junimo note (bundle scroll) for the specified area. The season name is case-insensitive; valid names are spring, summer, fall, and winter. Name is an exact match. The duration is interpreted as in-game minutes and defaults to 30; multiplying this value by 0.7 will convert to real-time seconds. Adds the specified value to the festival score. The optional parameters are for stack amount (default is 1) and quality (default is 0.). Does not change the weather icon on the HUD. For example, if you set immunity 10 while Genie Shoes (+6 immunity) are equipped, removing the shoes would set your immunity to 4 (10 - 6). 153 - Green Algae. Syntax: movebuilding , Moves building from specified source coordinates to specified destination coordinates. Gives the player a speed buff of the specified amount for the specified duration. Toggles end of day saving on or off. Valid areas are 0 (Pantry), 1 (Crafts Room), 2 (Fish Tank), 3 (Boiler Room), 4 (Vault), or 5 (Bulletin Board). Useful ID values are listed below. See Data/SecretNotes for a list of IDs. Checks all other farmers and sets the first one found as engaged to the player with a wedding date of the next game day. Must be done on the Farm; this would apply to animals that no longer have homes due to building destruction such as after using removebuildings. Ex. Displays a global message listing how many NPCs are in the current location. Steam achievements which correspond to in-game achievements use the same numeric ID as listed in Achievement data with one exception: the ID for Greenhorn is a0 instead of just 0. Press Win + E keys to open the File Explorer, and then navigate to the C:\Users\ [USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Save path or C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley . The associated events for these two are also marked as seen. If the last expression returns a value, it'll be shown in the SMAPI console. Similar to nosave but does not output a status message. Sets farmer sprite to the given animation frame. Removes all NPCs who are in the current location. Adds unfound artifacts and minerals to your inventory until it is full. Hover the cursor over "Manage." 5. Makes the currently-held item inedible by setting its edibility value to -300; does not affect other instances of the same item. Starts the pre-1.4 version of Junimo Kart. Removes all quests from your journal/quest log. 155 - Super Cucumber. Each has a range of 0-255. As mentioned above, this selection of mods contemplates and aims to make Vanilla more user-friendly, without changing broad things, so Stardew Valley Expanded and related mods will not be included in this guide. Avramobkilla. In the base game, valid values are 0 (no crib) or 1 (default crib). Completes all objectives for all currently active Special Orders and Qi Challenges. Brings up the same dyeing menu you get by interacting with the dye pots in Emily's house. Name is an exact match, and they are only spared from removal if they are in the current location. Warps you to the specified level of the Mines. Tracks played this way will be added to the songsHeard list and be available to play on the Jukebox afterwards. Adds a month of growth to all fruit trees in the current location, causing even newly-planted saplings to instantly mature. Syntax: event [S:dontClearEvents]. Source code available on Github. Known IDs as of version 1.4.3 are: trashCansChecked. Will turn off debris/windy weather. Syntax: warpcharacter [I:facingDirection]. Install the IDE ( integrated development environment ). Name is a fuzzy match and will default to Pierre if not supplied. Steam-only achievements have a much longer string ID; these are listed below. Halgari joins Nexus Mods to help shape the future of Vortex. Host only. The ID is case-sensitive; see Data/mail for valid IDs in the base game. The game only runs through SMAPI if you tell it to (eg using the SMAPI exe file, or by telling Steam to run the SMAPI exe instead of Stardew's). Causes your spouse (NPC only) to start walking towards you if they are already on the current map or warp directly to you otherwise. Toggles the drawbounds flag on and off. Type is a case-sensitive match with spaces allowed. Valid values are 0 - 3. Sets friendship of all animals who live (and are currently present) in the current location to the given amount. This also clears the letters tab in the collections menu. All normal point caps are in place, so a bachelor you aren't dating will not increase past 8 hearts. Toggles "debris" weather (i.e., windy weather with floating leaves) on and off. Out of season crops can be planted this way but will not survive outside of the greenhouse.Warning: this will replace any currently-planted crops (including fully-grown ones) with the new seeds. Sets the difficulty of the Skull Cavern to the specified level. The population of each of the ponds will be set to the specified value and defaults to 10. Unsure if the animation is used. Sets your energy to the specified amount. Because you already have a Gold Spring Onion in your inventory, the game has somewhere to store it, amassing the quantity of Gold Spring Onions you can obtain. Stat IDs are case-sensitive (Technical note: they are the properties for the StardewValley.Stats class, but not all of them are actually tracked by the game.) In the Steam client, right-click on Stardew Valley and choose Properties: Click the textbox under Launch Options: Replace anything in the textbox with the text you copied from the installer. Calls Util.EventTest() with the specified arguments. Previously unmet NPCs will also be marked as met and have friendship increased with the following exceptions: Sets friendship with specified NPC to specified value. Immediately switches to split money, separating all player wallets. Ages all fences in the current location the specified amount of days. Falling asleep in Stardew Valley can be a frustrating experience, especially when youre in the middle of performing an important activity. This is an integer interpreted as the scale percent. Sets upgrade level of your farmhouse/cabin to the specified value. Example: debug floor 22 would set all flooring in the house to the white and grey checkerboard style. Install ModDrop and open the client. Spawns two large patches of grass and 18 random fruit trees (cherry and apricot), Spawns large groups of torches, furnaces, preserve jars, cheese presses, and kegs; the kegs are full of ancient fruit to make wine, Spawns a coop, barn, and silo in specific spots, All tools are upgraded to Iridium quality, Shears, a milk pail, and full stacks of wood, stone, wood fence, parsnip seeds, and bean starter are added to your inventory. Adds the specified piece of furniture to your inventory. To paste text, click in the box and press CTRL and V. This text should consist of "Your SMAPI API Filepath" %command% If you already have a pet, the inventory graphic will switch but the pet themselves will not be affected. See Event data for the valid directions. Known valid types include Bat, DinoMonster, DustSpirit, Fly, Ghost, GreenSlime, Grub, LavaCrab, Mummy, RockCrab, RockGolem, Serpent, ShadowBrute, ShadowShaman, Skeleton, and SquidKid. Details unknown. If it is raining, warps pet to the FarmHouse. This will cause already-placed weeds to spread but will not necessarily create new weeds in clear areas. Extract files, and you can delete the zipped file. 7. Toggles the state of the beach bridge between fixed and not fixed. Sets the difficulty of the mines to the specified level. On Mac: install Visual Studio for Mac. The spouse room may not be fully removed until you have slept and/or returned to title. Spawns a new Horse at the given coordinates of the current location. Multiple commands can be executed at once using the runmacro command: For example, let's say you have a quickstart.txt file with these commands: Entering debug runmacro quickstart in the SMAPI console will execute all the commands, resulting in a backpack upgrade, money set to 10000g, farming skill set to level 1, and a Bone Sword added to the player's inventory. Warps you to the given mine level. Requires Stardew Valley 1.5.6 or later on Linux/macOS/Windows. Most are double-precision floats which are divided by 10. See Hat data for a list of base game IDs. The official editable wiki maintained by ConcernedApe can be found at Sets all floors of your farmhouse to the specified texture. Warps specified character to the given coordinates on the specified map. Fills all empty spaces in your inventory with random Objects. Removes all furniture from the current location. Shows an animation of a spinning vial/beaker which rises and then falls. Resets current location which essentially simulates the player leaving and reentering. Marks specified mail as already received. Grows long grass the specified number of times in the current location. Can you upload your SMAPI log (see instructions on that page) and post a link here? Details unknown; reference FarmerRenderer.featureXOffsetPerFrame() and FarmerRenderer.featureYOffsetPerFrame(). Probably best used in conjunction with frame-by-frame mode. Just type "help" in the SMAPI console to see what is available. [SMAPI] SMAPI 3.14.0 with Stardew Valley 1.5.6 (build 22018) on Microsoft Windows 10 . Adds the Dark Talisman to (and removes the Magic Ink from) your wallet; also removes the magic artifact blocking access to the Witch's Swamp.Warning: This command will also clear all received mail and hidden mail flags. Gives the player a speed buff of the specified amount for the specified duration. Players can choose new marriage candidates and experience new cutscenes. Details unknown; reference FarmerRenderer.featureXOffsetPerFrame() and FarmerRenderer.featureYOffsetPerFrame(). Queues specified mail for delivery tomorrow for all players. If no amount is specified, it will be set to maximum. Details unknown; reference BloomComponent.startShifting(). Toggles invincibility. All items are free. A description shown when the player uses the. Removes all active buffs (both positive and negative.). This brings up a window showing a variety of flooring textures; left-click closes the window. See object data for a list of base game IDs. Spawns long grass on all available tiles on the farm. Adds the specified buff to the player. See Object data for a list of valid IDs; non-fish objects can be used and caught. Warps you directly to your bed in your farmhouse/cabin. Details unknown. Name is an exact match. How to enter console commands You must have the Console Commands mod installed to use the commands listed below. 8. You won't have to move any mods this way. Example: debug cookingrecipe Seafoam Pudding will give you the recipe to cook Seafoam Pudding. The first line of the file should specify the location where the event takes place, and the rest of the file should be the same as a normal event script except that line breaks will be treated as / delimiters. See hat data for a list of base game IDs. These include maxing all friendships, marking all fish as caught, awarding and marking complete all cooking and crafting recipes, marking all items as shipped, setting the flags for all stardrops, setting all skill levels to 10, awarding 500 kills for all monsters, forcibly placing all 4 obelisks and the gold clock in the upper left corner of the farm, and giving 130 walnuts. Also sets the bloomDay flag. Increases the upgrade level of your farmhouse/cabin to the next level (max 3). Runs an event from the file test_event.txt in the root game folder. Sets the player's shirt choice to the specified ID. Warps the specified character directly to you; name is a fuzzy match. Opens a shop menu containing a furniture catalogue, all objects, all craftables, and all weapons. This is an integer interpreted as the scale percent. If used multiple times on the same game day, the quest will always be the same. Teaches you all crafting recipes. Sets your energy to the specified amount. Sets the player's total immunity. Details such as default values should be listed in the description. If that doesn't fix it, can you. The ID is case-sensitive; see Data/mail for valid IDs in the base game. Silently removes specified quest from your journal. SMAPI reads translations from files in your mod folder. When on, disables the resolution and window mode options as well as both "Exit to Title" and "Exit to Desktop" buttons. Does not affect mines level progress or monster eradication goals. Adds specified secret note to your inventory. Names are exact but spaces should be replaced with "9". Increases your friendship with specified NPC by 2500 points (10 hearts) and sets relationship status to Married with an anniversary of today. Sets the ambient light of the current location to the inverse of the specified RGB values. Valid skill IDs are 0 (Farming), 1 (Fishing), 2 (Foraging), 3 (Mining), 4 (Combat), and 5 (Luck). Velocity is a float and defaults to 8.0 if not supplied, which results in a jump of about half the height of the player character. Invites specified NPC to see a movie today. Removes most special items from your Wallet. See Data/ClothingInformation for a list of base game IDs. Only works for host in multiplayer. Valid types are 0 (Bamboo Pole; the default), 1 (Training Rod), 2 (Fiberglass Rod), or 3 (Iridium Rod). Example: world_setyear 10 will set the the game to the 10th year. The following commands are registered: SMAPI: harmony_summary help reload_i18n Content Patcher: patch CustomMusic: playmusic Farm Type Manager: list_monsters whereami PyTK: adjustwarps allready getstamina loadmap lua messages ping pytk_cleanup pytk_clearspace pytk_savecheck pytk_skip rebuild_objects removenpc send setstamina show_mapdata syncmap SpaceCore: asset_invalidate exttilesheets_dump . Teaches you the crafting recipes for Slime Incubator and Slime Egg-Press. Valid areas are 0 (Pantry), 1 (Crafts Room), 2 (Fish Tank), 3 (Boiler Room), 4 (Vault), or 5 (Bulletin Board). Toggles gamepad control options and displays a global message about whether they are being used or not. Then you can press 'Play' and it will launch SMAPI as Stardew Valley with the Steam Overlay due to the %command% part of it and because you specified it to launch the .exe in the first . Syntax: fillwithobject [S:isBigCraftable]. Valid types for the base game are listed below. Calls Util.EventTest() with the specified arguments. Valid profesion IDs from the base game are shown below. For example: Removes specified NPC from the game, checking all game locations and buildings. Valid skill IDs are 0 (Farming), 1 (Fishing), 2 (Foraging), 3 (Mining), 4 (Combat), and 5 (Luck). Useful for event modding. Adds an item to your inventory based on its name. Example: harmony_summary MeleeWeapon will list patches which affect the MeleeWeapon class in the game code. Turns on "frame-by-frame" mode which pauses the game and allows you to advance time/animations one frame at a time by hitting the G key. Removes all placed objects from the current location. This was temporarily disabled in SMAPI 3.14.1, and will remain disabled by default on macOS and Windows since their filesystems are already case-insensitive. Opens the full character customization menu seen at the start of a new game which includes gender options and player/farm names. Sets all floors of your farmhouse to the specified texture. The match is case-insensitive and any spaces should be removed from the name. See Data/Quests for a list of IDs. Read the Player Guide. Toggles network message logging on and off. If used multiple times on the same game day, the quest will always be the same. While higher-level farm buildings such as Deluxe Barns can be immediately built this way, the incubator will be missing from Big or Deluxe Coops. Items added by this command increment the "Total found" count on the collection pages. Changes the upgrade level of the specified tool to the specified level; the tool must be in your inventory. The last parameter will set the brightWhiteOnly flag to true if it is present and false if it is absent. IDs over 111 do give items, but these will be either a combination of two different floor textures or a warped single floor texture. Name is a fuzzy match. Syntax: frameoffset . Modding is fun! Plays the animation where 6 junimos wave goodbye in front of the hut in the Community Center and then that corner of the Community Center gets restored. A mod for the game Stardew Valley, allows players and modders to spawn customizable features from each of Stardew's farm types. You do not need to be married or have an upgraded house to use this command. Opens the folder containing the save and log files. Checks all locations and all player inventories to see if the specified item exists anywhere. In the game, press the keys you want to test. Github. These are different than the stats used in getstat/setstat (Technical note: they are entries in StardewValley.Stats.stat_dictionary). If called without an argument, shows general help text and a list of available commands. If no difficulty level is specified, command will simply print the current difficulty level to the console. Playes the specified sound effect. Valid choices are listed below. Plays the full restoration cutscene for the specified area including junimo dance and star retrieval. Additional styles may be possible through modding as the ID is appended to the map filename. Does not affect the records of which artifacts and minerals have been found (i.e. Warps specified character to the given coordinates on the current map. Brings up a character customization menu with HSV sliders for dyeing your currently-equipped shirt. Previously unmet NPCs will also be marked as met and have friendship increased with the following exceptions: Sets friendship with specified NPC to specified value. Builds the specified building at the given coordinates. The locations are randomly chosen and no checking is done on the underlying tiles, so they may wind up in impassable areas. marks them as having been given a bouquet. Sets the player's hair color to the specified RGB values. Example: debug build Stone9Cabin would build a new Stone Cabin next to the player. Adds the specified clothing item to your inventory. Example: player_setmoney 5000 will change your total money to 5000g. Removes all light sources from the current location. Example: debug scd 1 would activate hard mode Skull Cavern outside of the "Skull Cavern Invasion" quest. Adds a new baby animal of the specified type to the Farm. Thread. Adds a month of growth to all fruit trees in the current location, causing even newly-planted saplings to instantly mature. Modding is fun!$h would open a dialogue box of Abigail saying Hi (FarmerName)! Changing the player name will cause the save file to change as well. This will cause already-placed weeds to spread but will not necessarily create new weeds in clear areas. Also sets your maximum health to 75 and gives you the Fighter profession. Syntax: movie [S:npcNameOrMovieID] [S:movieID]. This is a fuzzy match, and they will be marked as met if previously unmet. Warps you to the shop run by the specified NPC; if necessary will also warp the NPC to the shop location. Sets the UI Scale level to the specified value. Name is a fuzzy match. This is a fuzzy search with similar behavior to the fuzzyitemnamed command. Shows the building painting menu for the building immediately North of the player, or for the farmhouse if no such building is found. Sets all animals who live in the current building to day 1 of adulthood. Removes the junimo note from and restores the specified area. Syntax: player_changestyle . Valid types are: 0 (Standard), 1 (Riverland), 2 (Forest), 3 (Hilltop), 4 (Wilderness), or 5 (Four Corners). Checks all other farmers and sets the first one found as dating the player. Name is an exact match. Related: The 10 best games like Stardew Valley. Valid skill IDs are 0 (Farming), 1 (Fishing), 2 (Foraging), 3 (Mining), 4 (Combat), and 5 (Luck). Does not change the weather icon on the HUD. However it does count in terms of unlocking what Willy sells and enabling legendary fish to be hooked. Filling all six pots with appropriate items will bring up a character customization menu with HSV sliders for dyeing both your currently-equipped shirt and pants. Completes specified quest and removes it from your journal. Valid skill IDs are 0 (Farming), 1 (Fishing), 2 (Foraging), 3 (Mining), 4 (Combat), and 5 (Luck). Sets your energy to -15, resulting in passing out and ending the day. Removes all items currently in your inventory. If the coordinates are not specified, it will build just to the right of your farmer. Each word after the command name is a separate argument.,, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. A global message saying Yes or No will be displayed, but there is no indication of where the item is located if it is found. Example: player_sethealth 200 would give you 200 health points. Sets the viewport to the given values. Sets the count of Lost Books recovered to 18, even if you previously had found more, and brings up a window with the contents of the specified book. Plays the extended cutscene of the first boat trip to Ginger Island. Checks all other farmers and sets the first one found as engaged to the player with a wedding date of the next game day. Increases your friendship with specified NPC by 2500 points (10 hearts) and sets relationship status to Engaged with a wedding for the next day. Turns all wild trees in the current location into mushroom trees. Useful for testing dialogue changes. Details unknown. Sets the player's skin color to the specified ID. This is mainly useful when translating mods. You can enter console commands directly into the SMAPI console window (or into the in-game chat if you have Chat Commands too). A window should appear that says something like "A new version of SMAPI is available." All of them should be prefaced with debug like this: The example above returned output, but many commands don't. Then click Okay, and close everything down. See the modder's resource spreadsheet (Music Bank IDs tab) for a list of valid cue IDs. Calls Util.EventTest() with the specified arguments. If the second argument is infinite the game will play Endless mode; if it is anything else (or missing), the game will play Progress mode. Sets the specified stat to the specified value. Sets the current crib style to the specified value. You may need to be already married (and have a house with a nursery) for this to work. did the console make any complaints this time? Use removefurniture instead for other locations such as sheds. The parameters are red, green, and blue components and the actual RGBA color used will be (R/2, G/2, B/2, 127). Toggles convention mode on and off. Store arbitrary data and retrieve it later. Warps specified character to the given coordinates on the specified map. Syntax: warpcharacterto [I:facingDirection]. Teaches you the specified crafting recipe. The dialogue string should start with a zero and everything after will be parsed. Toggles network message logging on and off. Removes all light sources from the current location. Example: debug zl 60 would set the zoom level to 60%. For example, crib style 1 is specified by the file Maps/FarmHouse_Crib_1. Shows an animation of a spinning vial/beaker which rises and then falls. Creates a fish "bubble" spot in front of the player. If the description mentions that a parameter uses a "fuzzy" match, that means that it can match on a case-insensitive partial name. Adds a lantern to your inventory which looks like an axe and will softlock the player when trying to use it; canmove can be used to fix the soft lock. Example: debug speech Abi 0Hi @! Note: if you do not include enough parameters, an error message will be printed to the console which incorrectly states the default facing direction is 1. Shows the building painting menu for the building immediately North of the player, or for the farmhouse if no such building is found. Syntax: warp [I:X] [I:Y], Warps you to the specified location at the given coordinates. The commands themselves are case-insensitive, but parameters may still be case-sensitive. Example: world_setday 30 will set the date to the 30th of the current season. Instead of entering each command directly into the SMAPI console, you can also use the debug runmacro command to a list of debug commands from a text file. In addition, hundreds of commands can be utilized with SMPAI, the mod loader for Stardew Valley.

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