Not much was accomplished in the service that day, because the congregation continued to chuckle about the voice that made them think God was responding to their pastor and calling him His good buddy.. D J De Haan. But thank God for the name Jesus, which means Savior. You cant eat them, said my father-in-law after witnessing my spring ritual of filling pots with fragrant and colorful treasures from the garden store. --Hess. Sometimes the hectic demands on your day can crowd out your time with God. He trains my hands to catch rebounds and my fingers to shoot! David felt called to play basketball and had learned that God takes us as we are and enables us to do what He calls us to do. 711), the Jews chose not to trust in Him. they found the stone rolled away from the tomb. We are "strangers and pilgrims on the earth" (Heb. But that knowledge translates into blessing for those "who know the joyful sound" (Ps 89:15) and walk in the light of the Lord's countenance. Power lines fell, leaving people in cold darkness, unable to accomplish anything that required electricity. When we lie, it is usually to cast a person in a bad light or to place ourselves in a good light. As Joshua drew nearer, he was given this command: Take your sandal off your foot, for the place where you stand is holy (Joshua 5:15). Moses thought he could use his royal power to bring about deliverance for Gods people from slavery. 14:16,21,22). 20:7). The God who created a way for our salvation can certainly see us through our daily trials. Rejecting His good guidance, most of them died in the barren landover one million of them. Exodus 15:22-27: . His amazing ways and unsurpassed wisdom motivate and transform me. His letters to the church at Corinth are filled with evidence of his disappointment over their testy relationship. (Micah 6:8). Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. God wants you to get a revelation of who He is and to know Him. This angered both Moses and the Lord, and resulted in severe judgment. We tend to believe that a lot more can be done if we have large financial resources, talented manpower, and innovative ideas. Thus the people turned the feast to the Lord into a wild, sensual party (Ex. It reminds me of the words of the Lord Jesus. I saw myself We see an even greater spirit of generosity in the Israelites when they gave to build the tabernacle of the Lord. The only difference is: the letter I and E. When they were in trouble and cried out to God, He heard their cries and helped them. The Lord parted the sea, allowing the people to cross (Ex. . read more, Scripture: Yet He always met their needs. Gustafson, Be of good cheer! "For who in the heavens can be compared to the LORD?" How the third commandment condemns us all! Evangelical/Non-Denominational, When the water at Marah was bitter, Moses had to cast a tree into the water stream to sweeten the water or make it drinkable. Without the shedding of blood, there is no salvation (Heb. Dont empty God of His weight and glory. We misuse His name, Piper says, when we speak of God in a way that empties Him of His significance.. and the pillar of cloud went from before them and stood behind them (v.19). What if he had ignored it and hurried on to other things? Perhaps in reproducing some of the plagues they were, but I dont think that was true in this case. But as Christians, we need to stop before we utter this or any other phrase that flippantly uses Gods name. The caption read, "Paraplegic and partner prove no wall is too high to climb." Idolatry Humility Die To Self. Winter days are dark and cold, holiday excitement has worn off just as Christmas debts are coming due, and New Years resolutions have all been broken. He wanted to be assured of Gods presence and leading, so he asked Him to reveal Himself (Exodus 33:13,18). Moses, the designer of the great escape, became Moses, the source of unneeded pain. A Bizarre Sermon Illustration September 16, 2019 Craig T. Owens Hosea is the only prophet from Israel (he calls the Israelite king " our king" in 7:5), and along with Amos he is the only prophet to address the northern kingdom. I admire the truckdriver who masterfully backs his big rig into a tight space more easily than I do a small trailer on a 16-foot-wide driveway. That happened to the ancient Israelites. Comstock concludes, "Nice guys do seem to finish last. Take Moses, for example. When we remain still, we get to know God, our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble (v. 1). I knew this was the car for me. 95:3). 13 And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of He rested on the seventh day after creating the world (Genesis 2:1-3), and on the first day Christ rose from the dead after redeeming the world (Luke 24:1-7). Jesus brought this commandment to everyones doorstep when He said that to be angry at someone without cause makes us guilty of murder (Matthew 5:21-22). But God doesnt want work to be that important to us, and we shouldnt need a power outage to get us to stop. . Our neighbor was startled when two young men walked into her home uninvited. Joyously, the people praised God for His strength and salvation (Ex. What does it take to make you stop and pay attention to God? His outlook was so positive that a student challenged him: "Yes, there is one thing that frightens methe fear that God seems to be dying out of the minds of men.". But He not only gave His children fine food, He taught them how to live and worship. The Bible says to honor your father and mother (Eph. I have long wondered why God would call Himself by such a name, but slowly I am learning its significance. Sermon illustrations by Tom Willadsen, Dean Feldmeyer, Quantisha Mason-Doll. Only Jesus, the Living Water, can satisfy our thirst for God. God was teaching His people that after He had provided a sacrifice at the altar, a continual self-judging and cleansing from personal defilement was necessary. THE CAUSE OF COMPLAINING EXODUS 15:22-24 For teenagers, it indicates showing respect for Mom and Dad even if you think you know more than they do. Wicked nations were plotting to overthrow Gods anointed, thus ultimately opposing the Almighty Himself. Through many types of artistic expression, we reflect the beauty of creation and honor the Creator and Redeemer of this marvelous world. Sermon Illustrations provides sermon illustrations, sermons, eulogies, funeral helps, and counseling aids for ministers. If our motive is to glorify God and benefit others, we have no reason to be ashamed of what we do for a living. Exodus 31 tells us that God gave certain people special skills to work in gold, in silver, in cutting jewels, and in all kinds of workmanship to help build the tabernacle. D. Robyn and Steve have a counseling ministry that provides very little income. God simply answered, I will be with you., Suppose I . So he multiplied their workload, and the situation went from bad to horrible (Ex 5:18). . If youre questioning who God is, take some time to get to know Jesus in the pages of His Word. Exodus 32:1-14 Commandment 2Refuse Idolatry, You shall not make for yourself a carved image. Exodus 6:6. 5:6 PHILLIPS). . 20:9-11). Most important, don't blame God. All God wants from us is to follow His plans. Practicing a day of rest can keep us from the faulty belief that our work is more important than Gods. According to English poet Oliver Reynolds, an old man had a family altar where he burned incense to an engraving of Napoleon. First, the people had to stand still or firm long enough to get instructions from God. It was picking up the conversation of a truck driver on his CB radio! God replied, I am who I am. A good illustration can paint a picture in the imagination to help clarify the truth of a passage. And He was the incarnate Savior who wept over Jerusalem when His own people rejected Him (Matthew 23:37-39). Spending time with him challenges me to become a better, more thoughtful person. Moses immediately balked by saying, Who am I that I should go? (v.11). But God assured Moses He would enable him to speak powerfully and effectively (v. 12). Contentment is realizing that God has already given me all I need. What David learned is something we too must take to heart. All rights reserved). Even when we don't sense God's presence, His loving care is all around us. But God has given something betterthe indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit (Jn. Any physical portrayal, however, whether with pictures, icons, or statues, distorts our perception of His true character and lessens a healthy respect for His awesome holiness and power. How am I guilty of breaking this command? As Moses trust in God grew, so did the magnitude of miracles God worked through His servant. Yet the thought of standing in the presence of a holy God awes me. JEHOVAH-RAPHA Ex. 77:19-20 nlt). Doesn't perfect love cast out fear? Thats the underlying truth of this commandment. Jesus said that we are to take up our cross daily and follow Him (Luke 9:23). Exodus 18:18. 4:15). Our motives make us into somebody who resists the loving purposes of God. Exodus 23:8. Sleek. Are you part of the problem or part of the solution? Joshua He will sort out the rest. Exodus 15:26. Nehemiah But the Lord said to him, "Who has made man's mouth? 15:22). Exodus 15:22-27: Bitter Waters: Professor Gaussen. Those who see God as an intellectual idea rather than a living, loving being eventually find other ideas more appealing. We need You to restore our souls. He promises to break us free from sin and death through His powerful work in salvation (Jn. Ecclesiastes 3:1. Their bondage was physical, but the issues were spiritual: They worshiped heathen gods and doubted God's promises. Hebrews 3:8. Where does America stand in relation to the rest of the world? . Or who makes the mute, the deaf, the seeing, or the blind? One man, braver than the rest, put forth a last bold endeavor to rescue the boy. She graduated with a degree in music history and literature instead. The people had just seen God save them from certain, watery death. The psalmist could say these things because he enjoyed a close personal relationship with God. The Hebrew word translated lice in Exodus 8:16-18 can also mean gnats or mosquitoes. Because the insects are compared to the sand of the desert, a swarm of gnats seems the most likely. 4:24). We may say that we still believe in the Bible, but we reinterpret its clear meaning on moral and spiritual issues and try to make it say what we want it to say. When the way ahead of us seems uncertain, its good to remember what God has done in the past. Jesus commands us to love God (Matt. Exodus 20. This story reminds us that we've each been given unique abilities by God. Maybe we're worshiping money. To speak the name of God is to call on the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. Standing publicly for what is right is required of us as well. God approves of beautiful colors and textures. Ruth Father, we need help with our priorities. remember Your power and faithfulness when. If were honest, we would have to admit that we sometimes complain when God isnt coming through for us the way we want. . . In other words, God made us so that we realize our greatest potential when we are free from the devastating effects of fear. In Exodus 23, the principles of honesty and kindness were brought together for the Israelites in the laws God gave them. . Copyright 2003-2022 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. Exodus 32 describes how the Israelites allowed their sinful desires to blur their spiritual vision. With Gods strength behind you and His arms beneath you, you can face whatever lies ahead of you. If we peer too far ahead of today, the challenges may feel like a Mt. These are the words Moses spoke to the Israelites when they had just escaped from slavery in Egypt and were being pursued by Pharaoh. Yet God saw something more. Exodus 33: 1-4. Whenever we set out to do something good, even when were certain that God wants us to do it, we shouldnt be surprised when the situation gets worse before it gets better. Galatians Exodus 15:22-27 . His thesis is that we live in a culture in which we perceive ourselves as being entitled to having all our wants and desires fulfilled. Moses explained that this display of power and majesty was to demonstrate Gods incomparable holiness. When trouble seeks to rob your very breath. And who of us as parents have been to our children all that we should have been? In the Hebrew text of Exodus 6:3, Gods name appears as El-Shaddai. We too can know this God. We can bring our work home or take it on vacation. However, Christians have a greater blessing in the Trees and branches fell, blocking roads and keeping people home. This dishonesty, Time suggests, is a symptom of the deception that is creeping into our society. . The book of Psalms concludes with the words, "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. In the divided kingdom of ancient Israel, King Jeroboam erected two golden calves for the people to worship (1 Kings 12:25-32). Find Top Church Sermons, Illustrations, and Preaching Slides on Exodus 12:20-23. Matthew 14:27. Although New Testament believers arent required to keep this law, rest is still important. More and more calendars start the week with Monday, the day God considers second. When I was young, I often wondered how the magicians of Egypt could make snakes out of their rods in the presence of Pharaoh like Aaron had done. The Israelites thought they were going to die, but God said that He would gain glory and honor for Himself through Pharaoh and all his army, and the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord (vv.4,17-18). 2 Samuel 22:39 And I have consumed them, and wounded them, that they could not In Exodus 32, we read how the high priest, Aaron, supervised the making of a golden image for worship. When the tabernacle was built, we see that God also valued the craftsmans touch. Ephesians 2:10. When the year-long process is complete, accomplished musicians play the piano and often comment on how the same rich sounds could never be produced by a computerized assembly line. I think the beauty was important then because it reminded the people of the worth of God in their worship. We don't know what eventually happened to the ark and its contents, but it is intriguing to hear various reports claiming that it could still be in existence. . Some bolts struck so near I could hear them hiss. Sinai to meet God and didnt return according to their timetable. Then they heard of a car missionary who assisted people in ministry. On the other hand, some people encounter problems because they are over-responsible. BRITISH statesman W. E. Gladstone (180998) visited Christ Church College and spoke optimistically about the betterment of English society during his lifetime. Moses described times when children were retold vital stories from Jewish history. This is a celebration held by Jewish families to commemorate the first Passover in Egypt (Exodus 12:24, 25, 26, 27). 18). During our most difficult times, our stability comes from the presence and peace of God. 16:4). Moses had appealed to Pharaoh to let the Hebrews go into the desert to worship God, but the king accused them of loafing on the job (Exodus 5:1,17). Instead of repenting immediately and taking responsibility as the leader, Aaron first blamed the people, saying they had put such pressure on him that he had no choice. The fathers death did not disannul the promise of the Lord. Looking back half a century later, Edith wrote of being glad for the way they had used those Sunday afternoons. He is the dearest Friend I've ever known; With such a Friend to comfort and to guide me. He is smarter; he thinks more deeply; and he knows where to find better books to read. Work is not to be our main source of fulfillment; that must come from God Himself. Their focus on the word itself, however, often overlooked the broader implications of the commandment. After attending to the crisis, they started back to Michigan. Mart De Haan. Exodus 15:1-27, Denomination: It was called Sabbath. Too loose. Left to ourselves we too would (and should) shake in terror. Life can be like that. To be a channel of blessing, let Christ's love flow through you. Its greatness overwhelms close observers. If you have a seemingly impossible need today, remember that the hand that supplied your greatest needforgiveness of sinis the same hand that can adequately supply all your needs. With Monday, the people turned the feast to the rest of Holy... Translated lice in Exodus 23, the designer of the deception that is creeping into our society ( 33:13,18! On His CB radio lines fell, leaving people in ministry Idolatry, you can face lies. Name appears as El-Shaddai to remember what God has done in the Israelites when they gave to build tabernacle... 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