Family Killed in Myanmar Junta Shelling in Rakhine State The Irrawaddy 05:29. Soldiers have been stationed at the Kyein Taung pagoda in Minbya Township since before the mid-April Thingyan festival. Receive daily updates directly in your inbox -, People of Myanmar face unprecedented crisis in 2022, Myanmar:3 million in need of humanitarian aid,world is watchingUN relief chief warns generals, Myanmars farmers battle climate and health uncertainty, Six months after coup, Myanmars political, rights and aid crisis is worsening, Myanmar: Security Council condemns attack killing dozens, UN Special Envoy calls for New Years ceasefire in Myanmar. The body of the victim would be cremated at the cemetery in Kyauktaw town, as junta troops had also reportedly mined the area around Yoke Thars cemetery. In Rakhine State (Central) and Chin State (South), rising tensions and armed clashes caused new displacement. GENEVA (29 June 2022) - Time is running out to save Myanmar's stricken generation, the UN Child Rights Committee warned today, urging the international community to take swift action to protect the country's children. Although there were around 2,000 households in Koe Taw Boet Village, most of its inhabitants have fled the area due to the clashes. Those soldiers reportedly burned down at least 50 houses and three monastery vehicles and looted many houses after taking control of the village. On 30 May 2022, the National Unity Government issued a Weekly Newsletter No. A year ago, on February 1st, 2021, the military in Myanmar deposed the elected government, stalling a gradual process of democratization that had begun a decade earlier. See the State Department's travel website for the Worldwide Caution and Travel Advisories. On 5 August 2022, in response to the Myanmar militarys detention of Japanese video journalist, Toru Kubota, PEN International and the Japan PEN Club expressed concern, and called for the immediate and unconditional release for the journalist, along with all those unjustly detained in Myanmar for their peaceful expression. The injured child was taken to the Kalay Township for treatment, but it was not known at the time of reporting if he survived his injuries. It is reported that they were charged under section 33a of the 2004 Electronic Transactions Law. Traktori i poljoprivredna mehanizacija. UNICEF Myanmar/2022/Minzayar Oo Highlights From January to June 2022, the number of people fleeing from conflict[1]affected locations has increased by nearly 200 per cent, bringing the current number of people displaced since the military takeover to 866,400. In the villages of Hin Cho Taw and Thapyay Shaung, 20 km south of Launglon Township, six people were arrested, and another six people were reportedly arrested in Maungmakan Village. Khit Thit Media reported that on 12 June 2022, the military forces torched the whole village of Lin Sar Kyak in Salingyi Township of Sagaing Region. He mentioned that the Secretary-General reiterated his calls to respect peoples rights to freedom of opinion and expression and also to drop all charges against those arrested on charges related to the exercise of their fundamental freedoms and rights, and for the immediate release of all political prisoners in Myanmar. . The other two men sentenced to hang, Hla Myo Aung and Aung Thura Zaw, were convicted in April 2021 for alleged crimes. This includes 519,500 . Mr. Scot Marciel. According to local anti-regime forces, the victims were all men between the ages of 25 and 50, and are believed to be from the villages of Than Chaung, Kyauk Khwet, Bawton and Baunt Bin. It is now estimated that14 out of 15 states and regions are within the critical threshold for acute malnutrition. Movement restrictions continue impacting access to basic services and livelihood opportunities of IDPs. It is reported that the militarys airstrike attacks targeted and frequently fired heavy artillery in the villages of Thintaw, Nyaung Pin Thar and LaungPyae. Myanmar remains in turmoil a year after the military staged a coup against the ruling National League for Democracy. LEARN MORE. It was mentioned that this abject decision targets once again defenders of freedom. Over 16 months ago, on 1 February 2021, the Myanmar military attempted an illegal coup, toppled the civilian government, and unlawfully and unjustly detained State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, President U Win Myint and other senior members of the civilian government, parliamentarians and activists. The political and security situation is expected to remain volatile and a fourth wave of COVID-19, due to relatively low vaccination rates and the emergence of new variants, is considered a rising risk. YANGON, July 21, 2022 -Myanmar's economy has faced a series of external and internal disruptions which have impeded recovery from the large contraction in economic activity last year. 9 for 1 to 31 October 2022, Myanmar Humanitarian Update No. Improperly charging and sentencing civilians. Home / Uncategorized / current situation in myanmar 2022. current situation in myanmar 2022 . Actions and Remarks by the International Community in response to the Military Coup dtat. More than 13.2 million people do not have enough food in Myanmar and 1.3 million are displaced, UN en . This page is to inform domestic and international travellers about the current travel situation in Myanmar with actual information and useful links to relevant information. In Kayah State, over 1,700 individuals returned to Loikaw town and Demoso Township. On 30 May 2022, the junta troops stationed at a pagoda near Nyaung Chaung and Mahamuni IDP camps in Kyauktaw Township, Rakhine State, opened fire with heavy artillery on those two camps for displaced villagers. Moreover, global supply disruptions, further sanctions and a potential banking crisis all cloud the outlook. In the North-West, the situation is increasingly volatile. During the United Nations daily press briefing on 3 June 2022, Mr. Stephane Dujarric, Spokesperson for the Secretary-General, mentioned that the United Nations is deeply troubled by the Myanmar militarys decision to proceed with the execution of two pro-democracy activists after they received death sentences. Citing alarming findings in a report by the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar, the . The victims were among 40 villagers who the soldiers had taken hostage and used as human shields on 13 May 2022. Daily Weekly. In Kachin and Shan (North), tensions mounted in key contested areas with conflict erupting in existing and new areas. menards closet doors As of 1 January 2022, according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), a total of 1,393 people were ruthlessly killed by the military . According to news reports, this was the second time that the Nat Myaung IDP camp had come under attack from junta troops. On 3 August 2022, H.E Mr. Kyaw Moe Tun, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Myanmar to the United Nations, joined the Webinar on Myanmar titled Responding to the Brutal, Escalating Crisis in Myanmar organized by the Asia Society Policy Institute in New York. 24-Jan- 2022 To bypass the. The father in the family of four was killed and the mother was injured along with their eight-year-old son; only the five-month-old infant was reportedly left unscathed. On 7 June 2022, the UN human rights experts Mr. Thomas Andrews, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar; Ms. Irene Khan, Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of freedom of opinion and expression; and Dr. On 10 June 2022, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar, Mr. Thomas Andrews. The people of Myanmar banged pots and pans or honked horns in protest in the wake of the militarys latest brutal violence and execution, and due to this protest, arrests were reported in at least four townships in Yangon, including Hlaing township, Bahan township, Mawlamyine Street, and Kamayut township. UNICEF Myanmar Humanitarian Situation Report No. Having separated around 30 male civilians from the crowd, the military ordered them to run, and they started firing at the villagers who were fleeing. He said, The United Nations appeals to all parties and stakeholders to respect the neutrality of the United Nations and Humanitarians and further calls for all parties to protect the rights and safety of civilians and strongly condemns acts of violence against civilians. The statement explained that children are missing out on formal education due to COVID-19 school closures and escalating insecurity. 10075, Permanent Mission of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to the United Nations, New York, Weekly Updates on Current Situation in Myanmar (5 June 2022), As of 3 June 2022, according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), 1,887 people have been ruthlessly killed by the military, whereas 13,959 people have been arrested and. There were also 33 recorded cases of schools or education offices being set on fire, and 10 direct attacks on teachers and education staff. He said the executions will go ahead in accordance with prison procedures. He urged the international community to. All clusters are seriously underfunded, threatening their ability to respond to the growing needs and gaps in response. Reports of arrests, casualties, and destruction and looting of property continue as well as movement restrictions due to security checks and roadblocks. They were being held at the South Okkalapa Police Station. 346,600 people who were displaced prior to February 2021 remain living in displacement . Activities of the National Unity Government. The nearby villagers tried to send her to the Kyauktaw hospital, but she died on the way. The Webinar was also joined by former US Ambassador to Myanmar H.E. 01-02-2022. OCHA coordinates the global emergency response to save lives and protect people in humanitarian crises. On 8 June 2022, the military forces raided Bo Tae Village in Wetlet Township of Sagaing Region and killed an 18-year-old civilian named Zayar Khaing. The press release informed that the nine-module interactive course, which will be delivered in Myanmar and English language, is set to go live at the ILOs digital learning platform on 12 June 2022, the World Day Against Child Labour. In 2020 and 2021, learning was disrupted for almost 12 million children, nearly all the school-aged population, and even though schools had began to reopen, the prospect of a full return to classroom education remains slim for many. Main Menu. On 31 May 2022, at 7 PM, Maung Ye Paing from Ka Nyin Kyoe Village, Kyaukkyi Township, Bago Region was arrested by five policemen, who accused him of having connections to the Karen National Union (KNU). The situation in Myanmar was characterized by growing violence and insecurity and resulted in significant forced displacement within the country and into neighbouring countries (over 30,000 refugees between 1 February 2021 and 17 January 2022). According to the local news, the military forces raided and arrested a dozen people in Launglon Township of Tanintharyi Region during last week. This number included almost 700,000 people displaced by the conflict and insecurity since the military takeover in February last year. Some 430,000 people were internally displaced in Myanmar after the military takeover on 1 February . According to local sources, a military column of around 80 troops entered Kan Phyar Village, 15 km northeast of Myinmu Township in Sagaing Region, and ordered the displaced civilians staying at the Myat Saw Ny Naung Monastery to take them to the nearby village of Pe Ku on their motorbikes. On the night of 28 May 2022, NLD member Saw Tha Phwe, also known as Bin Lar Din, who lived in Phado Town, Kyauktaga Township, Bago Region, was arrested and beaten by the juntas paramilitary wing. According to a lawyer, he was charged with incitement under Section 505a of the Penal Code during a court appearance inside prison on 8 June 2022. Furthermore, more than 400 individuals have returned to their places of origin in Kayin State. Permanent Mission of Myanmar to the United Nations, New York. The victims had bullet wounds to their backs, chests and heads. Jan 1 Jan 1. AAPP reported that the military forces detained a civilian named Soe Myint from Bommaw Ward, Dawei Township in Tanintharyi Region on 4 August 2022, and in the next day, it is reported that his body was found on Yangon-Dawei Road near Zayar Village in Dawei Township. Resolution of taxation issues for humanitarian supplies is an urgent priority. By November 2021, just 13 percent of Myanmar's 54 million population was fully vaccinated. There are also concerns that with a possible resumption of the conflict, specific communities could be targeted for their perceived or imputed association with different parties to the conflict. Thursday, September 8, 2022. The pagodas on Shwe Taung and Thin Kyate Taung hills in Myauk-U Township were also occupied by Myanmar army troops. The people of Myanmar are facing an unprecedented political, socioeconomic, human rights and humanitarian crisis with needs escalating dramatically since the military takeover and a severe COVID-19 third wave. On 31 May 2022, the United Nations OCHA released Humanitarian Update No. It said the actual number of school occupations across the country is likely to be much higher. BANGKOK . 23 | 31 October 2022, Myanmar Emergency Update (as of 3 October 2022), UNICEF Myanmar Humanitarian Situation Report No. The APHR Chairperson and Member of Parliament from Malaysia said that these executions would further contribute to preventing the already remote possibility of a sustainable political dialogue, as prescribed over one year ago in the ASEAN Five-Point Consensus. He also urged to increase economic pressure, to do more to stop the flows of arms revenue to the military, to insist on accountability for the atrocities that have been committed. 24-February 2021 sees continuing anti-coup protests. Myanmar army artillery fire in Karenni State hits shelter housing displaced family. According to the reports, after running into the teens with the Toyota Mark II, the soldiers beat them with the butts of their rifles. It was reported that he was a photojournalist from the news outlet The Irrawaddy and had been arrested nearly two months ago. It was also mentioned that a very small number of individuals were also recorded to have left Shan State (South) to their places of origin. The people of Myanmar are facing an unprecedented political, socioeconomic, human rights and humanitarian crisis with needs escalating dramatically since the military takeover and a severeCOVID-19third wave. Military forces and members of the Pyu Saw Htee paramilitary group raided Thae Taw Village in Yesagyo Township, Magway Region, on 9 June 2022 and killed a 70-year-old civilian, who was reportedly burned to death. Conducting airstrike attacks in villages of Minkin Township in an indiscriminate manner. Myanmar Now News reported on 5 August 2022 that the two public figures, Model Nang Mwe San (34) and Actress Thinzar Wint Kyaw (34), were arrested by the military. Prices are only expected to decrease marginally, while farm gate prices will likely remain low. The UN experts said, The international community must not stand quietly by while the people of Myanmar are systematically denied their fundamental rights to freedom of expression, access to information and privacy, which are guaranteed by international human rights law.. What Is The Current Political Situation In Myanmar? The risk and incidence of human trafficking, already on the rise in 2021, is expected to further escalate. As a result, consumer prices are projected to be higher, with incomes continuing to decrease. . USD ; CAD ; EUR ; stainless steel lunch bowl. It also provides participants with comprehensive information and tools to design interventions contributing to the elimination of child labour. On 29 May 2022, when the junta forces, stationed in Kha Lae-Tagon Daing Area Police Station, Kyainseikgyi Township, Kayin State, opened fire on Nan Thaing Htun Village using heavy artillery, they killed a woman named Zin Oo in her house, and her 7-year old daughter was wounded in the cheek. Daw Zin Mar Aung met with Swedish Foreign Affairs Minister Mrs. Ann Linde. Actions and Remarks by the International Community in response to the Military Coup dtat, On 7 June 2022, the UN human rights experts Mr. Thomas Andrews, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar; Ms. Irene Khan, Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of freedom of opinion and expression; and Dr. Ana Brian Nougrres, Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy; and Mr. Clment Nyaletsossi Voule, Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, condemned the attempts of the Myanmar military to establish a digital dictatorship in the country by imposing further restrictions on the access to internet, internet shutdowns, online censorship, surveillance and other barriers to internet access. On 4 August 2022, Ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun, Permanent Representative of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to the United Nations delivered a statement at the General Debate of the tenth Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Although three other protesters, all aged 15 or 16, were also pursued by the regimes forces, they managed to escape. He explained that this support includes utilising the capacity of the special envoy of the ASEAN chair on Myanmar to build confidence and establish open and full access between all parties concerned. 10 East, 77th Street, New York, NY. Drug trade, robberies, thefts and burglaries are also reportedly on the rise in urban areas. After torching the village, the military forces left and moved to another village, but the villagers are scared to return to the village. A total 17,998 deaths were recorded by the Ministry of Health . According to the 30 May 2022 Weekly Highlights of the UNHCR on displacement in the South-East, the total number of IDPs decreased from 258,300 last week to 256,000 this week in the South-East, although it was explained that due to the sporadic armed clashes and general insecurity, verification on the number of individuals affected by new displacement had not been able to take place.

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