This text covers a broad spectrum of social problems coherently and thoroughly. Yes, each chapter covered relevant concepts, related issues, and a sociological framework to 'digest' the content. However, some of the statistics are getting dated. Excessive use of subheadings is avoided. . The Table of Contents is comprehensive, but the is so glossary of terms or subject/name index at the One thing that I found to be a little confusing is that within the chapter, there a links to charts, photos, other chapters and they are highlighted in red. Each chapter had a similar structure with the same end of chapter materials. (1991), By This Standard: The Authority of God's Law Today, Tyler, TX: Institute for Christian Economics, ISBN978-0-930464-06-6, archived from the original on December 15, 2004. - Although capitalism, corporate power, particularly via multinational corporations, and the great wealth disparity was included in the Work & Economy chapter, there isnt a chapter, or subunit, that directly addresses different political systems and ensuing social issues, inequitable access to political power, voter apathy, etc. The content is presented in an objective/scientific manner and uses relevant citations for all the information. I do not think the text is insensitive. To that end, I suggest the subunits learning objectives are: The book is well organized and consistent throughout. [10], Christian reconstructionism is closely linked with postmillenial eschatology and the presuppositional apologetics of Cornelius Van Til.[11][12]. It was easy to read through each section and maintain a sense of where I am in the book. Extensive references are helpful resources. Currently, navigation through the text is a bit cumbersome, limited to scrolling through nearly 900 pages to locate information. There is a good " at a glance" chart on theoretical perspectives in the beginning that explains the major assumptions of each and how each perspective views social problems. read more. It's also easy for the instructor to cover what they think is most relevant and leave out topics or sections of a chapter that they don't want to cover. The book is factual and well rounded in representation. If I were a student who is not easily engaged in reading texts (which I was), this book would work well for me. You will find several pedagogical features help to convey the continuity and change theme of this text and the service sociology vision in which it is grounded: Each chapter begins with a Social Problems in the News story related to the social problem discussed in that chapter. Pages 320, 472, 559: caption for photo should be on same page as photo This text presents topics in a consistent manner and helps students to contextualize each topic within the broader society. This is a very strong point of this text. Since each chapter is divided into 5-7 sections, it would not be too onerous to update some of the discussions, particularly the ones on policy. For instructors who wish to supplement with additional visual materials, or have students use factual material as a basis for further individual study, this text provides an ideal introduction to these topics. read more. Finally, the end of each chapter contains a summary of the whole chapter's main points. Each chapter is self contained and could be used standing alone, and the sections within chapters are relatively self sustaining as well. The book is very clear in presenting its ideas in a linear and logical fashion. This book is HIGHLY relevant today despite being in need of an update. In reconstructionism the idea of godly dominion, subject to God, is contrasted with the autonomous dominion of mankind in rebellion against God. Often well-intended people get involved with issues that they are out-group members of and sometimes the impact is more harmful than helpful. Seemed consistent throughout, in both terminology and framework. The writing is clear and easy to understand. The reader is able to anticipate the organization of each chapter. The book is mostly consistent in its organization with the chapters using the same framework and terminology. The New Dictionary of Christian Apologetics. It includes the examination of educational theories, the presuppositions present in them, and the arguments for and against them. The material is presented at a pretty basic level - I think it would be great for introductory, undergraduate courses in a variety of fields ranging from sociology to medicine, social work to law, and so on. Learning Tools for Students: This makes it difficult to read. Would benefit from some updating, but I believe important key topics are well addressed. The text is easy to navigate, and the images are clear and consistent. Following this definition chapter are 15 chapters each focused on a major social problem. The text is appropriate and respectful of diverse backgrounds and lives. The introductory chapter serves as a clear road map to future chapters. Like I mentioned before, I don't like listing only a few countries as having sex trafficking as a major problem. Even if the topic is not addressed in depth in this text, the failure to acknowledge and represent it accurately is a big problem. More up-to-date and sociologically relevant links could be made to student-friendly sites like The Society Pages, Contexts, and even Reviewed by Nicholas Recker, Professor, Metropolitan State University of Denver on 5/22/19, This text-book offers a comprehensive look at social problems. It's not an accuracy problem, it's that most of the charts and graphs/data date from 2012, making it a bit dated. Solents curriculum framework builds on our unique, creative and applied approach to teaching. Attempting to comprehensively cover all aspects of social problems, with the extensiveness of marginalization, diversity, and oppression that exists in modern American society, is a daunting task. I did not notice any errors, navigation issues, or other problems. The topics are organized in a manner in which they add knowledge to the students. Colorful graphs, illustrations and photos support the text. The social problems herein are examined in the same manner in each chapter, which allows the book to flow well. The book is consistent in organization, terminology, and framework. "Reconstructionism". Both historic and current While there is no glossary in this book, the language is pretty digestible. Areas most in need of updating are Chapter 5: Sexual Orientation and Inequality, Chapter 7: Alcohol and Other Drugs, and Chapter 13: Health and Health Care. I found no issues interfacing with the pdf. No errors were noticed and the text is reasonably unbiased in its review of US/American society. Graphs, images and and text were clear. Each chapter also ends with a What You Can Do feature that suggests several activities, strategies, or other efforts that students might undertake to learn more about and/or to address the social problem examined in the chapter. The table of contents is well organized and user friendly. Inside the chapters, content layout is highly logical and clear. Gothard and the two Phillipses, for example, used Christian Reconstructionism to build the evangelical homeschooling community of the 1970s and 1980s. The information presented is drawn from credible sources, and the analysis presented is based on social scientifically produced knowledge. Sociological Foundation of read more. Appropriate terminology was used but always with a clear explanation illustrated with examples. Considering how controversial many of these chapters are, the author did an exceptional job presenting the information in a non-biased manner, making the textbook inclusive for students of all backgrounds, races, genders, and ethnicities. I appreciate the conclusions at they provide a nice summary of the whole chapter. Great for introductory level students. The majority of the chapters discuss the functionalist, conflict, and symbolic interactionist theories but it is not included in the chapters that discuss race, gender, and sexual orientation without any indication of why. Reviewed by Lori Geiselman, Adjunct, Rhode Island College on 2/1/18, Each chapter is well described. Advance HE members are invited to apply for funding across three projects to: explore student outcomes outside of the classroom; support diversity in academic leadership; and develop sustainable institutions. The content of the book is still pertinent. CT can be approached from the educational, philosophical, psychological and sociological perspectives. I think overall the book hits the mark on overall relevance and longevity. Christian reconstructionism's founder, Rousas Rushdoony, wrote in The Institutes of Biblical Law (the founding document of reconstructionism) that Old Testament law should be applied to modern society, and he advocates the reinstatement of the Mosaic law's penal sanctions such as stoning. The organization, structure, and flow of this text makes for a very readable and usable offering. It's like all these complicated topics have been cut into bite-size pieces for the reader, which is so important in terms of accessibility and facilitating comprehension. There were no major grammatical errors. I also downloaded the book into a pdf file and was able to use the bookmark feature to navigate in the book. If the issues I brought up were addressed, I would most definitely integrate at least parts of it in the readings I use in certain courses. Each chapter follows a similar and consistent layout, which makes the material easier for students to retain. Its sixteen chapters can easily be fit into a typical 8- or 16-week semester format. The book seems to read more like a graduate-school paper than a text book. This is a very comprehensive text. The table of contents that is provided is extremely useful and easy to navigate. Reviewed by Katie Cali, Instructor of Sociology and Criminal Justice , NTCC on 4/3/19, The information presented in this textbook is comparable to a traditional, publisher distributed textbook. But this is the only specific example I can think of where I felt like certain countries were called out inappropriately. I really like the way each chapter can be free-standing. The textbook is written in a culturally sensitive manner. A really wonderful alternative to an expensive social problems text. While the content covered in each of the chapters provides plenty for the instructor to discuss, this textbook also still has room for the instructor to bring in more contemporary issues or aspects of social problems not covered in the textbook. Each chapter can be assigned out of order as the text is not overly self-referential, but the sections within the chapter are best read together and chronologically for maximum comprehension. The textbook chapters are easy to read because they are divided into sections that have their own learning objectives. Review questions are often included and very useful for reflection and/or incorporating into assignments. While there is no index, glossary, or table of contents, the text is formatted effectively to highlight key terms, definitions, and concepts. This book could be read by many different audiences of varying educational levels. Barkan does an excellent job of addressing social problems, which by nature can be controversial, in a manner that is neither culturally insensitive nor offensive. Jargon is sometimes necessary in an academic context, but the textbook does well in ensuring that any jargon written is also well-defined prior to being frequently used. Reviewed by Ajay Panicker, Associate Professor, St Cloud State University on 5/21/18, The textbook follows the standard practice of providing an initial understanding of Social Problems in general, and the theoretical perspectives employed to explain them, and goes on to examine in some detail a variety of social processes within It is consistent with the continuity-and-change model, focusing more on the enduring issues of controversy in society than the current details about those issues. It covers all the areas a sociology of social problems text should cover. I found each chapter to be consistent with the chapters before. This is one of the more accessible social problems text I have read. Corporate author : UNESCO Corporate author : Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS Corporate author : United Nations Population Fund Corporate author : United Nations Children's Fund I was sure that a free online textbook would somehow be an inferior product. Aside from some pages having a bit too much of blank space, the pagination and interface follow the standard format. Other pedagogical features in each chapter include Learning Objectives at the beginning of a major section that highlight key topics to be learned; Key Takeaways at the end of a major section that highlight important points that were discussed in the section; For Your Review questions, also at the end of a major section, that have students think critically about that section's discussion; and a Summary that reviews the major points made in the chapter. The current event spotlighting the problem at the beginning of each chapter can easily be updated. The textbook is relatively easy to navigate. It builds new concepts in education liberalizing everchanging needs of time, space and circumstances. The information is presented in a manner appropriate for some high school classes in addition to the post secondary level. The textbook presents current, "state of the art" content. The text is well-written in a way that is easy to understand for a student. Reviewed by Marc Wagoner, Associate Professor, Worcester State University on 6/30/20, The book appears to to do a great job on covering material that can distress both individuals and the communities they are a part of. read more. The selection of social problems are relevant and widespread, and discussion of those carries demonstrates current treatment. This is an exceptionally clear and accessible text; very appropriate for an introduction to social problems course. There are none provided for this particular text. In fact, it addresses many of the cultural insensitivities prevalent in society and attempts to address them. The information presented in this textbook is comparable to a traditional, publisher distributed textbook. Another helpful aspect is the continual redirection to ways students can get involved (volunteering, activism, etc). Download citation. The overall text is well organized with major overview topics first, followed by important identity concerns, and then necessary investigations into social institutions. That being said, this book is very relevant as it puts events in history in context. Thats why libraries turn to Ebook Central for their ebook needs. Most major news sources have follow GLAAD's request to not use these terms ( Within each chapter, key terms are in boldface and defined; sections of each chapter are summarized with key takeaways, and discussion questions are provided. McVicar, Michael J. - The subunits within each chapter begin with three-four Learning Objectives, which are helpful; however, in some instances, I found them to be too general to truly introduce pertinent points and guide learning. It appears to be comprehensive in it's definition and application of sociological theory and research. The author of Principles of Sociological Inquiry: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods, Amy Blackstone, started envisioning this textbook while sitting in her own undergraduate sociology research methods class.

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