Within ModuleFederationPlugin. The child app is also mounted on the host domain, hence, This command adds module-federation lib and creates the webpack config file to setup remotes or hosts. To make this folder look like a npm package, there is a path mapping for it in the tsconfig.json: Please note that we are directly pointing to the src folder of the auth-lib. Generally, remotes are configured using URL's like in this example: But you can also pass in a promise to this remote, which will be resolved at runtime. import('./bootstrap.js'), // derive the publicPath with your own logic and set it with the __webpack_public_path__ API. In our case, a host application that loaded in the other micro-apps made the most sense for us. Add SECURITY.md send PR. If you start your shell and load the Micro Frontend, you will see this error. Well occasionally send you account related emails. We will be using a yarn mono-repo structure here for simplicity, but the idea behind Module Federation is to allow teams to operate autonomously, so in the real world, your SPA's would most likely live in their own repositories. We have done this before with PHP and Angular to React or Angular2. If you use the router, you will get some initial issues because you need to call RouterModule.forRoot for each AppModule (Root Module) on the one side while you are only allowed to call it once on the other side. If you go with a traditional CLI project, you need to adjust this by hand. When this command runs, it actually serves this particular application on port 3001, and the entry point of the application is a file called remoteEntry.js. Also, you have to know that the shells package.json points to Angular 12.0.0 without ^ or ~, hence we exactly need this very version. pyusb library comes in two versions:. So that large applications can be split easily where each part can then be shared among other parts and may be developed by separate teams. Hence, the issue described here, will not happen. Module Federal Overview. Setting eager: true for dependency via the ModuleFederationPlugin. Perhaps youve already seen that sometimes Module Federation generated duplicate bundles with slights different names: The reason for this duplication is that Module Federation generates a bundle per shared library per consumer. A chunk loading operation is usually an import() call, but older constructs like require.ensure or require([]) are supported as well. Module Federation is a feature from Webpack 5. Each build acts as a container and also consumes other builds as containers. However, if you ran the application you would get the following error message, which tells us that the import on line 15 above isnt working: To understand why this is, lets take a look at what happens when we build application1 via the webpack-dev-server command. There is also an 'auto' value available to output.publicPath which automatically determines the publicPath for you. it works on localhost:8081; And my projec didn't work. By using this practice, you assure (more or less) that these feature modules work the same when loaded into the shell as when used in standalone-mode. get: (request) => window.app1.get(request), #2108 opened Jul 19, 2022 by nuno-barreiro. Webpack Module Federation is only available in version 5 and above of webpack. This gives you the following advantages: Smooth integration and lazy loading Easy code sharing between main and orders But this approach also comes with some drawbacks: Main app build takes longer It is possible to nest a container. Let's run it. This technology is clearly a game-changer in javascript architecture. Common dependencies like Angular or the Auth0 library can be shared and hence don't need to be loaded several times. If you look at the previous demo, youll see our serve command for the Tenable.io application leveraged the @nrwl/web:dev-server executor. The configurations for application1 and application2 are nearly identical to the one above, with the exception of the ModuleFederationPlugin. Unfortunately, such a situation can confuses webpack Module Federation when trying to auto-detect the needed versions of peer dependencies. Fortunately, Module Federation got us covered with such scenarios. Specifically, it would return the name of the remotes along with the port they should run on. This shows that webpack looks into the package.json files of all the shared dependencies for determining the needed versions. 1. The Amur Region is the main agricultural region of the Far Eastern Federal District. For example, with this logic in place, we could accommodate a host of various engineering needs: You can easily imagine that as your application grows and your codebase gets larger and larger, this type of functionality can be extremely powerful since you only have to build the parts of the application related to what youre working on. Sibling containers cannot override each other's modules. If your webpack.config.js was generated with this or a newer version, it already uses this helper function. Nx does this by default. Perhaps youve seen an error like this here: It seems like, the loaded Micro Frontend mfe1 cannot get hold of the HttpClient. In general this makes sense while in such a very specific case, it doesnt bring any advantages. . Loading remote modules is considered an asynchronous operation. Micro frontends with Module Federation give each development team greater autonomy over how their portion of the app should be built. Technically, its just another file exposed by the npm package @angular/common. Additionally, when our team added a new micro-app, our script was capable of handling it automatically. To make configuring such cases a bit easier as well as to prevent issues with the Angular compiler, @angular-architects/module-federation provides a configuration property called: Important: Since Version 14.3, the withModuleFederationPlugin helper automatically shares all mapped paths if you dont use the property sharedMappings at all. Datenschutz. However, it can only be as good as the meta data it gets. Name - Abishek Timsina. This allowed us to simply pass a series of terminal commands that get run. } For large enterprises . How to force using shared deps from host instead of remotes. Diagrams are great, but what does a system like this actually look like from a code perspective? Youll also find that the Host application needs to know which micro-app is running on which port, and youll need to avoid serving a micro-app on a port already in use. As long as this is the case, you dont need to worry about duplicates. Well, when it comes to your leading, stateful framework e. g. Angular its a good idea to define it as a singleton. For this initial setup, were going to leverage a very simple approach to building and serving the three applications. See the next article to learn about how we dealt with our vendor libraries. While Module Federation is really a straight and thoroughly thought through solution, using Micro Frontends means in general to make runtime dependencies out of compile time dependencies. Our applications are responsible for determining what they want to expose to the outside world. Step 2: In the module-federation-examples/basic-host-remote/app1 directory, execute npm start. Now that we have these three new workspaces, how exactly do we run them locally? I imported Angular's BrowserModule in my micro frontends which was wrong. Once initialized, the remote and any exposed component can be imported by the Host application like any other import. It is automatically inferred for the module requests by default, set requiredVersion to false when automatic infer should be disabled. How typesafe can a remote be with Typescript? As a result of this new model, the bottleneck shown above is no longer an issue. According to which criteria can we sub-divide a huge application into Micro Frontends? Advanced API in Webpack 5..-beta.17. See the following articles to learn more about the intricacies of using module federation: Learn how Tenable finds new vulnerabilities and writes the software to help you find them, Start Cloud Now90 days of cloud2020 edition, The only question I ask while making decisions in business, Simple way to manage module imports within a python package folder hierarchy, Module Federation Managing Your Micro-Apps. But if you just shared components or services, this might work at first sight. This file imports another file called boostrap.js. Module Federation allows loading Micro Frontends at runtime. In general there are many ways to implement . Pitfalls with Module Federation and Angular, Angular Schulung: Strukturierte Einfhrung, Design mit System: Skalierbare Design Systems mit Storybook und Angular, Reaktive Angular-Architekturen mit RxJS und NGRX (Redux), Professional NGRX: Advanced State Management & Best Practices, The Refurbished HttpClient in Angular 15 Standalone APIs and Functional Interceptors, Angular Elements: Web Components with Standalone Components, The Solution: Easier and More Secure With Authentication Gateways, The Microfrontend Revolution: Module Federation in Webpack 5, The Microfrontend Revolution: Module Federation with Angular, Building A Plugin-based Workflow Designer With Angular and Module Federation, Getting Out of Version-Mismatch-Hell with Module Federation, Using Module Federation with (Nx) Monorepos and Angular, Multi-Framework and -Version Micro Frontends with Module Federation: Your 4 Steps Guide, Module Federation with Angulars Standalone Components. It likely does not say "./Button", but the error message will look similar. The purpose of this component was to dynamically attach the remote entry to the page and then initialize the micro-app lazily so it could be leveraged by Host. It's synchronous nature means that currently there is no way to wait for container negotiations to take place between runtimes, limiting the possibilities of using module federation with Next.js apps. This makes it possible for multiple applications . console.log('remote container already initialized') And libraries in that sense are just folders with source code. One of the very first changes we made was to our NX workspaces. // This part depends on how you plan on hosting and versioning your federated modules Will always be provided, even if not used. Future-oriented solutions to solve today's problems and anticipate tomorrow's needs. Once we had the necessary information we needed for the remotes (via the REMOTE_INFO variable), we then updated our bootstrap.jsx file to leverage a new component we discuss below called . It should be possible to expose and use any module type that webpack supports. While the first one knows the user name, the second one doesnt. Before You Proceed: The remainder of this article is very technical in nature and is geared towards engineers who wish to learn more about how module federation works and the way in which things can be set up. 3. it enabled us to spin up a series of micro-apps based on our needs. The packageName option allows setting a package name to look for a requiredVersion. Hence, both, the shell and the Micro Frontend have their very own copy of these services and this is something, no one is expecting. It's not possible to use a remote module without a chunk loading operation. First, what exactly is module federation? when i didn't use shared i had error: For example, your entry looked like this: Let's create bootstrap.js file and move contents of the entry into it, and import that bootstrap into the entry: This method works but can have limitations or drawbacks. Dies ist Beitrag 7 von 10 der Serie Module Federation, Updated on 2021-06-10 for CLI 14.x and above. Unfortunately, such a situation can confuses webpack Module Federation when trying to auto-detect the needed versions of peer dependencies. Module FederationFederated Application Architectures Summary There's been a lot of excitement in the community about the upcoming module federation feature in Webpack 5. However, if there is a version mismatch, singletons prevent Module Federation from falling back to a further library version. Next.js Module Federation SSR brought server-side rendering, which is significantly more complex, in addition to client-side rendering of federated . This command starts the webpack dev server for each application. As you see here, now, the shells AppModule uses the Micro Frontends AppModule. Since Angular 14.2, it's possible to use Standalone Components as Angular Elements. It need to be in dependencies, devDependencies or peerDependencies. This way you could dynamically load an A/B test which provides a different version of a shared module. Open Sourcing Figment AR, a conference, and GLTF skeletal animation support! In terms of the volume of grown products (soybeans), the Amur Region accounts for over 40 percent of the total gross harvest of the Russian Federation. We use NX to build two Angular applications using PrimeNG, then share a component between the two applications using module federation.Code: https://github.c. Try running the mfe-profile app by itself by running ng serve mfe-profile --open in the terminal. If you import BrowserModule instead, this will break . Exposes define what the micro frontend app exposes to other apps. If you have the container loaded for the remote you are trying to consume, but still see this error, add the host container's remote container file to the HTML as well. // the injected script has loaded and is available on window The reason for this is the secondary entry point @angular/common/http which is a bit like an npm package within an npm package. Solving the difficult problems of implementing micro front end with webpack 5 module Federation explain webpack 5 adds the function of Module Federation, which can help to form multiple independent builds into an application, and different builds can be developed and deployed independently. script.onload = () => { However, the actual issue here is that Angular creates a root scope for each root module. However, @angular/common itself is not a dependency of @angular/common and hence, the version cannot be found. We did this by only loading in the code we needed for a given micro-app at the time it was needed (versus everything at once). Start by creating a new project folder with the . Module Federation shared deep dependency resolved incorrectly. "Module Federation does also work with target: "node". Within each host/ and remote/ run: npm install --save-dev webpack webpack-cli html-webpack-plugin webpack-dev-server babel-loader. Step 2 will be done during the module evaluation interleaved with other (local and remote) modules. In a nutshell, this logic dynamically injects the tag into the index.html file when needed, and initializes the remote. Hence, Module Federation allows loading several versions of them if there is no highest compatible version. return window.app1.init(arg) Learn how Tenable finds new vulnerabilities and writes the software to help you find them, VR & AR App Development BlogViro Media, The Completely Incomplete Guide to Working on a Vue.js Project, Listen to any DOM Event using an Observable in Angular. In this case, it would be much better if the micro-apps could be loaded in dynamically only when a particular route is hit. ReactDOM.render(, document.getElementById('root')); Uncaught Error: Shared module is not available for eager consumption. Module Federation shared deep dependency resolved incorrectly, Fallback to lower version of shared library with singletone: true, The third-party UI library is referenced in the remote module, and the local UI library does not work, shared-routing: Profile page blank on first render in production build, Followup: Properly accomplish nested routing, Can the main application work without remoteEntry in development, Bi-directional shared files - strange behavior, Angular singleton service initiated multiple times, React In Vue (converted to jsx) button event not firing, angular11-microfrontends-lazy-components | styles not getting applied for shared component. To make that happen, we have to open up the public/index.html file and add those remote entry files in: Now if we run the host application and investigate the network traffic, well see the remoteEntry.js file for both application 1 and 2 get loaded in via ports 3001 and 3002: At this point, we have covered a basic module federation setup. When using a remote module these asynchronous operations will be placed in the next chunk loading operation(s) that is between the remote module and the entrypoint. This way, evaluation order is unaffected by converting a module from local to remote or the other way around. Once this phase was complete, we were ready to move to the next phase: the introduction of module federation for the purposes of breaking our Tenable.io application into a series of micro-apps. Later in the article, we will show a better way of managing multiple webpack configurations across your repository. The consumer in this sense is the federated project (shell or Micro Frontend) or a shared library. Low-level concepts We distinguish between . This package was previously available for $40 (USD) on PrivJS with over 92k downloads. WitUTF-8. 1. We added Okta into the shell application, but now we need to turn the mfe-profile application into a micro frontend and share the authenticated state. In this demo, were keeping things as simple as possible. This ensures that a given micro-app is never loaded in until its actually needed, leading to a huge boost in performance. However, there is a constellation with the same underlying issue that is everything but obvious. Its AuthService stores the current user name. The application shell defines commonly used libraries as shared modules to avoid duplication of them in the page builds. Leveraging the remote utilities we discussed above, you can see how we pass the remotes and their associated ports in the webpack build via the REMOTE_INFO property. Lets finish this tour with something, that just looks like an issue but is totally fine. Step 1 will be done during the chunk loading. For example, if you wanted to pass in which version of a federated module you should use, via a query parameter you could do something like the following: Note that when using this API you have to resolve an object which contains the get/init API. SMBs. Another, less obvious pitfall you can run into is this one here: With inject() must be called from an injection context Angular tells us that there are several Angular versions loaded at once. What is Module Federation The problem Bundling JavaScript files for client-side consumption has traditionally been a huge pain. The issue is because we havent actually done anything to load in those remote entry files. I've gotten RSC specific components sharing through module Federation. Obviously, if you dont opt-in into sharing the library in one of the projects, these project will get their own copy of the auth-lib and hence sharing the user name isnt possible anymore. However, you can expose as much or as little as you want based on your needs. Unable to find required version for "@angular/common" in description file (C:\Users\Manfred\Documents\artikel\ModuleFederation-Pitfalls\example\node_modules\@angular\common\package.json). We distinguish between local and remote modules. But be careful as all provided and fallback modules will always be downloaded. In our initial approach with this new architecture, we made this mistake and paid for it from a performance perspective. Normally this is not required because webpack Module Federation is very smart with finding out which version you use. For this reason, webpack wants to find out which version of @angular/common is used. resolve(proxy) To demonstrate this situation, let's install @angular/material and @angular/cdk in a version that is at least 2 versions behind our Angular version. Photo by Ilya Pavlov on Unsplash. stable (0.4.x) under development (1.0.x) Debian distribution only contains stable version and this is the one that you have installed using apt-get command.. Now pyrow is trying to import usb.core which only exist in 1.0.x version of the library. However, when dealing with it, several additional questions come in mind: Our free eBook (about 100 pages) covers all these questions and more: Module Federation is really clever when it comes to auto-detecting details and compensating for version mismatches. Additionally, we created some remote utilities that allowed us to consistently manage our remotes. Perhaps it even works when running mfe1 in standalone mode. These separate builds should not have dependencies between each other, so they can be developed and deployed individually. To demonstrate this situation, lets install @angular/material and @angular/cdk in a version that is at least 2 versions behind our Angular version. init: (arg) => { }), // this name needs to match with the entry name, //bootstrap app e.g. Then with the help of my co-creator and the founder of Webpack it was turned into one of the most exciting features in the Webpack 5 core (there's some cool stuff in there, and the new API is really powerful and clean). As demonstrated in the following diagram, multiple teams were responsible for individual parts of the Tenable.io application. Notice when we navigate to the /profile route, we see a console error. You have a host app hosted on https://my-host.com/app/* and a child app hosted on https://foo-app.com. Module Federation of Webpack 5 is an absolutely fantastic technology which can easily revolutionize the way we share source code between applications. This approach avoids the error Shared module is not available for eager consumption, which you can read more about here. using create-react-app to build new projects has the same disadvantages because of all the dependency we have on react-scripts.. Instead of URLs pointing to the other micro-frontends, here file paths are used which point to the other micro-frontends. Already on GitHub? Verify it is up at http://localhost:3002. However, regardless of the update, everything went through the same build and deployment pipeline once the code was merged to master. That way you can do SSR with the same codebase and a different webpack config for building for node.js. Hiermit erklre ich mich damit einverstanden, dass der Betreiber dieser Seite meine E-Mail-Adresse zum Zwecke des Versands des Newsletters verarbeiten kann. the shell. } The container interface supports get and init methods. However, in our case, the auth-lib is just a library in our monorepo. Ive written down some details on this and on options for dealing with version mismatches here. It walks you through everything you need to do to start with Module Federation. The application shell is deployed when routes are updated or new routes are added. Fills it with known provided modules from this build and all remotes, // Initialize the container, it may provide shared modules, 'app1@http://localhost:3001/remoteEntry.js', promise new Promise(resolve => { This also holds true for secondary entry points our shared libraries belong to. One of the most important things we did here was create a serve.js file that allowed us to build/serve only those micro-apps an engineer needed to work on. Will match all used equal module requests in your build. But first, there is a handy Webpack plugin developed by Zack Jackson, one of the creators of Module Federation, called external-remotes-plugin. Shared modules are modules that are both overridable and provided as overrides to nested container. They usually point to the same module in each build, e.g. A Vite plugin which support Module Federation. Module Federation was already powerful. const proxy = { try { By making the changes above, we were able to significantly improve our overall performance. It also allows multiple teams to work in parallel, without interfering with each other's code. The serve command above listens for that message (line 26 above) and uses it to keep track of when a particular micro-app is done compiling. In the demo above, we have a Host application that is the main entry point for our application. For a real world application that has many micro-apps, this means the performance of your initial load will most likely be impacted. This is also the key for sharing data like the current user or global filters. To construct this situation, lets add another library to our monorepo: Also, make sure we have a path mapping for it pointing to its source code: Lets assume we also want to store the current user name in this library: And lets also assume, the AuthLibService delegates to this property: The shells AppComponent is just calling the login method: However, now the Micro Frontend has three ways of getting the defined user name: At first sight, all these three options should bring up the same value. It also calls the override API of these containers to provide overrides to them. This plugin adds specific references to containers as externals and allows to import remote modules from these containers. If you are new to webpack, we recommend you read through their getting started documentation to better understand how webpack works. You can see the actual component never gets loaded until we hit a path where it is needed. The problem is that Next.js has no async boundary internally. Member-only. // Initializes the shared scope. Additionally, loading in all the micro-apps as were doing in the index.html file above is not very flexible. Could provide and consume multiple different versions when you have nested node_modules. So in our case, we will only expose the index file (.) in the src directory. For this, let's consider the following version mismatch: Shell: useless-lib@^2. Dependencies. You will have the same challenge with other packages using secondary entry points, e. g. @angular/material. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. Up until today, the implementation of micro front-end strategy seems to only bring increased complexity and inconsistent performance where the bad outweighs the good. My Product application uses the Angular Material library and when I'm running the Product application and accessing it through local url, the button (with angular material styles) renders correctly. I have two apps: host_app is app which render remote app on different port. The entry point for our host application is the index.js file shown below. Advantages. One of the powerful features of module federation is that all micro-apps are capable of being built independently. It can realize the cross -application sharing module, as shown in the figure: 2. Unsurprisingly, @angular/common/http uses @angular/common and webpack recognizes this. This allowed us to speed up our boot time by 2x and our rebuild time by 7x, which was a significant improvement. We finally discovered the issue was related to the fact that we were loading in our remotes using this static approach. As discussed in the previous article, the first step in updating our architecture involved the consolidation of our two repositories into one and the introduction of the NX framework. This way, evaluation order is unaffected by converting a module from local to remote or the other way around. However, if we expect the AppModule to provide some global services like the HttpClient, we also need to do this in the shells AppModule: In a very simple scenario you might try to just expose the Micro Frontends AppModule. Each page of a Single Page Application is exposed from container build in a separate build. In order to resolve this, you can set the versions by hand or by using the helper function share that uses the version found in your projects package.json: In our example, the shell and the micro frontend mfe1 share the auth-lib. As described by its creator Zack Jackson: Module Federation allows a JavaScript application to dynamically load code from another application and in the process, share dependencies. However, you can see that each individual application within Tenable.io (the micro-apps) has its own Jenkins pipeline where it can lint, test, and build the code related to that individual application. You do not use webpack as a module bundler (Module Federation is a webpack 5 feature) You require an old Angular version < 11.0.0 ( Angular 11 first has opt-in support for Webpack 5) I strongly recommend to stick with a different integration pattern in your Microfrontend architecture if one or more of the points above apply to your project. Ensure you have loaded the container before attempting to dynamically connect a remote container. evaluating the module (synchronous). The application shell is also a separate build referencing all pages as remote modules. However, you know what they say: Beware of your wishes. This is often known as Micro-Frontends, but is not limited to that. #2063 opened Jul 6, 2022 by JamieSlome. Below is a general breakdown of what that file does: You can see in our webpack configuration below where we send the ready message (line 193). We are able to import Application1 and Application2 and load them in like a normal component (lines 1516): Note: Had we exposed more specific files as discussed above, our import would be more granular in nature: At this point, you might think were done. You should resolve this promise with any module that fits the get/init interface described above. This was problematic for a number of reasons: Lets discuss why module federation was the solution for us. Inspired by Webpack Module Federation feature. In a nutshell, it is webpacks way of implementing a micro-frontend (though its not limited to only implementing frontend systems). Step 1: In the module-federation-examples/basic-host-remote/app2 directory, execute npm start. Overriding modules is a one-directional operation. Also, this duplicates all shared services registered for the root scope, e. g. with providedIn: 'root'.

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