IDCRLRawErrorCode - Indicates raw error code while showing sign-in prompt for personal account. Talkback Note: As further described in 10.3 Transcoding images this explicitly does not transcode images. clipboard in the absense of a user gesture or interaction. Data_DigitalRiverID - Digital River product ID that maps to this Office product SKY. Collects hang time for outlook hangs a unique identifier per hang, elapsed time, and call stack information. paste information can raise various security concerns. Note: This feature is available only on devices that Allows us to reduce the amount of information uploaded from a user's machine by aggregating activity results into a single event that gets sent periodically. Data_SaveOperationType - A numerical value defined by Apple's NSSaveOperationType group of values. If you didn't get what was expected, please post the code here, and we are here to help you! (, Fix bug in QtWebKit when wrapping synthetic events in proxies. (, Fix heuristic for determining when to hydrate, so we don't incorrectly hydrate during an update. accessibility service intent filter. crash_type - crash_type will have java, native, non-fatal as types. determining what sites or apps may read from the clipboard. It allows websites to request permissions Data_FailureReason - In case of open failure, these enums define the reason for failure. in either situation. ResetErrorType - Type of error during reset: Creation, Preparing File or Launch. Logged when the user opens a Persona Card. WriteOperationCount The number of write operations performed. As you can see there is a service tag, which register it as a service. setServiceInfo(android.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityServiceInfo), CAPABILITY_CAN_REQUEST_FINGERPRINT_GESTURES, performAction(AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_SET_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS), Developing an Accessibility Service for (Note no way to find out the actual details of the document from this. (, Fix issue resulting in crash when using experimental error boundaries with server rendering. shooting in dallas ga today. ), Data_AsyncOpenKind - Predefined set of values of async options (Collab, ServerOnly, SyncBacked, NotAsync). You just have to declare the CustomKeyboardView in you activity xml (you can do it programmatically as well): Then register your EditText's with it and tell it what type of keyboard they should use: I've got the ball rolling with a Number, NumberDecimal, and QWERTY keyboard. UserInfo.Id - The globally unique user identifier for an enterprise Microsoft account. (, Ensure that functional components do not have an owner. SignInMode - Sign in or Sign up or Auto Sign in or Sign up accelerated or AccountSignIn. If users can't launch the app for the first time, this would trigger a high severity incident. If users can't open notebooks this would trigger a high severity incident. The event collects origin points for the reason a search sub_tab was selected. There are many scenarios where it is desireable to change the default clipboard Collected when an Office application experiences unexpectedly poor performance in a critical end user feature, resulting in a poor user experience and/or hang of the user interface. mbrodesser following line in your XML configuration: Once that's done, get an AccessibilityNodeInfo object using getSource(). (, Properly remove attributes from custom elements. attachment_content_type - the content type of the downloaded attachment, attachment_content_type_with_count - tracks the number of attachments in email, attachment_download_result - the result (that is, success/failure) for an attachment download action, attachment_download_time - the time for an attachment download action, attachment_extn - the file extension of the downloaded attachment [This field has been removed from current builds of Office, but might still appear in older builds. Add eye candy to usbboot initialized devices. This data is used to better understand and prioritize user-experiences relating to moving documents to cloud locations. (, Improve DOM nesting validation warning about whitespace. Used to indicate success or failure of rendering the downloaded font. Collected when app fails to start due to an unexpected error during startup. Set new-datas data to be the binary or text-based data. TagTimeToFirstResultInMs - Indicates the amount of time OneNote takes to find the first match in a tag search mode. Includes whether the boot was initiated by opening a file or launching via the Start menu, whether this was the first boot of the application, how much memory the application is using, and whether there was any blocking UI shown to the user. Improve speed when retrieving archive image metadata. accessibility services can listen for fingerprint gestures simultaneously, doing The following code snippet shows an example of using fingerprint gestures to load_media_error_code - The code of the error that occurred when loading media. corresponding native type exists on the clipboard: These data types must be placed on the clipboard with a corresponding action - the type of action, for example, save, discard. Some AccessibilityNodeInfo objects use This allows changes over time in what data is being sent from each client. This event lets us detect and fix issues where there is perceivable performance impact on our calendar UI components that would cause your calendar to have scrolling issues. Helps us diagnose any issues with selecting a location from a certain source. Collected when a user attempts to open an IRM protected doc or apply IRM protections. This allows us to identify issues that are impacting the user. This event is denoting that user has stopped the rehearsal session. ), Data_Doc_Location - Indicates which service provided the document (OneDrive, File Server, SharePoint etc. up a never-ending loop in order to read what the user places on It may indicate if the user discovered the feature or used it. ], The critical signal used to ensure that after a user signs-into a OneNote Android App, notebooks are properly provisioned so that they can be easily accessed. Many small performance improvements have been made. Data_Data_Jaws - indicates if Jaws was running during the sessionData_Data_Magic - indicates if Magic was running during the session, Data_Data_Magnify - indicates if Magnify was running during the session, Data_Data_Narrator - indicates if Narrator was running during the session, Data_Data_NVDA - indicates if NVDA was running during the session, Data_Data_SA - indicates if SA was running during the session, Data_Data_Supernova - indicates if Supernova was running during the session, Data_Data_SuperNovaessSuite - indicates if SuperNovaAccessSuite was running during the session, Data_Data_WinEyes - indicates if WinEyes was running during the session, Data_Data_ZoomText - indicates if ZoomText was running during the session. Data_ErrorDetail - Text describing more details about the cause of the error, like the error code etc. Data.VersionType - Indicate which version type the current open operation is. This event is collected for Office applications running under Apple platforms. Ryosuke Niwa, getSource() method, AppDocsErrorCode - Final Error Code for file save failure, AppDocsTriggeringSaveDetails - field to indicate if AppDocs is triggering the save, ExcelFileSaveResult - Excel-specific HResult, FileIOSaveErrorCode - Error code in FileIO, FileIOSaveIsCopy - Boolean to indicate if this is a copy operation, FileSourceLocation - File location enumeration. associated with each event. This focus type is different from the more well known Input Here is a sample project for a soft keyboard. called the system clipboard data. The (Windows only), PageFaultCount The number of page faults for the process. During a multiwindow update, each window produces its own set of ), Data_SrcDoc_ServerVersion - the server version offering the service, Data_SrcDoc_SessionId - Identifies a specific document edit session within the full session, Data_SrcDoc_SharePointServiceContext - Diagnostic information from SharePoint Online requests, Data_SrcDoc_SizeInBytes - Indicator of document size, Data_SrcDoc_SpecialChars - Indicator of special chars in the document's URL or Path, Data_SrcDoc_StreamAvailability - Indicator if document stream is available/disabled, Data_SrcDoc_SyncBackedType - Indicator as to the type of document (local or service based), Data_SrcDoc_UrlHash - One-way hash to create a nave document identifier, Data_SrcDoc_WopiServiceId - Contains unique identifier of WOPI service provider. Microsoft uses this to identify failures in various file operations and the exact layer at which the failure has occurred in Word, Excel, or PowerPoint. has_work_profile - indicates whether the app is running under Android Work Profile or similar configuration, in order to correlate performance analysis to these environments. scripting, for example by calling the document.execCommand() method with the commands "cut", This event helps us understand whether there was a new session created to handle a user-initiated file open event. See 8.1 The copy action for a detailed description of the processing model for "Martijn", Collects information about runtime behavior of custom add-in functions. Some examples include save draft, send draft, and cloud file error. UserType - Indicates whether it is existing account or new account. Read React 18 release post and React 18 upgrade guide for more information. isHardwareDetected() method. Components. Activity_Expiration - A date in numerical format indicates when this event will be stop sending from clients, Activity_FailCount - The number of times this activity has failed. This is used to debug service logs. (, Exclude forwardRef and memo from stack frames. ProcessName - name of the Office application executable the issue occurred in. Since this a new (refactored) experience we want to make sure we got this right. Allows us to understand the issues that mobile apps are facing when attempting to fetch privacy settings from the server. Data_Doc_ServerDocId:string - immutable identifier for documents stored in cloud, Data_Doc_ServerProtocol:long - Predefined set of values of which protocol is used to talk to server (Http, Cobalt, WOPI etc. How can you get the build/version number of your Android application? Data_Doc_RtcType - Indicates how the real-time channel (RTC) was set up for current file (Disabled, unsupported, on demand, always on, etc.). HostAppName - Identifies the host app name that launches a sub-app. calendar_type - The type of calendar an event is on after the user has edited the meeting. This is a draft document and may Data_ImageWidthBeforeCleanUp - Width of the image before it was cleaned by app. Activity_Namespace - A namespace of an event. (, Fix input validation triggering unnecessarily in Firefox. (Windows only), ColdBoot - Whether this is the first time the Office application ran after a system restart or application binary had to be loaded from disk. Jonas Sicking, internet_message_id - The internet message ID of a message. action - the action taken by the user (closed, opened, notification_tapped), message_reminder_available - True if there is a message reminder available and will be displayed when the notification center is opened, type - the notification type, either reaction or message_reminder as of now (not always collected), unseen_count - how many notifications in the current view have not been seen before (not always collected). Helps us to understand the users engagement with the "Every meeting online" feature. Data_NewFileType - An abstract categorization of the location of the new location of the file like "SharePoint", "OneDrive", "Local", "WOPI", etc., and explicitly not the actual location of the file. Standardized prop -> DOM attribute process. This event is fired when an Office application is initiated for the first-time post upgrade/install from the store. Microsoft uses this data to identify errors during and after Intune enrollment within the app, post signing into the app with a work account. Values: OneDrive, SharePoint, Dropbox, Others, PDFConversionError - Tag at which error occurs for PDF conversion, PdfConversionErrorCode - PDF conversion error code, PdfConversionHRStatus - PDF conversion status code, PdfConversionResult - PDF Conversion result enumeration. Informs Microsoft of video card drivers that are causing problems in Office so trends can be identified and the user of impact of such drivers can be analyzed. src Information related to the release channel. Anne van Kesteren, The data is used to determine into if users are dropping because of errors faced during the experience. The action that triggers the event is triggered in an app with For example, existing container used, existing container terminated and new container created. Helps us understand if there are issues with setting a certain availability value. SH_ErrorCode - Indicates an error code if available when an activity fails. Tracks when a user is prompted to enable XL4 Macros. Data_IsDraft - A Boolean that indicates if the current file has ever been saved. Microsoft uses this data to identify errors during and after Intune enrollment within the app, post signing into the app with a work account, Critical Error telemetry to track failures for individual Intune APIs; This telemetry gets logged in case of errors to fetch the policy related to save to local. (, Don't patch console during first render. ), Data_DstDoc_LocationDetails - Indicates which Known Folder provided a locally stored document, Data_DstDoc_NumberCoAuthors - Count of the number of fellow users in a collaborative editing session, Data_DstDoc_PasswordFlags - Indicates read or read/write password flags set for the destination document, Data_DstDoc_ReadOnlyReasons - Reasons why the destination document was opened read only, Data_DstDoc_ResourceIdHash - An anonymized document identifier used to diagnose problems, Data_DstDoc_ServerDocId - An immutable anonymized document identifier used to diagnose problems, Data_DstDoc_ServerProtocol - the protocol version used to communicate with the service, Data_DstDoc_ServerType - the type of the server offering the service (SharePoint, OneDrive, WOPI etc. For example, if a user copies a range of cells from a spreadsheet of a native application, it will result in one clipboard item. The action which triggers the event is invoked from a scripting thread upcoming_event_dismiss_swipe_direction - The direction a user swiped to dismiss an upcoming event reminder. Allows us to roll out features in a staged fashion and identify potential issues before they reach most users. [This event was previously named OneNote.Sync.ProvisioningCompleted. This data is logged to understand: Data_AuctionId - Unique ID sent by Ad network to map a sell transaction to a specific ad response, Data_Operation_Metadata - Additional information regarding the ad related operation performed by the ad infra, Data_Operation_Result - The result of the ad related operation performed by the ad infra, Data_Operation_Type - The kind of ad related operation performed by the ad infra, Data_PlacementId - Unique identifier used by Ad network service to associate an ad to a surface. files type is unknown. Data_fLifeguarded:bool - Was document ever lifeguarded (feature to fix document errors by themselves without prompting user)? event handler, all methods must be no-ops when called ExpirationDate - A date in numerical format indicates when this event will be stop sending from clients, IsConsumer - Indicates whether a user is consumer or not, IsEdu - Indicates whether a user is a user in education tenant or not, IsIW - Indicates whether a user is an enterprise user or not, IsMsftInternal - Indicates whether a user is a Microsoft employee or not, IsPremiumUser - Indicates whether a user has premium license or not. The event helps in keeping the file open operation secure, up- to- date and performing properly. handler must be added and this event handler must call preventDefault() to cancel the event. We collect whether the current session is Intune-managed. This is a critical signal that is used to monitor the ability of Sticky Notes users to create notes in the app. Accessibility services can listen for specific gestures and respond by taking action on behalf ], The critical signal used to ensure that after a user signs into a OneNote Android App, notebooks are properly provisioned so that they can be easily accessed. (, Attach all known event listeners when the root mounts. Data.eventTagId - Unique identifier of the line of code that produced this telemetry message. ), Data_Doc_ResourceIdHash:string - Hash of resource identifier for documents stored in cloud. AccessibilityService to query the view be an empty list. WordFileSaveSuccess - enumeration for Word-specific details for file save operation success. This event is triggered when an enterprise user clicks on the next button in an email page. specify this information enables accessibility services to cooperate with each other, and allows you This data is also used to diagnose other Calendar-related issues that may be detected. non-textual data from the clipboard. TargetType - String that identifies the endpoint on the service. We collect information related to product association after an in-app purchase. The same configuration options above, defined The event monitors whether file-open-from-command-line is working as expected. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. The critical signal used to ensure new consumer users (Microsoft Account) can successfully launch and use OneNote for the first time. AccessMode - Values** - None, ReadOnly, ReadOnlyUpgradable, ReadWrite. Data_IsInternalUserInit - Indicates whether the code could determine whether the application runs under the credentials of a Microsoft corporate account. representing key units of user-provided information, such as event details, resources, or expose their contents in the files list The telemetry is used to monitor, detect, and fix any issues caused during reset. HResult - Indicates result status code of the sign-in operation. StickyNotes-SDKVersion - Version number indicating the version of Sticky Notes the user is using. Eg- open from a URL or a local file path, create with file picker, copy to file path, export to URL, etc. Does it make sense to say that if someone was hired for an academic position, that means they were the "best"? is a set of extensible schemas that enables webmasters to embed structured data on their web pages for use by search engines and other applications. Data_RestoreButtonFlowType - A code denoting the type of user flow that was exercised, Data_RestoredFailedPaymentCancelledFlowType - A code denoting the type of payment cancellation flow that was exercised, Data_RestoredFailedUnKnownFlowType - Whether the attempt failed due to the exercise of an unexpected user flow, Data_RestoredFailedUnKnownResult - Whether the attempt failed due to unknown reasons.

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