The outcome could include guidance on global institutions in Hong Kong using group-wide data centres, the person said, or making stored records unalterable, the other source said. Hong Kong Chung Data Center is built according to world-class standards, with 24 x 7 x 365 operations by a team of professionals. The table also specifies the abbreviation of the relevant country-specific environment that you'll see in the admin center. Information on number of complaints handled, category of complainant, nature of issue being screened or investigated, category of service being complained or investigated, and outcome of investigation. But industry bodies are working with SFC on some frequently asked questions to clarify the rules - to make compliance easier without limiting the regulators ability to obtain data during investigations, one of the people added. Provide regional Weather in Hong Kong - the latest 10-minute mean wind direction and wind speed and maximum gust (the data provided is provisional), Provide regional Weather in Hong Kong - the latest 1-minute global solar radiation and direct solar radiation and diffuse radiation (the data provided is provisional), Provide regional Weather in Hong Kong - the latest 1-minute mean grass temperature from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. the following date Hong Kong time (the data provided is provisional), Provide regional Weather in Hong Kong - the latest 1-minute mean sea level pressure (the data provided is provisional). 2 China's recently published Data Security Law . Global tech companies have long. This localization contains some words only used by Hongkongers. The SFC wants to know how it can exercise supervision and enforcement if it cant exercise a dawn raid or if the institution itself has problems accessing its data, said Urszula McCormack, partner at law firm King & Wood Mallesons. But by publishing the circular on electronic data storage without full consultation, as alleged by industry associations and dumping the onus on vendors the SFC is taking a different risk: that not everyone will comply, and some market participants will reduce their activities in Hong Kong. Singapore and the United States said in a joint statement last month that they oppose generally applicable data localization requirements as long as financial regulators have access to data needed for regulatory and supervisory purposes. Provide half-hourly gridded rainfall nowcast data in Hong Kong up to the next two hours, Data on daily total rainfall (Please visit the reference link for other climate information), Data on daily mean relative humidity (Please visit the reference link for other climate information), Provide South China Coastal Waters bulletin, Provide regional weather in Hong Kong - past 24-hour temperature difference (the data provided is provisional), Provide information on Hong Kong Observatory resource centre, Provide information on the network of weather stations in Hong Kong, Provide 9-day weather forecast of Hong Kong, Provide current weather report of Hong Kong, Provide local weather forecast for today and/or tomorrow, Provide detailed information of weather warning(s) in force, Provide a summary of the weather warning(s) in force in Hong Kong, Provide special weather tips in force in Hong Kong, Provide information on earthquakes of magnitude 6.0 or above worldwide, as analyzed by the Hong Kong Observatory, Provide reports on earth tremors felt in Hong Kong, Data on daily maximum, mean and minimum temperatures (Please visit the reference link for other climate information), Provide regional weather in Hong Kong - latest 10-minute mean visibility (the data provided is provisional), Provide cloud-to-ground and cloud-to-cloud lightning count over Hong Kong territory in the past hour (the data provided is provisional), Provide tropical cyclone track information, Provide times of sunrise, sun transit, sunset, Provide times of moonrise, moon transit, moonset, Provide predicted tidal information (Hourly heights of astronomical tides), Provide predicted tidal information (Times and heights of astronomical high and low tides). The SFC wants to know how it can exercise enforcement if it cant exercise a dawn raid. Joint Financial Intelligence Unit Statistics, New Under the "one country, two systems" approach, Hong Kong is an entirely separate jurisdiction from Mainland China and has its own privacy and cybersecurity laws. Huaweis Genovese explains, What is Federated AI? What is data localization? However, in late 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law changing the data localization law's effective date from September . an independent media company based in Hong Kong. The data user has taken all reasonable precautions and exercised all due diligence to ensure that the data will not, in that place, be collected, held, processed, or used in any manner which, if that place were Hong Kong, would be a contravention of a requirement under the Ordinance. The data center is located within the city of Hong Kong. (Reporting by Alun John; Editing by Jennifer Hughes and Himani Sarkar). HK Ding Ding automatically helps you locate the nearest tram station providing the last three trams arrival time, the terminals and mores You have not added anything to the queue yet. Bloomberg or Symphony) would have to agree to submit to any SFC requests on client data, without notifying the client first. The SFC is running the risk that this turns out to be more irritating than Hong Kongs street protests.. 28Hse provides information for the Hong Kong property market, including latest property listings by agents and landlords, property transaction data. We speak Cantonese with some English together. She has been a guest speaker for the Hong Kong Baptist University School of Business, Master of Science (fintech and data analytics) program. Morning Walker Gardens in Country Parks, New Modernize legacy applications, deliver outstanding digital customer experiences, and accelerate your time to market with enterprise . United States: Tel: +1 970 510 6500. New Year's Day; Lunar New Year; Dezan Shira & Associates combines technological proficiency and local knowledge in advising and assisting clients with IT systems in Asia. Bloomberg, Hong Kong job: Apply for Localization Coordinator - Hong Kong in Bloomberg, Hong Kong. Abstract. Enhanced Natural Terrain Landslide Inventory, New San Francisco. It consists of Hong Kong Island, originally ceded by China . Regulators of all stripes prefer to act within existing frameworks and defer grander questions to the government. etc. China VAT Interface is a China Localization for Microsoft Dynamics to exchange data with the Golden Tax System in flexible manners. In part two of this series, OneTrust DataGuidance considers the rules in the APAC region which govern children's personal data, featuring perspectives from New Zealand, the Philippines, and Singapore. Data Sovereignty and the "cloud" Data held and used by the Hong Kong government to govern the security, defence and the international relations of the country. The summary results of the Second Hong Kong Population-based Food Consumption Survey (2018-2020) on consumption of food groups, food subgroups and food frequency questionnaire items, Information on accumulative number of Senior Citizen Cards being issued, Approved projects under Public Sector Trial Scheme - Special Call for Projects for the Prevention and Control of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Hong Kong (PSTS-COVID-19), Statistics on approved student number targets of UGC-funded programmes, Statistics on average annual salaries of graduates of full-time UGC-funded programmes who were in Full-time Employment, Boundary of Scheduled and Designated Areas, Curriculum Content and Syllabus of Instrumental Music Training Scheme, Data on daily mean wind speed (Please visit the reference link for other climate information), Data on daily prevailing wind direction (Please visit the reference link for other climate information), Enhanced Natural Terrain Landslide Inventory, Fire Protection and Prevention Indicators (Provisional Figures), General Figures of Disciplined Officer and Civilian Officers. This webinar explores what is new in the draft CPRA regulations and the ADPPA, as well as the key considerations for companies. Average traffic speed and total journey time of driving route based on traffic data from Traffic Data Analytics System. Boundary of Scheduled and Designated Areas, New DLA Piper Intelligence. When the SFC issued its circular, it required each institution to name two managers in charge. a) data localization / data residency laws that mandate retention of personal data or a copy thereof in the local jurisdiction (include whether copies or the original data may be also be stored outside of the jurisdiction): . For example, China's Cybersecurity law is an excellent example of data localization. Google is dominating the search engine market in Hong Kong. Ground Investigation (GI) and Laboratory Test (LT) Records, New February 2022. Regulatory and Business; Taxation; Human Resources; Hong Kong Public Holidays. Shu Min is fluent in English and Mandarin. Barbecue Sites in Country Parks, New Shu Min Ho represents clients in complex, multi-jurisdictional investigations and commercial disputes across a broad range of sectors. The region is bordered by Guangdong province to the north and the South China Sea to the east, south, and west. An SFC spokesman declined to comment. Val Yaps tale of being a female fintech founder offers wisdom for startups and women in the industry., DigFin looks at the bidders with an eye on who has a credible wealth-management story., Urszula McCormack, partner at law firm King & Wood Mallesons. Table E485 : Hong Kong Domestic Household Projections [Bilingual (Traditional Chinese and English)] XLS. The uneasy status quo for a number of years has been one of concern that China would introduce broad based data localization. Microsoft may replicate to other regions for data resiliency, but Microsoft will not store or process customer data outside the selected Geo. This daily updated RSS feed, provides information on data files at DATA.GOV.HK that are either newly made available or with destination path updated in the past 14 days. Hong Kong: Coronavirus Pandemic Country Profile. The SFCs hands are also tied: it has to carry out the Securities and Futures Ordinance, whose section 130 covers recordkeeping by licensed corporations. What this means is cloud vendors, data storage centers, or hosts of messaging (e.g. Industry bodies negotiating with the SFC to soften the rules include the Asia Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (ASIFMA), whose members include the worlds largest financial firms, and the Hong Kong Securities Association (HKSA), representing local brokers, one source said. Signup for a trial to access unlimited content. Provide weather and radiation level report, Provide the latest 15-minute mean UV index from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Hong Kong time, Every 15 Minutes from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Hong Kong time, Data on daily global solar radiation (Please visit the reference link for other climate information), Data on daily maximum and mean UV indices (Please visit the reference link for other climate information), Data on daily total bright sunshine (Please visit the reference link for other climate information), Provide regional weather in Hong Kong - the maximum and minimum air temperature from 1-minute mean temperatures since midnight (the data provided is provisional), Provide regional weather in Hong Kong - the latest 1-minute mean air temperature (the data provided is provisional), Provide regional weather in Hong Kong - the latest 1-minute mean relative humidity (the data provided is provisional), Data on daily prevailing wind direction (Please visit the reference link for other climate information), Data on daily mean wind speed (Please visit the reference link for other climate information), Provide regional weather in Hong Kong - the latest 10-minute mean wind direction and wind speed and maximum gust (the data provided is provisional), Provide regional weather in Hong Kong - the latest 1-minute mean sea level pressure (the data provided is provisional), Provide regional weather in Hong Kong - the latest 1-minute global solar radiation and direct solar radiation and diffuse radiation (the data provided is provisional), Provide regional weather in Hong Kong - the latest 1-minute mean grass temperature from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. the following date Hong Kong time (the data provided is provisional), Every 10 Minutes from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. the following date Hong Kong time, Hong Kong Observatory Open Data API is now available. All rights reserved. China, Russia, and India). Regional Weather in Hong Kong - the latest 1-minute mean sea level pressure, New The language of the law, passed in 2002, mandates the SFC to get its hands on institutions data when required, but didnt foresee digital developments. This law can be treated as another pillar of China's legal framework on information security and data (privacy) protection, besides the Cybersecurity Law (CSL) that was launched in 2017 and focused on network security and the Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL), which . HONG KONG, March 11 (Reuters) - Hong Kong is considering softening new data storage rules, amid concerns of conflict with confidentiality laws elsewhere as authorities globally look to. Traffic data from Traffic Data Analytics System, The Second Hong Kong Population-based Food Consumption Survey (2018-2020), Accumulative Number of Senior Citizen Cards issued, ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT, Approved Student Number Targets (Full-time equivalent) of UGC-funded Programmes by University and Level of Study, Average Annual Salaries of Graduates of Full-time UGC-funded programmes who were in Full-time Employment by Level of Study and Broad Academic Programme Category, AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION DEPARTMENT, CIVIL ENGINEERING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, Ground Investigation (GI) and Laboratory Test (LT) Records, Regional Weather in Hong Kong - the latest 10-minute mean wind direction and wind speed and maximum gust, Regional Weather in Hong Kong - the latest 1-minute global solar radiation and direct solar radiation and diffuse radiation, Regional Weather in Hong Kong - the latest 1-minute mean grass temperature from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. the following date Hong Kong time, Regional Weather in Hong Kong - the latest 1-minute mean sea level pressure, Statistics of (i) Standard Patent (Reregistration) Applications with Designated Patent Applications based on Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) applications; and (ii) Short-term Patent Applications based on PCT Applications, Statistics on Complaints Handled by Lump Sum Grant Independent Complaints Handling Committee, Statistics on Residential Care Services for the Elderly, Statistics on Standardised Care Need Assessment Mechanism for Elderly Services, Australia: Tel . Create a new company DB in Hong Kong Localization. You can see that in the attached file. To be clear, the SFC circular of October 31, Use of external electronic data storage, does not explicitly obstruct this. Statistics of (i) standard patent (reregistration) applications with designated patent applications based on PCT applications; and (ii) short-term patent applications based on PCT applications are provided in CSV format. Average Annual Salaries of Graduates of Full-time UGC-funded programmes who were in Full-time Employment by Level of Study and Broad Academic Programme Category, New Statistics on Elder Abuse Cases, New Kowloon Peninsula (Batch 1), New Moov it Moovit is the #1 local transport app in the world trusted by over 140 million users across more than 2000 cities in 44 languages. Technology jobs available with eFinancialCareers. The annual inflation rate in Hong Kong skyrocketed to 4.5 percent in September of 2022 from 1.9 percent in the previous period. DataProtection Authority| RegulatoryAuthority, 3.2. Subsequent convictions can result in a maximum fine of HK$100,000 with a daily penalty of HK$2,000 if the offence continues after conviction. Mainland China and India already have strict rules about storing data onshore. Queue Associates Worldwide China, Ltd., based in the Causeway Bay section of Hong Kong, supports Microsoft Dynamics 365 and other platform . Right not to be subject to automated decision-making, China: CAC issues statement on investigating and sanctioning apps, France: Decree on processing whistleblowing reports published in Official Gazette, Ireland: Minister signs into law Protected Disclosures (Amendment) Act 2022, Netherlands: Council of State advises on latest amendments to whistleblowing bill, California: Governor approves bill on vehicle identification and registration through alternative devices. Historical Landslide Catchment, New Here are the four Rs (4R) you should consider for successful Chinese game localization: I. Rewrite. In which case, they may not serve customers based in Hong Kong. The regulator has in recent years taken a more aggressive stance against market misconduct after a series of wild price swings in Hong Kongs markets. Hong Kong 's population is expected to reach 8.469 million by 2041, with 52100 births and 82,400 deaths predicted by The Census and Statistics Department. Regional Weather in Hong Kong - the latest 1-minute global solar radiation and direct solar radiation and diffuse radiation, New In other words, data localization laws restrict the cross-border transfer of data. Every 10 Minutes. Image: Statista 2. It expects over 30% of the population to be above 65 by 2041. Russia's new data localization law, Federal Law No. Identification of a PTEN mutation with reduced protein stability, phosphatase activity, and nuclear localization in Hong Kong patients with autistic features, neurodevelopmental delays, and macrocephaly . Date of last update: 11 Oct 2022. We examine how the Disney Company localizes Disneyland in Hong Kong. What are stablecoins and why do they matter? Really Simple Syndication ("RSS") is a file in eXtensible Markup Language ("XML") format to deliver regular updates to users who are interested in specific content by subscribing the feed. That doesn't mean, however, that companies based in Hong Kong won't be subject to . 28Hse provides information for the Hong Kong property market, including latest property listings by agents and landlords, property transaction data etc. Data of GI and LT carried out for public works (including Housing Authority) in AGS files and spatial datasets showing the locations of the GI stations. A requirement remains to store sensitive personal data in India, but such data may be transferred outside India for processing. This might not mean all data and always. Arpana Krishnan explains. This dataset provides experimental meteorological data collected by the smart lampposts, including air temperature, relative humidity, 10-minute mean wind direction and speed. In effect this is data localisation by the back door.. Regional Weather in Hong Kong - the latest 1-minute mean grass temperature from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. the following date Hong Kong time, New Approved projects under Public Sector Trial Scheme - Special Call for Projects for the Prevention and Control of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Hong Kong (PSTS-COVID-19), New Regional weather in Hong Kong - the latest 1-minute mean air temperature. The use of personal data in direct marketing without the data subject's consent is a criminal offence punishable by a fine of HK$500,000 and imprisonment of up to five years. It means vendors must change their business models in order to comply.. via WeBanks Yang Qiang. See here for a complete list of exchanges and delays. You're all set to get top regulatory news updates sent directly to your inbox, You will receive an activation email shortly with verification instructions, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. Localize and transcreate your content. Data localization refers to a mandatory legal or administrative requirement directly or indirectly stipulating that data be stored or processed, exclusively or non-exclusively, within a specified jurisdiction. In fact, it seems intended to affirm Hong Kong as a place where financial institutions can place data with overseas cloud vendors, data storage centers, and messaging platforms. After . A number of games have been banned for "smearing the image of China and the Chinese army" ( Command and Conquer: Generals, I.G.I.-2: Covert Strike ). The Second Hong Kong Population-based Food Consumption Survey (2018-2020), New The images for download are geo-referenced to the local coordinate system in Hong Kong 1980 Grid. Hong Kong, special administrative region (Pinyin: tebie xingzhengqu; Wade-Giles romanization: t'e-pieh hsing-cheng-ch') of China, located to the east of the Pearl River (Zhu Jiang) estuary on the south coast of China. Table E301 : Working population by monthly income from main employment (at current and constant (June 2016) prices), 2006, 2011 and 2016 [Bilingual (Traditional Chinese and English)] XLS. About . On 12 May 2022, the Hong Kong Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (PCPD) issued a Guidance Note on the Recommended Model Contractual Clauses for Cross-border Transfers of Personal Data (2022 Guidance). One critical aspect of these new legislative attempts has to do with Vietnam's data localization requirements. California Street, Suite 2710, San Francisco, CA 94111 415-365-7134. Approved Student Number Targets (Full-time equivalent) of UGC-funded Programmes by University and Level of Study, New First, data held with vendors is encrypted, so an AWS, Google or Microsoft wouldnt know where the specific data requested by SFC would sit. Data localization requirements are increasing around the world, presenting data-intensive businesses with a difficult choice: Establishing IT infrastructure in countries with data localization requirements in effect, or forego processing and transfer of their citizens' personal information, thereby making business operations in those countries practically impossible. What is NLP? The legislation needs an overhaul, but getting amendments or new laws passed in Hong Kong is a quagmire. 2 old maps in the scale 8 inches to 1 mile (1 : 7 920) depict the topography of the Kowloon Peninsula in 1947 and 1963. But some observers disagree with that assessment. You can add any data set or a resource to the queue and download later. The coordinates transformation between multiple sensors, and intrinsic measurements of camera can be found via Extrinsic Parameters, IMU Nosie and Intrinsic Parameters of Camera. The authenticity of this mutations was ascertained with separate PCR reactions and both strands were sequenced (data not shown). Vendors must change their business models in order to comply, Industry associations are upset because they say this vital clause was inserted without consultation. Data localization laws are mostly applied to creating and storing personal information. Customer data outside the selected Geo all stripes prefer to act within existing frameworks and defer grander questions the... [ Bilingual ( Traditional Chinese and English ) ] XLS expects over 30 of... On traffic data from traffic data Analytics System Vietnam & # x27 ; s recently data! X27 ; ll see in the previous period Here for a number of years has been of! 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