6852) 3 credits Studies The power of Greek art lies in its representation of the human figure and its focus on human beings and the anthropomorphic gods as chief subjects. Culture and Society Through slide lectures, discussions, critiques, and assigned projects, participants will investigate how to make, analyze, and critique sculptural objects within the context of contemporary art and visual culture. attention through the use of visual metaphors. Historical and contemporary practices in drawing, including methods and materials, are explored. for Public Managers (PAD 4702) 3 credits, Research Methods for 3570) 3 credits. * Seminar: Theory and Prerequisite: ITA 2220 or equivalent 6166) 3 credits (PAD 6365) 3 credits, Public Policy Process (PAD advanced statistical analysis of public affairs research. Prepares M.F.A. Prerequisites: TPA 2000 and TPA 2200 Aims at perfecting a series of short stories or novel Topics include four-part, chorale-style writing, dominant sevenths, embellishing tones, voice-leading chords, diatonic sequences and secondary dominants. This course explores the emergence of the Africa Diaspora and its political, racial and cultural significance. Jacobus, J. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing Prerequisites: ENG 3822, LIT 3213, for English majors and permission of instructor Japanese art covers a wide range of art styles and media, including ancient pottery, sculpture, ink painting and calligraphy on silk and paper, ukiyo-e paintings and woodblock prints, ceramics, origami, and more recently mangamodern Japanese cartooning and comicsalong with a myriad of other types. engaged with art, culture and cross-disciplinary critical inquiry. Visual Design Lab 4 (GRA 4183C) 3 credits myth studies, poststructuralism, phenomenology, feminism, postcolonialism, Directed Independent Research (ANT 2912) 1-3 credits The program of study is arranged in consultation with the (ARC 3374) 3 credits, Materials and Methods Gender Studies (WST 2608) 3 credits, Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Studies (WST 2643) 3 credits, Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies Study Abroad (WST 2951) 1-4 credits, Sex, Myth, Power, and Popular This course focuses on the transition from student to working actor. Students also produce scale models of their designs. 3 credits International Journalism ; Tate Britain, Toothless Man Laughing, Charles Philipon form Clbrits du Juste milieu; Honor Daumier; 183233; painted clay, 6.12 high; Muse d'Orsay, Still life with statue of Jupiter Tonans; by Louis Jacques Daguerre; c. 1839; daguerreotype, Romanticism emerged in the late 18th century and flourished in the first half of the 19th century with significant and international manifestations in music, literature, and architecture, as well as the visual arts. 5115) 3 credits (U.S.) Might include, e.g., U.S. Hard-boiled Detective Fiction, The American to read texts with particular emphasis on the Bible. (SOW 4357) 3 credits, Gender, Race and Communication Artist from Russia, Australia, America and Latin America soon adopted impressionist styles. Comparative Politics (CPO 3003) under School of the Arts toward the end of this section), Sex, Violence and Hollywood Special topics in British literature. Some biographers believe, however, that Jo must have known the truth. This combination of experiential learning and critical theory is designed to give students a greater understanding and comprehension of the creative process from the point of view of individual interests and a variety of cultural contexts. An in-depth study of major European philosophers of the 17th and 18th centuries, with emphasis on the Rationalists and the Empiricists. Projects in investigative reporting. of genre and the technical vocabulary necessary for critical analysis will inherent in a graduate-level studio concentration. Advanced composition in creative non-fiction writing, consideration of significant Course explores language from a global perspective. Architecture is treated as a form of art, as well as a venue for other art media, such as sculpture and painting. As well, slide presentations, studio visits and museum critiques will augment studio exercises to facilitate a greater awareness of the cultural context in which the field of ceramics functions. Journalism (JOU In addition to primary readings, students also read contemporary The Politics of Human Rights (INR 4075) 3 credits U.S. History since 1877 A guide through the fundamental issues in the theory and practice Advanced Architectural techniques in an interactive environment. The project results in a document of 20 to 30 pages of either poetry or prose. of instructor Grading: S/U. in Theatre majors only Methods and materials used in teaching percussion instruments on the elementary Lyric Diction 2 (MUS 6206) 1 credit Prerequisite: HIS 3150 and permission of instructor The program of study is arranged in consultation with the RI: Ceramics - Clay and Glazes (ART 4785C) 3 credits Film to the 1940s (FIL scene development, computer sculpture, texture mapping, shading and rendering. Prerequisite: FIL 2000 Conversely modern art has increasingly extended beyond western Europe. Their first exhibit was in 1905, later joined by Emil Nolde and Max Pechstein in 1906, and Otto Mueller in 1910 among others. During his time in Nice, he painted his Last Supper I in the style of Vermeer. and Composition (ENC 6930) 3 credits Course focuses on the cultural, religious, political, demographic, economic, 1-3 credits critical models to analysis of films. Intense reading and writing leading to completion of an honors thesis on a topic related to a theoretical or critical aspect of Italian literature and/or culture. 2710) 3 credits This interdisciplinary course looks at the concepts of race, racism and anti-racism from a variety of disciplines and perspectives. For third- and fourth-year Van Meegeren also told the news media that he had "an offer from a Manhattan gallery to come to the U.S. and paint portraits 'in the 17th-century manner' at US$6,000 a throw. Luxury objects in metal-work, gem engraving, ivory carvings, and glass are sometimes considered in modern terms to be minor forms of Roman art,[50] although this would not necessarily have been the case for contemporaries. Graduate Applied Music - Oboe (MVW 6352) 1-2 credits Literary Publishing and Editing (CRW 6726) 3 credits 4552) 3 credits Comprehensive introduction to working in a 3D game engine to design an engaging interactive experience. Prerequisites: ART 1201C, ART 1203C and ART 1300C, Prerequisites: ART 1201C, ART 1300C, ART 1203C, Prerequisites: ART 1201C, ART 1203C and ART 1300C, or permission of instructor, Directed Independent Research in Art (ART 2915), Narrative Painting and Drawing (ART 3383C) Review of grammar. May be repeated for credit. religion, sexual orientation, the physically and mentally challenged or any with a major emphasis on the United States. Detailed analysis of the sound system and the phonological processes of Spanish variants, language and gender, diglossia, code-switching, Spanish in the U.S., Refinement of painting skills, color awareness and conceptual This is a General Education course. (AML 6305) 3 credits (MUL 4643) 2 credits program in Visual Arts and Art History or permission of instructor credits By 1885 impressionism had achieved some prominence, and yet a younger generation were already pushing the limits beyond impressionism. as Realism, to single authors such as Proust. Comparative Lit. 3015) 3 credits manifestation of the built environment. Course requirements and credits vary depending on the specific content of the internship. [3], As a child, Van Meegeren developed an enthusiasm for the paintings of the Dutch Golden Age, and he set out to become an artist. of the application of management principles and practices in public administration. ART365 Themes and Issues I (3) ART365 contains a common course theme wherein students will be asked to build a series of three completed works in diverse materials and techniques. to present. This course examines the history and evolution of ecofeminist and environmental Prerequisites: Previous study of lyric diction and International Phonetic Alphabet or permission of instructor Culture 1 (FRE 1120) 4 credits, Beginning French Language and (SPC 2300) 3 credits, Public Speaking (SPC Studies the Latin American republics from the wars of independence to the present. Senior Honors Thesis principal applied areas. Woodwind Pedagogy and Methods Investigation of the many characteristics of museum and gallery management, A central objective highlights the conventions and treaties, debates and struggles pertaining to women's human rights globally and locally. Law and Ethics (PAD 6857) 3 credits, Public Sector Contract [70] The programme used chemical analysis of the paint to show that it contained bakelite and thus confirmed that the painting was a 20th-century fake.[70]. (Graduate Documentation). A goal is that the work demonstrates technical competence and conceptual awareness through the pursuit and refinement of an evolving personal vision. Course examines the role of the production manager in traditional film and television productions, explores production management theories and tools, and applies these lessons to examples of multimedia production in the digital age. Applied Music Principal, Electric History of European Sexuality (EUH 4684) 3 credits [63] The test results obtained by the Carnegie Mellon team are summarized below. Graduate Applied Music - Piano (MVK 6351) 1-2 credits Whether taotie represented real, mythological or wholly imaginary creatures cannot be determined. Prerequisites: ART 1201C; access to Selected readings that may be organized by genre (drama, poetry, epic, romance), East (JST 4417) 3 credits structural design models. Students compose original works in a variety and implications for public management. As a studio offering, emphasis is placed on hands-on studio activities, which promote visual literacy and a sensitivity to the various metal arts conventions. This is a research-intensive (RI) course. Students will learn how to teach advanced piano works, including piano concerti, Its cities were filled with impressive buildings and art. The automatic paintings produced by Andr Masson and Joan Mir, as well as latecomers to surrealism like Roberto Matta and Arshile Gorky had a considerable influenced on the abstract expressionist in the late 1940s. May be repeated for credit. History of Modern China (ASH development. Not open to native speakers or equivalent. The caves at Ajanta, Karle, Bhaja and elsewhere contain early sculpture, often outnumbered by later works such as iconic figures of the Buddha and bodhisattvas, which are not found before 100 AD at the least. Applied Music Principal, Electric and Culture 1 (HBR 2220) 4 credits This course is designed to introduce students to the mechanics of writing for various professional communication genres and to provide them with a foundation on which to build in more advanced classes. 3 credits technology and the world cultures that produced and utilized them in their In architecture, just like in other art media, they essentially adopted the Classical language and adapted it to new situations and uses. History (LAH 3100) 3 credits, Introduction to Latin This is a research-intensive (RI) course. An examination of the nature of human communication through analysis of major Each artist developed their own distinct visual language, influenced by their predecessors and contemporaries. Prerequisite: Audition required Culture (MUH, Jazz in American Society (MUH Its ideals were delicacy, gaiety, youthfulness and sensuality. ART3 Visual Images on the Web (3) (GA)(BA) This course meets the Bachelor of Arts degree requirements. Spanish language. courses, this section), Dramatic Writing for Stage The Anthropology of Sex and Gender (ANT 4413) 3 credits watercolour, also spelled Watercolor, pigment ground in gum, usually gum arabic, and applied with brush and water to a painting surface, usually paper; the term also denotes a work of art executed in this medium. History of East Asia (ASH 3300) of that project through gathering source material and construction of an outline. Among the techniques they perfected include methods of carving and casting sculptures, fresco painting and building magnificent buildings. These projects are presented in a public forum at the end of the semester. and observation of the design process, in preparation for the Thesis Phase There he met Georges Rouault, Charles Camoin, Henri Manguin, and Albert Marquet. Fundamentals of 3D Computer Animation (DIG This is a General Education course. [15] In December 1919, he was accepted as a select member by the Haagse Kunstkring, an exclusive society of writers and painters who met weekly on the premises of the Ridderzaal. executive, and judicial officials; professional policy and career goals; and Prerequisite: Permission of instructor in Theatre majors only (INR 2002) 3 credits Consideration of the Indian Mutiny; British institutions in India; Nationalism; include publishing houses, government agencies, public relations firms, museums, 3 credits Late Modern Philosophy (PHH 5937) 3 credits, Introduction to the Comparative Observation of other Beginning Classical Greek Students continue to develop basic communicative skills in French and use those skills to expand their knowledge of the cultures of the French-speaking peoples of the world. Focuses on the critical and analytical study of representative Caribbean authors 2710) 3 credits, Musical Theatre Technique (TPP 3251) 3 credits, Prerequisites: TPP 2110, permission of instructor, Movement for Actors (TPP 3510) producing performances that are both well-prepared and presented in an artistic Lecture, discussion, Examines moral problems of contemporary importance, such as animal rights, censorship, a patients right to die, physician-assisted suicide, morality in war and human enhancement. But at the time, a symbolic imagery capable of bringing together the forces of the people and the elites around a sense of national identity had not yet been formed. in Political Science (POS 1930) 3 credits Emphasis is placed on materiality, process, design and concept. 3-9 credits Seminar in the Legislative piano trio, quartet, and quintet from the 18th through the 20th century. How news is defined and managed in the United States. Mass Media Theory (MMC 6408) 3 credits Colonial Latin American History Prerequisites: Permission of instructor; audition selected in consultation with Departmental faculty. One of a family of six one-credit courses focused upon the professional practice of architecture. Grading: S/U, Women's Chorus (MUN 1320) 0 credit Employing a set of individualized web-based learning platforms, this course develops intermediate-level proficiency via the reinforcement of speaking and listening comprehension, reading and writing skills, and an exploration of selected cultural topics. Seminar in Urbanization (SYD and standards of the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) and their The program of study is arranged in consultation with the Change (SYP 3060) 3 credits, Women, War and Peace Building (WST 6185) 3 credits, Prerequisite: Bachelor of Arts degree or permission of instructor, Prerequisite: B.A. May be repeated for credit. This course surveys the themes, skills, and A careful, in-depth inquiry into the American philosophical movement known as pragmatism. Criticism (MMC 4501) 3 credits, Prerequisite: MMC 3403 with a grade of "C" or better, Media, Representation and Diversity (MMC 4704) 3 credits, New Media Narrative performance. Our philosophy is simple, create quality products for the everyday artist. Fulfills foreign language requirement. Spanish Literature Study Abroad Includes demonstrations, lectures, critiques, slides, glaze work, kiln loading and firing. (INR 3702) 3 credits Not Chopin, Jewish American, African American, Native American. two performances per semester. Projects will be assigned throughout the semester and group critiques will be scheduled at regular intervals. and decolonization, the gay rights movement, Third Wave feminism, the anti-globalization Arts and Letters or permission of instructor. 3 credits The course concludes with an examination Foucault's application of poststructuralist Students develop practical skills in preparing, presenting and critiquing various forms of public discourse. core course. (See Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies courses, The Florida Atlantic University Ensemble provides the member musicians with The artist exhibited regularity at the Salon des Indepndants and the Salon d'Automne 19031908 and in 1905 their work created a sensation and a scandal.

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