242/16, s. 11. 388. 242/16, s. 1 (1), 13. (7) The constructor shall keep the design drawings and specifications for a prefabricated, hydraulic or an engineered support system at a project while the system is on the project. 145/00, s.14. (2) Temporary steam-piping shall be insulated or otherwise protected if a worker is likely to come into contact with it. 213/91, s.385(5). 85/04, s.2; O. Reg. The construction of the Studebaker US6 strongly influenced the construction of the postwar ZIS-151 truck, which then evolved into the ZIL-157 truck which remained in production up until 1994. O.Reg. 213/91, s.30. 159. (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a basement or cellar that is enclosed by a roof, floor or other solid covering if all openings in the roof, floor or covering are covered with securely fastened planks. (4) The employer shall keep at the project, and make available to an inspector on request, the site-specific work plan. 213/91, s.134 (1). 213/91, s.77(3). O.Reg. (c) stating that a worker who hears the emergency signal shall answer the telephone. The open cab pickups could be fitted with an optional M24 machine gun mount, which bolted across the front of the bed. O.Reg. 213/91, s.49(2). (3) Where mechanical track haulage is used in a tunnel, explosives or blasting agents shall not be transported on the locomotive or in the same car as the detonators. O.Reg. O.Reg. O.Reg. (4) A hoisting hook shall not be used if it is cracked, has a throat opening that is greater than as manufactured or is twisted from the plane of the unbent hook. O.Reg. Based on Dodge's SNL G-657 Master Parts List (1943), U.S. Army technical model manuals, such as the TM9-2800 (1943 and 1947 editions) and others, and the U.S. Summary Report of Tank Automotive Acceptances (1945/1946). Enjoy competitive wholesale prices avoiding the middlemen. I have tried contacting sellers regarding food concessions but this is my first time on this site. 242/16, s. 11. O.Reg. And, to assure complete independence, we buy all the products we test ourselves. 273. O.Reg. O.Reg. 631/94, s.4; O.Reg. 213/91, s.97(1). O.Reg. (a) shall be constructed to prevent spilling over when rubbish, debris and other materials are being deposited into the chute; (b) if it is at or below floor level, shall have a curb that is at least 100 millimetres high; (c) shall not be more than 1.2 metres high; (d) shall be kept closed when the chute is not in use; and. 145/00, s.14; O. Reg. O.Reg. 375/22, s. 5. (2) If the ties interfere with the use of the bottom of the tunnel as a walkway, a solid walkway that is at least 300 millimetres wide shall be provided. A corner or angled section. O.Reg. O.Reg. (5) Each smoke line shall extend from inside the work chamber to above ground and shall pass vertically through either the air lock or the bulkhead between the work chamber and air at atmospheric pressure. (5) Rubber gloves or leather protectors that are damaged or not adequate to protect workers from electrical shock and burn shall not be used. O. Reg. (9) The project physician conducting the physical examination or clinical tests or under whose supervision the examination or tests are made shall advise the employer whether the worker is fit or is fit with limitations or unfit for work in compressed air, without giving or disclosing to the employer the records or results of the examination or tests. O.Reg. 213/91, s.208(1). 213/91, s.319(2). (6) The pressure release valve shall be tested and calibrated before the medical lock is used. (2) No cable used by a crane or similar hoisting device. O.Reg. O. Reg. O.Reg. 443/09, s.1; O. Reg. (13) After six years, the project physician may forward the records to the Chief Physician of the Ministry, or a physician designated by the Chief Physician, and, in any event, the records shall not be destroyed for a period the greater of forty years from the time such records were first made or twenty years from the time the last of such records were made. (5) Rotation-resistant wire rope shall not be used where an inner wire or strand for a cable is damaged or broken. 139. (1) At least two pipes shall supply air to each work chamber and each air lock. (4) No drill hole permitted under subsection (3) shall be drilled one metre or less from another hole containing explosives. O.Reg. 345/15, s. 19. 20. WC-53s were also fitted as radio trucks with a bench on the left side with the operator seated sideways. Read review: REI Co-op Big Haul Recycled Rolling Duffel. 2. Our testers also appreciated the unique packing system of the Mountain Hardwear Expedition, which features a main zipper that zips all the way out to flaps on either side of the bag to create an extra large opening, as well as a stiff collar on the inside that can be folded out for easy, unencumbered access to the interior. (a) suspended scaffolds or suspended work platforms; and. (b) its brakes shall be set or other measures, such as blocking, shall be taken to prevent its moving. The facility shall be kept in good repair at all times. 213/91, s.39. O.Reg. Connect with reliable suppliers from China more easily under the guide of our professional buyer service team in your importing process. (10) Before the first multi-tiered load hoisting operation is started at a project, the constructor shall give notice to the Ministry office located nearest the project, in person, by telephone, by fax or by electronic means. 7. 627/05, s.7. O.Reg. (1) Demolition and dismantling of a building or structure shall proceed systematically and continuously from the highest to the lowest point unless a worker is endangered by this procedure. (3) If electric lighting is used in a tunnel or shaft, an emergency lighting system shall be installed in the tunnel or shaft. 213/91, s.392(1). (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a ramp installed in the stairwell of a building not exceeding two storeys in height if the ramp, (a) has a slope not exceeding a gradient of 1 in 1; and. 2. O.Reg. Revoked: O.Reg. (2) The pilot shall be in charge of the hoisting operation and shall determine the size and weight of loads to be hoisted and the method by which they are attached to the helicopter. O.Reg. The first Studebaker US6 trucks arrived in the USSR in the autumn of 1941. (c) shall be stored on a rack in such a way as to protect it from damage and keep it available for immediate use. 142.1 Sections 142.2 to 142.8 apply to every multi-point suspended work platform. 6. The mount could carry the M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle, as well as the M1919 Browning machine gun, and the 0.5 in (12.7mm) M2 Browning machine gun. 213/91, s.168(5). 213/91, s.342(1). O. Reg. Here, getting dropped off by a bush plane. 631/94, s.1; O.Reg. 345/15, s. 13. (2) A valve connected to a vessel used for storing compressed air, (a) shall be connected at the lowest point of the vessel to permit the discharge of the compressed air; and. (c) have a non-slip surface on the bottom of each base plate; (e) be suitable for their intended use. 3. Grab handles are convenient for hauling into or out of vehicles or luggage racks, and briefcase-style grips and shoulder slings are ideal for carrying a shorter distance and when you have other pieces of luggage to haul. 29.2 (1) Each single-toilet facility shall be provided with its own clean-up facility. 269. The Alpaca duffel has full-length daisy chains on each side of the bag for easy attachment to a car, truck, or motorcycle. 213/91, s.144(7). (c) such clinical tests as the project physician may require. for a working pressure of at least 520 kilopascals is required for every medical lock on a project. (1) No worker shall use an explosive actuated fastening tool unless it has a suitable protective guard. Production consisted of just over 6,000 closed cab, open bed cargo trucks, plus just under 400 dump-trucks. 268. [84][4] One prototype was produced as an armored car. (3) The components of any system listed in subsection (2) shall be designed by an engineer in accordance with good engineering practice, and shall meet the requirements of any of the following National Standards of Canada standards that are applicable: 1. The REI Stuff Travel Duffel is one of the few bags we tested with a single messenger-style shoulder strap. (2) Subject to subsection (3), a lock tender shall tend only one air lock at a time. O.Reg. 345/15, s. 13. (a) is very stiff, dense and can be penetrated with moderate difficulty by a small sharp object; (b) has a low to medium natural moisture content and a medium degree of internal strength; and. 85/04, s.6. (1) No worker shall enter a well or augered caisson where the excavation is deeper than 1.2 metres unless. O.Reg. (2) A telephone system shall consist of telephones located. O.Reg. 339. O. Reg. O.Reg. O.Reg. Workers who handle or use corrosive, poisonous or other substances likely to endanger their health shall be provided with washing facilities with clean water, soap and individual towels. (1.1) Subsection (1) does not apply when a worker is using excavation equipment to place pipes into a trench. Precautions to prevent a fire shall be taken when using a blow torch or welding or cutting equipment or a similar piece of equipment. (2) The constructor shall comply with subsection (3) or (4) before beginning work at the project. 213/91, s.260(3). 145/00, s.24. multi-tiered load means two or three individually rigged structural steel pieces that are. (d) is authorized by the employer to operate the drill rig at the project. 213/91, s.203(2). (i) is equipped with fail-safe mechanisms that will prevent the boom and the suspended platform from free falling in the event of a power source or system failure or the inadvertent release of any operating controls. 213/91, s.245(1); O.Reg. 156.3 Sections 156.4 and 156.5 apply when a drilling operation at a project uses a rotary foundation drill rig that can exert a ground pressure of 200 kiloPascals or more under its tires, crawlers or outrigger pads in any configuration, including during its operational activities. The owner of the equipment, installation or conductor has provided the employer and the constructor with a record showing that it has been maintained according to the manufacturers specifications. O.Reg. The spare wheel was carried on a mount on the driver's side and although the door was fully operational it could not be opened and the driver had to enter from the passenger side. O.Reg. 3. There will be a work platform that has more than two primary suspension lines. (5) A component of a fixed support that may be subject to overturning shall be designed and constructed to support at least four times its allowable suspended load or force. (a) be tied back and securely fastened to the building or structure, or a component of the building or structure, by a secondary cable or wire rope capable of supporting the allowable suspended load; (b) be secured against horizontal and vertical movement; (c) have securely attached counterweights that are designed and manufactured for the purpose; and.

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