To what extent is it possible, or desirable, to overcome ambiguity in language? Even though the limitations of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis's linguistic determinism have been pointed out, new research (eg by Boroditsky, see below on this page, under the section "lost in translation") reveals how the language we speak may shape the way we think. There is much cross pollination between the knowledge and politics and the knowledge and technology theme. We set up more than a decade ago, and support tens of thousands of educators and students globally. How are metaphors used in the construction of knowledge? Language can reinforce relationships of authority, oppress marginalised groups and manipulate thoughts of less knowledgeable people. As with just about anything we come across in ToK, language can be defined in multiple ways. Object 2: Smartphones count as knowledge because of the services they provide. A small change in wordings can promote a huge difference on how we perceive the idea of that news byte. These quotes will kick-start your exploration of language, and help you reflect on your own understanding of this optional theme. We sometimes have the choice between several words to refer to the same thing. Private education Dressing in a particular way What food we eat as a family Primarily English recipes Passing down knowledge of a specific culture down generations What impact has technology, social media, and new forms of language made on the way we communicate ideas and concepts? Speech is: (4) a representing and portraying (picturing, the making of pictures) of the real and unreal. The optional themes are our personal and societal affiliations which shape the way we produce and acquire knowledge. Do all people share an innate knowledge of a universal grammatical structure? We set up more than a decade ago, and support tens of thousands of educators and students globally. Your perspective is a fruit of your upbringing and your experience. Within this section, youll find free and premium content to help you take ownership of knowledge & language, and help you to draw on it to create a great TOK exhibition. This illustrates that the words we use may mean different things for different people. Are there differences in how knowledge itself is conceived of or presented in different languages? Our daily language is heavily influenced by the discourse of the most dominant groups in our communities, even though we may not always be aware of this fact. Object 1: Alexander Graham Bell's first telephone helped humans communicate from long distances and counted as knowledge. To gain access to the exploration points, become a member. Which expressions, words and structures from the English cant you translate into your new language? Here are some personal favorites from the suggestions for knowledge and technology: SCOPE What is the difference between "data", "information" and "knowledge"? BBC ideas: do we thing differently in different languages? Which quotes do you find the most and least insightful? Do academic traditions support or stifle the production of (linguistic) knowledge? 20512030 B.C. The exhibition is a product of a compilation of the three objects which a student chooses in order to connect to one of the 35 IA prompts. Language Definitions. A clever use of language may influence what people will accept as true knowledge. We can use sexist and racist language to reinforce stereotypes. Strategic communication is required to be present in a professional capacity in order to bring the best out of the professional leadership. Palace Museum, Beijing. In what way is language self-regulating? Do words have an inherent meaning, or do our perspectives determine them? To what extent is the internet changing what it means to know something? Many naturally assume that anything philosophically based is ToK. Find an object supporting it. You get to critically reflect on the reliability of information treated as knowledge through the twelve TOK concepts. It is: (2) the operation of the instruments for communication and hearing. What about music and other non-linguistic forms of representation? In TOK Exhibition, an object is defined as a product of knowledge accessible for all provided it's not symbolic or generic. The three interconnected TOK parts-the core, the optional themes, and the areas of knowledge (AOKs)- are explored through the open, generic, and contestable knowledge questions, which are organized in a knowledge framework having four elements as key players in exploring, comparing, and connecting the AOKs and optional themes. i cant give you direct advice but there has to be something from your life that will relate to the exhibition theme. Would we know more or less about the world if we all shared a common language? Is language so pervasive for the human experience that even the realm of abstract math and logic should be considered a mere artifact of language? In TOK and philosophy, knowledge is a theoretical or practical comprehension of a subject. Where do they live? When the language becomes endangered or on the verge of extinction, the cultural diversity accompanied by the language also is affected by the slow death. It is strongly recommended that you have a personal link to the objects, either from your experiences inside school, or beyond it. This knowledge helps them to know better about the cultural diversity of a particular place and hence getting a piece of in-depth first-hand knowledge on them and their environment. How frustrating it is when we cant convey what we have to say in the same tone and sense to another person in our organization and we feel literally defeated. These issues on knowledge & language relate to Big Question 5, our fifth BQ units for TOK They also link to linguistic methods, tools, and practices, part of the IB's knowledge framework Use the Exploration Points document below to unpack the media sources and link them to the TOK course (available to members of the site) Are we, albeit subconsciously, using language to reinforce social class, gender boundaries and ethnic hierarchies? What are they like? We communicate in the fleeting moment and across the generations, by word of mouth and with written archives. While the TOK essay connects the prescribed title to the relevant AOKs, the TOK exhibition explores how TOK manifests in the real world through the specific real-life objects of personal importance with an IA prompt within one of the TOK themes. It also gives value to different perceptions and viewpoints of people and how it can influence us in a greater magnitude. Decide for yourself here. Can knowledge be conveyed from one person to another in a non-language based way? Our fictive linguistic maps and language games provide a semblance of order out of chaos. The IB TOK2022 guide specifically mentions that the three objects must be linked to the same IA prompt. However,Can animals truly know, given their fairly limited means of communication? The richness of human language can be a blessing in some circumstances, but a hindrance to knowledge in others. These and other generative questions can be explored in the following menu of class activities. Both the themes and the AOKs help to define us as knowers, which we focus on within the core theme knowledge and the knower as well as looking at the different communities of knowers to which we belong. It would be appropriate here to consider what ToK is all about. Because it has: - 12 categories and 12 subjects to learn (fruit, vegetables, birds, fish, animals, clothes, transport, etc. How do our values shape the way we use language to represent the world? To what extent do the classification systems, names and labels we use in the pursuit of knowledge affect the conclusions that we reach? Do people from different linguistic or cultural backgrounds live, in some sense, in different worlds? With the advent of "machine language" and technological advancements, we have ventured into a whole new territory. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. 2. For example, to acquire knowledge we read information online, research findings of others, look through textbooks, or simply listen to others (like your teachers, for example). The new TOK curriculum, TOK 2022 has the externally assessed task, the TOK essay worth 67%, and the internally assessed new task, the TOK exhibition worth 33% of the grades. Effective communication helps in clearing out ambiguity and helps in retaining the sanctity of that scenario. Knowledge and the knower-Perspective in TOK Perspective and its significance in TOK is quite important. Specifically, this a-marking of direct objects is driven by animacy and usually precedes human objects. We use language to configure power and submission; and to demonstrate individuality and conformity. How does the way we frame a question about values change its nature? It was 3.3 million years ago, the first advancement of technology took place in the form of tools. It is assessed internally, but moderated externally. Which dialect of your mother tongue do you associate with wealth and education? We use language to configure power and submission; and to demonstrate individuality and conformity. This direct object a-marking has also been attested in Brazilian Portuguese (BP), but with more . Photo: AFP/Getty Images UBIQUITY AND DIVERSITY OF RELiGIOUS PRACTICES Fully 84% of the roughly 7.8 billion people on the planet self-identify as religious. The "brand new" TOK exhibition is worth 33% of the grades. How can language be used to manipulate peoples emotions? She puts down pointers for effective communication for men and women in their workplace. The IA prompt that was selected is "Bias is inevitable in the production of knowledge". Language lays the foundation for knowledge. Ask us any question about the course, how to become amember, or advice on teaching and learning TOK. Can all knowledge be expressed in words or symbols? In what ways can language be used to influence, persuade or manipulate peoples emotions? If a language dies, does knowledge die with it? In such cases, we have to involve a system called strategic communication. A certain tone of speaking or writing immediately explains to us how we are to construe those ideas. The Federal. You will notice that the language you use in the Natural Sciences, for example, is generally more "neutral" and "free of imagery" than, let's say the language you use to analyse a poem in English Literature or an image rich painting in the Arts. Should we try to overcome ambiguity in language? How are metaphors used in the production and justification of knowledge? According to his theory, knowledge is objective and founded on true assertions about real objects. Explore the quotes, knowledge questions, real-world issues, and ideas that feature on the site via questions and unpacking ideas, links to additional media sources, guidance on using the key concepts of TOK, and other suggestions. If ethical terms and concepts cannot be easily defined, does this mean that they are meaningless? These connotations are additional ideas and associations on top of the literal meaning. True, animals have their own version of language (sometimes these abilities are quite impressive, like is the case for Bonobos, for example). To paraphrase Carl Sagan, extraordinary courses require extraordinary resources. She explains the matter of discussion in precision and hands us the thought that knowledge on how to use appropriate construction of words and way of putting it forth will help in intelligent crossovers in the workplace. Likewise, when you say "tree", or "breakfast" or "school", you will most likely think of concepts that you have some sort of personal experience with. Hygge, lagom and nisken: lifestyle concepts and ways of thinking, or just words that don't translate that well? Language TOK Questions Language exerts hidden power, like a moon on the tides. Depending on how it was linked, choose where to look for the other two objects. Check out our new YouTube channel HERE, where you can access our webinar videos, and screencasts that will guide you around the site. Check out our new YouTube channel HERE, where you can access our webinar videos, and screencasts that will guide you around the site. The global political landscape has been transformed by the advances in digital technology. Stela of the Gatekeeper Maati. You may also like Knowledge and Technology, Address Our sixty-six Exploration Point documents (updated every month) help you delve deeper into TOK via media sources, unpacking ideas, guidance on the key concepts, and other tips. Is it the case that if we cannot express something, we dont know it? If language works according to sets of rules and conventions, how much scope do we have as individuals to break the rules/ challenge these conventions? Should we use language in a prescriptive or descriptive way? July 7, 2022. A vast array of political data and information is now freely accessible, but often in the form of . Is ambiguity a shortcoming of language that must be eliminated, or can it also be seen as making a positive contribution to knowledge and knowing? In Mathematics, we have even attempted to create a unique and universal language that is almost complete void of human subjectivity. How might language be seen to hinder knowledge? Think about one aspect in relation to it. What knowledge might be lost if the whole world shared one common language? Theory of knowledge (TOK), a unique study of epistemology in the IB Diploma Programme, opens up a wide window of reflection on the nature of the knowledge you have constructed as a knower and the process of knowing. TOK is all about asking questions and daring to know for oneself. Further development of the first telephone technology has resulted in wireless mobile phones. The history of mankind is thronged with examples of cultural imperialism through language. Read a recent edition here, subscribe to the free versionhere, and gain access to the premium version byjoining Polyglots are people who speak and have knowledge of different languages. To what extent is knowledge dependent on the categories we use? Is it possible to think or know without language? To what extent do labels and names create motivated seeing in knowers? These real-world issues will help you to explore knowledge questions, analyse the latest events and issues related to this optional theme, and apply TOK terms, ideas, and concepts to authentic situations. Can all ideas and concepts be expressed via words and symbols? To what extent does language allow us to make our private experiences public? Follow the links below to access quotes, knowledge questions, real-world issues, and key ideas and thinkers related to this optional theme. Is it possible to know something without being able to put it into words? IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK) tutors - IB Ace Academy +91 7737695579 , +91 8003731579 , +91 8949022631 24 hours Open TOK TOK Exhibition is criteria oriented WE HAVE SUCCESSFULLY BROKEN DOWN THE CRITERIA FOR CHOOSING EFFECTIVE OBJECTS The "brand new" TOK exhibition is worth 33% of the grades. A child may know the world around itself through understood alphabets picked up, naturally by observing people around. Follow the links below to access a range of notes, essays, and observations on knowledge and language. Link the object to the prompt. Source; N Vinoth Kumar; TN welcomes revised NEP draft, but still bats for two languages. Language has got the ability to stir in wars, misinterpretations, and even remarks which create a dent in society. Here she tries to resonate with her fellow polyglots on the means and methods they used to study and understand different languages. Knowledge and Language are indeed mainstream ideas. Meet our key thinkers for knowledge & language here. Does language shape our moral outlooks, or just reflect them? .st0{fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#ffffff;}, Real-world issues about knowledge & the knower, Getting started with TOK: Online workshop, 100 Ways To Use TOK To Get Into University, Indigenous ways of communicating knowledge, Real-world issues about indigenous societies, The adaptability and innovation of indigenous societies, These KQs on knowledge & language relate to, They also link to the nature and scope of language, part of the IBs knowledge framework, Being able to tell the difference between first and second-order knowledge can be difficult, but it is the most important attribute of successful TOK thinking, They also link to language and ethics, part of the IBs knowledge framework, They also link to methods, tools, and practices of language, part of the IBs knowledge framework, They also link to perspectives & context related to language, part of the IBs knowledge framework for exploring TOK, They also link to linguistic methods, tools, and practices, part of the IBs knowledge framework. The TOK exhibition. Does language permeate and configure all of the human psyche including the subconscious and even our dreams as we sleep? OurTOK newsletterhelps you explore the most important events and issues going on today, and fully grasp how TOK concepts manifest in the real world. Although the knowledge questions on language that you see here link primarily to this optional theme, many of them link to other AOKs, and themes, so one of the first things to consider is how they relate to, and impact on, other aspects of the course. If you want to play down the associations of violence associated with war, you can use expressions such as "collateral damage" instead of "bombing a village", "ethnic cleansing" instead of "genocide", or "inoperative combat personnel" for "dead soldiers". This TED talk is a must-watch as she unwinds the topic in a very smooth and intricate manner and her level of observation is something that has to be appreciated and understood in-depth. TOK Home > The TOK course > TOK optional themes > Knowledge and language. The knowledge is transpired and transmitted through many ways such as body language, written transcripts, and verbally spoken. There was uproar the southern states, particularly Tamil Nadu, over a draft Indian National Education Policy that advocates for a three-language system and making Hindi compulsory in the non-Hindi speaking states. Get started for FREE Continue. To paraphrase Carl Sagan, extraordinary courses require extraordinary resources. Conveying ideologies to the masses and getting them to believe it was possible to a great extent through such rampant speeches. So, when little to no speakers are left for a particular language, the language becomes dormant or even extinct altogether. Certainty. Sep 14, 2010. TOK Home > The TOK course > TOK optional themes > Knowledge and language > Language knowledge questions. The text on this masterpiece of early Middle Kingdom relief art contains references to prominent figures of the time. Weve divided each page by both Big Question and by the different aspects of the knowledge framework, so whether you are following a conceptual approach to TOK, or a more traditional structure, you can use it to study and teach the course. The language of Dothraki (Game of Thrones) has been taught at a US university, students about the language he created for the famous series. Access the decoder here. Political propaganda, euphemistic language, and the censorship of expression(s) demonstrate the connection between language and power. Language is the essence of everything around the globe. Knowledge about language gives the arena to explore cultural intricacies and helps us to exemplify the requirement of communication under various circumstances. The connection between language, knowledge and (the abuse of) power provides excellent material for TOK discussions. Does the expression of values require a different form of language than other ideas? Language can speak a great deal on the culture, social, and even as a psychological attribute of a system. The Last Speakers: National Geographic. Our fictive linguistic maps and language games provide a semblance of order out of chaos. 1984 is a dystopian novel which imaginatively explores the possibilities of a totalitarian society in which free choice and individual thought are controlled by the state ['big brother is watching you']. From then, we came across milestones of advancements like irrigation, steam engines, telephone, automobile, computer, internet and up till replacing us itself through artificial intelligence. The rituals and practices followed in order to value and preach the . How can we tell if our ability to use written language is declining over time? Knowledge and language have a strong connection that helps in interpreting the thoughts, culture, meaning, and essence of the information to be put across. Visit the site to enjoy a revelatory one minute audio. Certainty is more or less about tolerance. like a specific dictionary you used in . The ideas of these brilliant thinkers have shaped the way we understand the world, will help you take ownership of TOK, and which you can draw in your exhibition commentary. There are currently 7117 languages spoken all over the world. ); - 4 built-in mini-games: learning new things, quest (search) - to test the newly acquired knowledge, memory and chain - two games to cultivate logical thinking and . Our TOK exhibition prompt decoder helps you to understand each of the 35 IA prompts, link them to the core and optional themes, and the 12 key TOK concepts, and explore them via quotes, questions, TED talks, and media sources. How can we know if language is intended to deceive or manipulate us? Understandable, but wrong. We imagine. MondayFriday: 9:00AM9:00PM This eventually leads to a lack of initiation of perspectives and hence viewpoints conveyed start becoming a biased version of themselves. NY Times: does the language you speak shape the way you think? Although the language you speak will not necessarily. To what extent are ethical knowledge claims the expression of feelings, rather than considered propositions? A language is basically associated with a particular knowledge base. Calligraphy scroll by Li Po: Going Up To Sun Terrace by Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai. Does the transmission of knowledge from one person or generation to another depend on language? To what extent are we morally responsible for the language that we use? How to pick your TOK presentation title by Sandwich 3. We label. It is also very much related to the perception of the afterlife and such. Does ethical language differ in any significant way from other types of language? TOK Objects: What is the relationship between Knowledge and Culture? You could ask yourself how much you would know if you had no language to gather or express knowledge. June 8 2019. Risking ideas in the public arena is key. The following quote from the novel illustrates this point: Alternative facts: 1984 and current politics, Link to the "knowledge and politics" theme. It is interesting to find ways each polyglot has found for themselves to study languages. To influence opinion surrounding abortion laws, you can use an expression such as "pro life" or "pro choice". And the knowledge associated with it too? In what ways can language be used to influence, persuade or manipulate peoples emotions? How useful is it to remove human qualities from a language? Language can be anything like sign language, hieroglyphics, or any other for that matter all these holds immense treasure in the beauty of expression and communication.

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