In November 2015, the online chatroom known as "xat" was hacked and 6 million user accounts were exposed. Easy sorting and filtering by all parameters. Permalink. For example, an email app might use TLS variants of SMTP, POP3, or IMAP. Compromised data: Education levels, Email addresses, Genders, Geographic locations, Job titles, Names, Social media profiles In March 2021, the Brazilian EdTech company Descomplica suffered a data breach which was subsequently posted to a popular hacking forum. Read more about Chinese data breaches in Have I Been Pwned. Give an end to no-end rests and play times. Permalink. The researchers who discovered the exposed Russian server believe the list of addresses was used to distribute various malware strains via malspam campaigns (emails designed to deliver malware). Play Online Chess on the Free Internet Chess Server! Date added to HIBP: 23 February 2021 Session Timeout is generally utilized due to security reasons in a web application. Compromised data: Dates of birth, Email addresses, Genders, Names, Passwords, Usernames Compromised accounts: 228,102 Compromised data: Email addresses, IP addresses, Passwords, Private messages, Usernames, Website activity Compromised accounts: 4,195,918 The first thing that we had to do was clear: hook application:openURL:options:. In approximately 2012, the Russian social media site known as VK was hacked and almost 100 million accounts were exposed. Permalink. In March 2017, the telemarketing service Health Now Networks left a database containing hundreds of thousands of medical records exposed. The breach exposed 376k unique email addresses along with names, phone numbers, physical addresses, gun purchases, partial credit card data, dates of birth and passwords stored as bcrypt hashes. The company was contacted by local Brazilian media outlet Tecmundo and subsequently advised that no indications have been identified of an invasion of the company's systems. In approximately December 2018, the digital mall Wanelo suffered a data breach. GitHub notifications manager and activity watcher using columns and filters. For the static analysis we will focus mostly on the following points having UIWebView and WKWebView under scope. Furthermore, children's details including names, ages, genders and associations to their parents' records were also exposed. Permalink. In July 2016, the gaming news site suffered a data breach which exposed 3.3M subscriber identities. One of those datasets was an Elasticsearch instance on AWS containing sales lead data and 5.8M unique email addresses. In approximately February 2015, the Xbox forum known as Xbox-Scene was hacked and more than 432k accounts were exposed. You can make other actions, like changing volume, accessible from the AssistiveTouchmenu. page. Personal information including names, email addresses, genders, dates of birth, passwords stored as bcrypt hashes and indicators of password strength were all exposed. However, to better illustrate what you can expect from other apps we have shared a picture using another app, here you can see a bunch of application activities and excluded activities (output was edited to hide the name of the originating app): After performing the static analysis you would know the document types that the app can open and if it declares any custom document types and (part of) the methods involved. The Library directory itself contains several subdirectories that subdivide app-specific content into a few well-known categories. The plain text password for each account was also included in the breach. Compromised data: Email addresses, Names, Partial credit card data, Passwords, Purchases Impacted data also included usernames, IP addresses and for some records, dates of birth (sometimes in partial form), physical addresses, parent names and passwords stored as PBKDF2 hashes. In May 2019, the account hijacking and SIM swapping forum OGusers suffered a data breach. Breach date: 13 June 2019 Permalink. Its first parameter is URL and contains the URL to be loaded in the WebView, its second parameter allowingReadAccessToURL may contain a single file or a directory. Compromised data: Email addresses, Passwords Compromised data: Dates of birth, Email addresses, IP addresses, Passwords, Usernames In March 2019, the multiplayer platform game Everybody Edits suffered a data breach. The app may also request access to additional container directoriesfor example, the iCloud containerat runtime. Compromised accounts: 8,234,193 Breach date: 6 January 2021 Date added to HIBP: 9 March 2016 Each sandboxed app receives one or more containers that it can write into. Most records contained names and genders with many also including dates of birth, location, relationship status and employer. Breach date: 4 October 2013 In February 2020, the online store for consumer electronics wraps Slickwraps suffered a data breach. MacOS tray app to control Sonos speakers ecosystem. The attack involved brute force enumeration of a large number of phone numbers against the Snapchat API in what appears to be a response to Snapchat's assertion that such an attack was "theoretical". Compromised accounts: 4,848,734 Compromised accounts: 711,477,622 The list contained 593 million unique email addresses, many with multiple different passwords hacked from various online systems. The breach included email addresses and passwords stored as weak MD5 hashes with no salt. Permalink. Permalink. The complete set of 18M records was later provided by and updated in HIBP accordingly. Date added to HIBP: 3 March 2022 The attack led to the exposure of usernames, email addresses and salted hashes of passwords stored with a combination of MD5 and SHA512. Security researcher Vinny Troia of Night Lion Security discovered the leak contained multiple terabytes of personal information spread across hundreds of separate fields including addresses, phone numbers, family structures and extensive profiling data. Permalink. There are several shortcut options within the Gallery tab in the Shortcuts app, including the AccessibilityAssistant shortcut, which creates a custom list of recommended accessibility features based on your individualneeds. However, be aware that restoring from backup is not necessarily the only condition under which the Caches directory can be erased. In November 2014, the acne website suffered a data breach that exposed over 430k forum members' accounts. Breach date: 11 June 2012 Data from the breach was subsequently redistributed on popular hacking websites. Compromised data: Email addresses, Passwords The data contained email exchanges between MDPI and their authors and reviewers which included 845k unique email addresses. Date added to HIBP: 1 September 2019 In June 2016, the Muslim Match dating website had 150k email addresses exposed. If you only have the app's IPA or simply the installed app on a jailbroken device, you normally won't be able to find .entitlements files. Breach date: 11 December 2010 The data was provided to HIBP by a source who requested it be attributed to "". When clicking on it, this will open the "ALLOW APP_NAME TO ACCESS" screen. In April 2018, the ad management platform known as AerServ suffered a data breach. Compromised accounts: 583,503 Compromised accounts: 16,630,988 However, the recommendation is to avoid the use of UIWebViews and switch to WKWebViews instead. Lightning fast, beautiful and free font manager for designers, Financial data analytics tool for businesses. Date added to HIBP: 20 December 2016 A small number of passwords for KnownCircle staff were also present and were stored as bcrypt hashes. For more information about the CFBundleDocumentTypes key, see Information Property List Key Reference. This will never occur while an app is running. Breach date: 25 August 2018 The publicly accessible Elasticsearch database contained over 300M rows with 49M unique email addresses. Compromised data: Email addresses, IP addresses, Passwords, Private messages, Usernames Here is an example of entitlements file of the open source app Telegram including the App Groups entitlement (application-groups): The entitlement outlined above does not require any additional permissions from the user. Compromised data: Email addresses, IP addresses, Passwords, Usernames To see this, be sure to hook the userInfo property or access it directly from the continueUserActivity object in your hook (e.g. Date added to HIBP: 29 May 2022 As an additional note regarding UIWebViews, if you retrieve the effective origin from a UIWebView where baseURL is also set to nil you will see that it is not set to "null", instead you'll obtain something similar to the following: This origin "applewebdata://" is similar to the "file://" origin as it does not implement Same-Origin Policy and allow access to local files and any web resources. Multiple attempts at contacting Avvo over the course of a week were unsuccessful and the authenticity of the data was eventually verified with common Avvo and HIBP subscribers. Compromised data: Email addresses, IP addresses, Passwords, Usernames, Website activity Customizable snippet manager made for developers and people who work with code. Because locking the device destroys the decryption keys, access to encrypted files is limited to when the device is unlocked. Oh, and no data limits either. A month later, PayHere published a blog on the incident titled Ensuring Integrity on PayHere Cybersecurity Incident. Cross platform Lightning Network wallet focused on user experience and ease of use . In approximately 2010, the now defunct website DivX SubTitles suffered a data breach that exposed 783k user accounts including email addresses, usernames and plain text passwords. Compromised accounts: 422,959 In August 2022, millions of records from Mexican bank "Banorte" were publicly dumped on a popular hacking forum including 2.1M unique email addresses, physical addresses, names, phone numbers, RFC (tax) numbers, genders and bank balances. Breach date: 9 September 2013 For more information about sandboxes and the types of restrictions they impose on file system access, see Mac App Programming Guide and App Sandbox Design Guide. Date added to HIBP: 28 May 2015 The network domain contains resources such as apps and documents that are shared among all users of a local area network. However, for others, the user will be explicitly asked the first time the app attempts to access a protected resource, for example: Even though Apple urges to protect the privacy of the user and to be very clear on how to ask permissions, it can still be the case that an app requests too many of them for non-obvious reasons.

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