It has 800 military bases in 70 countries! Each power attempts to expand into systems, extracting resources from them in order to pay for continued expansion and protect systems already being exploited. Just the ability to summon a shitload of doors to your location. Desperate for human contact, he falls in love with "Helena," a wax mannequin, convinced that she is flesh and bone. Also, some energies are too powerful for supernatural thieves and can destroy them if they try to steal them. But on a day-to-day basis, how nice would it be to get out of parking tickets or haggle the price of a burrito down to a penny? Powers are distinct entities compared to minor and major factions. Or, you could use it to take over the world, knowing that nobody could ever kill you. A Power is a powerful individual or organization who strive to control inhabited space for their own agendas in Powerplay. During the process, the mind of the terrorist leader (Jemail Karam) injected itself into David's psyche, manifesting itself as a separate personality. Verdict: Fun,. If it can be achieved with socks and a slightly slick surface, its not a power. Not only will you be awesome, but you'll be deep too. The real cool factor comes when you realize that there would be no situation that you couldnt handle. He was a S.T.A.R. Too often superheroes resort to fisticuffs to solve problems, but having persuasion means that one could get the dirty work done with just their mind. The United States is the most militant nation in modern times In 2020, it spent $778 billion on its military, or 3.7% of its GDP, more than the next 11 countries combined! They can look for anomalies in genetic structure, which of course means they can look for diseases and other anomalies. He's probably not a fun guy to hang out with. Yes, this can be useful. Notable Users: Graviton, Kat (Gravity Rush), Star Boy. Why is it different from just being able to control minds? Basically, you'd always have some sort of animal army at your disposal. How cool would it be, then, to have utter control over insects and be able to use that against your enemies? Whether you're swinging through skyscrapers or hanging thugs from a streetlamp, having webs is definitely one of the more unique powers there is. they cover pretty much everything under the sun, from human qualities, to how the world works, to faiths, to inventions, to animals, and to . China's economic and military power makes it one of the most dangerous superpowers to disrupt the world order, but some shreds of evidence show that China's rise to power still faces obstacles,. Awesome. If you can form a weapon at will, though, please try and be a bit more creative than Sandman's usual sand mallets. Notable Users: The Blob, Vision, Ultimate Kitty Pryde. This power is actually quite powerful and only a handful of individuals have this power. This cumbersome form of eating makes Maggot grow in size, strength, and stamina, while also turning him blue with red eyes. View source. The daughter of the demon Trigon and a human mother, Raven (real name Rachel Roth) is one of the most powerful heroes in the DCU, although she attained the powers through tragedy. An element such as wind is not usually used or created from eyes we know airbenders from Avatar and other fictional characters who are creating wind from the air, their hands, and more. Notable Users: Hydro Man, Wonder Twins, Mercury. Also, sometimes fire manipulators are also able to use their ability to fly. Whether it'd be to get more "wow"s in an intense fight scene, creating your own supernatural entity, writing the latest sci-fi, or even to craft a society of superheroes, superpowers will never be far behind. This isnt a power. This host of powers could be too much for anyone to master, and while Raven has fought for the side of good alongside the Teen Titans and other members of the DCU, her occasional lapses into evil make her just as much of a threat to humanity as it does a potential savior. Imagine if you could forge Garens iconic Broadsword or Rivens Runic Blade from the League of Legends game? Second, the limitations include may only be able to control certain types of cheese (can you imagine having the power to manipulate only gouda?) We use the word "hand" there in a literal sense, because the former X-Men (real name Kevin Ford) can kill any living thing merely by touching them. These abilities have given many characters on our list second thoughts and reservations, making them wonder if they (and those around them) would be better off if they'd never acquiredtheir superhuman abilities in the first place. Marvel Calls Out Its Fans For Their Silliest Avengers Debate, Why The Family Chantel Fans Can't Stand Chantel Jimeno, One Piece Just Made a Major Mistake By Making Luffy's New Dream a Mystery, 90 Day Fianc: Are Kim & Usman Still Together In 2022? Dont forget a whole subset of other powers, like generating tornado-level winds from spinning your arms or vibrating your body so fast you can walk through walls. What is the most dangerous superpower? Third of all, you better hope you have a second superpower, because people are going to try to kill you if youre this annoying. Dora is an avid sports fan who started taking interest in TV and movies while attending University of Osijek. But still, being able to harness the psychic energies around you -- that are emitted from every living being -- for a destructive purpose is unabashedly awesome. Invisibility is subtlety. We all know earthquakes are caused by shifting tectonic plates, and we also know that earthquakes are more common in certain parts of the world than others. What came first? Maybe not the noblest of pursuits, but a mighty fine ability to have nonetheless. The ability to emit an ooze is not only a very gross power, its mostly only useful in making people slip. Power: You become impossible to stop once you're moving. Power: The ability to draw power from a metropolitan landscape. Superpowers range from improving oneself way past peak human potential, to influencing and manipulating concepts on a universal scale. Power: A precognitive ability warning you of incoming danger. You'd be on the cutting edge at all times, and you'd push humanity to a new stage of evolution. You can't defy someone with gravity powers. Category page. Also, the user can see past falsehoods and can reveal and bare hidden/unknown lies and in exchange reveal truths or true forms of those entities. In Anthem, Javelin exosuits have everything a skilled pilot needs to survive in the wilds and take down any opposition. Fake Name Generator. It comes in handy. Notable Users: Animal Man, Vixen, Manimal. The Interceptor excels in getting close to deal damage to enemies, then dashing away before they can react. Elite Dangerous > General Discussions > Topic Details. During one battle, Beast fires a gun at him, which had the odd effect of making Unus' force-field stronger than he was able to control. It's even better if your phasing extends to the people you are phsyically touching! Power: Emit super slugs from one's body that in turn digest solid objects and transfer the energy to their host. The United States. For example, the power would never go out in your house! All of that mundane stuff is possible with the Power Cosmic, not to mention transmuting elements, hyperspace travel, and knowing all knowledge in the universe. Whether you need to stop someone from falling with a gentle whirlwind or blow your enemies away with a fierce tornado, controlling the air around you is pretty sweet. You can follow him on Twitter at @smellslikesad, or email him at smellslikesad(at)gmail(dot)com. Still, producing gold balls from your body can prove useful for a distraction and allow your teammates to gain the advantage in a battle. Power: The ability to comprehend any and all languages. Having super intelligence means being able to perform amazing calculations, learn at a tremendous rate, and basically out-think everyone around you -- a thousand-fold. Notable users include Kryptonians like Superman and Supergirl from DC Comics, Cole McGrath from Infamous game, Doctor Nemesis from Marvel Comics, Javik from Mass Effect games, and Drummer from Wildstorm. Thats how Azula from Avatar: The Last Airbender moves during her duels with Aang and the others. That are just a few things that supernatural thieves are capable of. Maximum Overdrive 2 Updates: Will The Stephen King Sequel Happen? Since this superpower is really rare, its limitations are still very scarce and unknown and maybe that fact encourages fictional characters to create more characters with this power. Imagine this kind of character in a Fallout game, a detective who can see through the radioactive fog and solve murders. That depends. Gadgets and tech, like Batman's utility belt and Iron Man's armor, aren't special abilities, so Bruce and Tony will have to sit this one out. First of all, its listed as a variation of milk manipulation, and, really, if you have to have a dairy-related power, youd probably hope to have the broadest possible version of it, and milk manipulation at least includes other dairy products. Power: The ability to form your hands into tools of destruction. Power: Produce immense strength with your muscles. And if you're like Swamp Thing, you can even use it to travel in "the Green" from plant to plant all across the world! Oh, Maggot. Estacado is allowed to exit hellafter taking on the responsibilitiesof The Darkness. And this isn't her only challenge. Power: The ability to emit radiation from one's body. The Dark Phoenixsaga is perhaps the most iconic arc in the history ofX-Men comicsfor good reason. Eat nuclear weapons, guns, knives, anything! Each Robin has proven themselves to be worthy of being Batman's sidekick, but Damian was once the most powerful Robin ever when he acquired actual superpowers. With that criteria in mind, here's our list of the 15 most horrifying superpowers around. Like the previous entry on this list, a prehensile tongue is a variation of natural weaponry and prehensility. This one is pretty grim, but useful if you don't really care about scarring your enemies for life. The user of this superpower is able to issue forth beams of corrosive energy from their eyes. Also called the Empire of Achenar. More precisely, users of this power literally give themselves powers. Caustic Vision is really rare which automatically makes it unique. That's like a chain link fence of wall walkers. However, they have a limitation, or in MOBA terms, a counter. This means that it's impossible to defeat or battle Doomsday the same way twice. Having invulnerability or super strength might not be necessary if you possess the power to create force fields, as long as you're quick-witted enough. Despite their vast diversity, most powers fall into a handful of categories defining their core identity: This section refers to the ability to manipulate or otherwise interact with the concept itself of the word "power". Its also guaranteed to get your kids pissed at you and yelling something about being smothered. These are current and historic galactic superpowers. Naturally, they come with their tropes, some easier to spot than others, like superpowers manifesting around puberty or during an event that caused great trauma, superpowers growing stronger or being easier to control through training, superpowers reflecting the physical characteristics or personality of a character, etc. They are major factions . This list was made possible by our sponsor: Anthem, BioWares new Action RPG. You could create -- or eliminate -- anything you wanted. Users of this power have a really good sense of touch, allowing them to detect specific individuals, objects, substances, or even places. Power: The ability to produce and emit poison from the body. Power: The ability to increase probability in your favor. It can destroy a target with only one strike and that makes it really dangerous. The counter to this super cool power ispeople who can go through physical matter like Kitty Pride from Marvel Comics. This is one of the best powers because it would allow you to survive in pretty much any enviornment. Whether you can form them at will or they're permanently attached, having weapons for hands is undoubtedly cool. That's pretty cool just don't move to the country. Notable characters with this ability are Silver Surfer from Marvel Comics, Saturn Girl from DC Comics, Watchmon from Digimon, and Doctor Manhattan from Watchmen. Power: The ability to call upon the Darkness to take out your enemies. He eats the fridge in his comics when he runs out of food. -- super powers one could be gifted with. It's even been known to act on your behalf to protect you and your allies. Ability to use powers that will only affect the user. While this power makes him an invaluable team member, the ability has a pretty significant downside. This includes multiple different types of craftsmanships crafting itself, metalworking and smithing. Experience the rush of accelerating to speeds so fast that you are nothing but a blur. But every power has its cost, and Unus'ability came ata very highprice. Limitations include Lunar Immunity users, Solar Manipulation users, and clouds. However, it has its limitations. Lower your density so his fists pass right through you. To be honest, most super villains use some sort of machine to threaten existence, right? Or seeing what your grandkids will look like in the future, even if you're only 30. Unleashing lightning-fast maneuverability to pull off powerful offensive abilities, the Interceptor makes the impossible look easy. Power: The ability to turn your skin into a protective layer of steel. Gone are the days of being bullied in school or getting mugged by thugs, because anyone who tries is going to get a lamp post tied around them in the shape of a bow. The guilt from her actions proves to be too much for her to bear. and mold manipulation, which barely missed being on this list. Being able to ask animals to do your bidding has a lot of benefits: You could take a ride on a cheetah, you could have an army of sharks, or you could infest your enemy's lair with spiders. Power: The ability to breathe underwater. You will go unnoticed as you listen in on conversations, avoid someone who is after you, or walk into movie theaters without paying! From ice storms, to flame bursts, to its ultimate the elemental storm, this tempestuous javelin that can challenge the skills of even a veteran lancer. If Lex Luthor has taught us anything, it's that land is the one thing they're not making any more of. Wither's guilt over killing his father catches up with him after he's arrested for his murder, even though it was an accidental death. 1)Teleportation through doors: This one explains itself 2) Intangibility: Things can pass through him 3)Weightlessness: He can make himself weightless at any time 4)Death Sense: Doorman has enhanced cosmic knowledge allowing him to see beyond the veil of life and death. Hop into one of Anthems super-powered Javelins and unleash elemental storms, venom bombs, fire walls, missile batteries and more on February 22, 2019! We saw great ink users from fiction for years and those are Sai and Killer B from Naruto, Inque from Batman Beyond, Ichib Hysube from Bleach, Vince from Misfits, Samuel Sullivan from Heroes, and Tattooed Man from DC Comics. Plus if you practise it too much, you might just get stuck that way permanently. Notable Users: Vulture, Lost Girl (TV), Darkstalkers (Lilith/Morrigan). Fat Manipulation is one of those superpowers that is really simple no complicated shenanigans just fat manipulation. Yes, please. We are continuing with really unique superpowers and on this list, matter ingestion found itself here. This is easier said than done, however. Ambassadors of all three superpowers have held emergency talks following the California nebula attacks, with a united military fleet the primary topic. Superpowers range from improving oneself way past peak human potential, to influencing and manipulating concepts on a universal scale. Well, that is a skill as well. Mostly because they would literally be fighting a bunch of you. From disarming super bombs to making sure a damaged plane lands safely, control over machines is definitely one of the best super powers in a world that increasingly relies on machines over man. Come on. It pays to have good aim if you're going to be battling crime day in and day out, so having the power of marksmanship is extremely desirable. Really cool, right? Whether it's the good ol' Jedi Mind Trick or just a skill to modify your Diplomacy in D&D, the power of persuasion is all-powerful. Most notable Offspring Detection users are Scarlet Witch, which power we saw in the last Doctor Strange movie, Lilith from Marvel, Vampires from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, DIO Brando and Diavolo from Jojos Bizarre Adventure, and more vampires, this time from TV shows True Blood and The Originals. Notable fictional characters with this superpower are Prodigy and Protege from Marvel Comics, Shapeshifters and Leviathans from Supernatural, Adam from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Desmond Miles from Assassins Creed. While Mossa's planet is destroyed, he survives and becomes Pariah, cursed with the uncontrollable power of teleporting onto other parallel Earths just in time to watch the inhabitants die and their planet be completely destroyed at the Anti-Monitor's hands. Born after Trigon sexually assaulted and impregnated her mother, Raven grew up living in an alternate dimension, where she learned to suppress her emotions to better control her demonic abilities. Notable Users: Singed the Mad Chemist (League of Legends), Poison Ivy. This means you could hold a bad guy with your prehensile tendrils and pound him with your real arms. Sure, it's really gross, but at least it's got its benefits. Ever since we saw Zack Morris freeze time at Bayside High, it's been one of the most desirable powers. These abilities have given many characters on our list second thoughts and reservations, making them wonder if they (and those around them) would be better off if they'd never acquired their superhuman abilities in the first place. Having a spider-sense would be a boon to everyday life, for sure -- no more stubbed toes or bruised elbows. On paper, Unus The Untouchable's powers sound pretty awesome. Notable Users: Aquaman, Bran Stark, Dracula. They need to focus to the point of going into trance and that makes them an easy target. Have you always wanted to spend a night walking around town as a famous celebrity? Power: The ability to turn yourself into water. Notable Users: Cyclops, Martian Manhunter. Someone trying to fight you? You'd lose the fear of taking big risks, and you could be as daring as you damn well please. With the ability to also grow as tall as a skyscraper, those monsters will think twice before rampaging on your turf. The abilities of extra-sensory perception (ESP) and communication. Fire is practical, sure, with the ability to melt through metal doors or heat your enemys weapon up so they throw it to the ground. But one of the most memorable, disturbing, and tragic characters to bear the name is Clayface III, a.k.a., Preston Payne. Why does it work? If youre interested in more superpowers-related lists, check out our list of most useless superpowers powers too! With time, he became unable to control his force fields, and things didn't end well. Limitations are distance and all in all the knowledge of the bearer. But the ability to give people disease without having to also experience said disease is still a much better power. In a battle scenario where there are explosions and such, converting that sound energy into flashbangs could give you one heck of a tactical advantage. With that criteria in mind, here's our list of the 15 most horrifying superpowers around. Without getting into the similarities between his weapon and the . Quite a useful power to have around. Limitations are scarce it requires appropriate materials to craft, tools, and space to work but all in all, its not necessarily a limited power. Forget wasting away in foreign language class in high school, having this power would not only give you an extra study hall period but it'd make you a natural ambassador for new civilizations, be they on Earth or some distant planet. Powers that are deemed extremely all-powerful. Some works have their world build around a central power system or around a race of superhuman entities. The hired gun discovers that he has the unique ability to control The Darkness, a cast of demons who hail from another dimension. Power: Having an open line of communication with the deceased. Power: Intelligence beyond human capacity. At least he has Eany and Meany to keep him company. Instead of beating bad guys into submission, you can toss them into the darkness dimension where they're faced with their own mortality and ultimate nothingness, only to bring them back emotionally and psychologically stunted. Notable Users: Abe (Oddworld), Wario, Fartman (Howard Stern). Alchemy. The power to make you think things are going to turn out for the best is only harmful if its delusionalwalking off this cliff will turn out well, for example. Her inability to get a handle on her newfound gifts inevitably results in tragedy. Ability to lift off the ground, to ride air currents or to fly self-propelled through the air. Well, not directly. BornAngelo Unuscione in Italy, Unus was a wrestler that turned into a full-on villain, eventually joining the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, who were at constant odds with the X-Men. Superpowers are superhuman and supernatural abilities, characteristics, and/or attributes employed and explored in many works of fiction and has become a common trope used in storytelling and for a wide range of other purposes. The uses of telepathy can be far more intrusive than that, however. Besides Tahm Kench, the most notable users of this superpower are Toad, Legion, and Venom from Marvel Comics, Orochimaru from Naruto, and Pokmon that use the lick ability, Digimon that uses the lick ability, and Gungans from Star Wars. Notable Users: Zack Morris, Suzie & Jon, Tempus. Not this time. Those persons have lost a lot of rights because they are considered to dangerous, till' the point of wearing only white clothes (like a mental institution ir hospital) so they can be recognised. Who wouldn't want to zap themselves between locations with a mere thought? Rogue is incapable of any prolonged human contact, because extended exposure results in the death of whomever she touches. Notable Users: Katara, Linderman (Heroes), Triage. That all sounds pretty cool, but shape-shifting is probably one of the worst superpowers to have. That's one use, but pheromones can also put people to sleep, make them experience deep fear, or even wish for death. Limitations relate to learning other universes language requires the bearer to actually firstly hear the language and then would they be able to speak it. The users of this power can project organic blasts from their eyes. In the meantime, you can also generate the superpowers, just enter the quantity you want to generate and choose whether duplicate or not. It says something to Hulk's character that he generally seeks solitude and peace, only lashing out when he feels threatened. The Superpower Wiki is a very useful place if youre trying to remember what a certain ability is called or if youre trying to find every hero and villain who manipulates ice, for example. This superpower category implies that the user can craft any item, such as forging powerful weapons. Armed with the Yellowjacket suit and Pym technology, he was able to become a mirror image of Ant-Man in a lot of ways. Its a defensive power if it props up waning confidence in a team, but that could also just get them killed because they arent thinking strategically. From turning a cityscape into an urban jungle to creating the perfect bouquet of flowers for your significant other, control of plants is defintely a super power to wish for. With a mere thought, you could inflict varying degrees of hurt on those who have wronged you (hopefully they are criminals), be it the physical, mental, or emotional variety. Notable Users: Taskmaster, Kat (Alphas), The Flash Explosive Farting. Well, this is the former. Like hair, the tongue can also be severed by blades, or damaged by fire, ice and electricity. The problem would return again during the House of M series, and he suffocated to death. Not a bad deal. Violent mood swings are a recurring problem, making Rogue one of the most fascinatingly troubled students at Xavier Institute. Even though we normal folk will never have them, we can't help but wonder which would be the coolest to have. To spare anyone else from her murderous wrath, Greycommits suicide. Other bearers of this power are Ben 10s Pyronites, Methanosians, Terry McGinnis as Batman from Batman Beyond, Human Torch and Cannonball from Marvel, Cacao and Son Goku from Dragon Ball Z and so many more. As every vision goes in a fictional world, of course, there is a DNA Vision. Fundamentally, they allow one to do things that normal humans cannot, like flying without any equipment, lifting buses with your bare hands, reading minds, or being invulnerable to damage. This entity can fly, make objects explode, and phase through all solid matter. Other limitations include Sensory Overload which can usually happen during big battles. Then self-multiplication is the power to hope for when you get splashed with toxic chemicals! Throwing yourself in front of allies and civilians is now a reflexive action because there's no worry about your own safety. Their biggest weakness is powerful users of Theft Nullification, users that trigger a power that stops the thief from stealing their powers or attributes. Notable Users: Hiro Nakamura (Heroes), The Prince (Prince of Persia), Notable Users: Kain (Soul Reaver), Vandal Savage, Notable Users: Galactus, Phantom Stranger. Whether that's good or bad is up to you. The ability to conjure a protective bubble around anything -- inluding yourself and your loved ones -- is a surefire way to protect against any kind of attack, from the magical to the practical. Get my new merch at Subscribe for more here! Galactic Superpowers. Notable Users: Domino, Longshot, Amos Fortune. Characters with this superpower would also have the ability to detect diseases in people. It's one of the coolest powers to have because empaths will always understand; nothing you say can be lost on them or taken for granted. You'll grow gills if you're stuck under water and you'll gain flame retardant skin if you're cast into a volcano. His abilities first manifest in tragedy, when he accidentally reduces his father to dust. Theoretically, one could create holographic images, turn invisible, and even move at light-speed simply by adjusting the properties of the light that surrounds them. He once bit into a detached finger to get a vision of the murderer who cut it of. Notable Users: Franklin Richards, Scarlet Witch. Anytime your power is grows extra arms, as useful as that is, its going to look very silly. Notable Users: Daredevil, Man-Bat, Superman. Third of all, you better hope. Some users can release objects from the mindscape and collect the items. Only a few in fiction are bearing this superpower Butterball and Molecule Man from Marvel Comics, Noth from Anima: Beyond Fantasy, Anu from Elder Scrolls and so many more. It's probably one of the most psychologically taxing powers, but to be fair, it's easily one of the coolest. The ability to make people sneeze is an okay distraction, but a very lame power. Superhero powers are something every mortal wants to poses, and throughout the years, we as fans of the superhero genre saw an insane amount of different superpowers. Notable Users: Nick Scryer (Psi-Ops), Luke Skywalker, Carrie, Notable Users: Luke Cage, The Tick, Supergirl. Or ice. And the use of these powers takes a toll: continued implementation of their abilities significantly shortens their life expectancy. Also, they are pretty slow, and can only manipulate certain fat tissues if theyre pretty limited. This mental weight forever plagues Banner, leaving him trapped in a tortured existence. While there are some unfortunate cases -- like Cyclops's inability to contain his energy blasts without the help of special lenses -- in general we think is a good power to have. A subset of being able to manipulate ink, those with the ability to manipulate body art itself allows them to gain physical strength or even conjure the physical form of the tattoo. Notable Users: Banshee, Black Canary, Angar the Screamer. Okay, so this one is really unique. Superpowers are not strictly limited to fiction, as machines, animals or even other humans are capable of performing feats that ordinary humans would never hope to replicate. Superpowers Discuss Unified Anti-Xeno Fleet. Uses for this skill are numerous and will certainly help keep anyone alive trying to escape dangerous situations. Well, that's pretty much the basis for all superhero comics. Learn enemy secrets, passwords, and plans just by inhabiting the body of your arch-nemesis. There's a life lesson in there somewhere. The best way to shut down an opponent's power is to immobilize them completely, which is exactly where a paralysis ability could come in handy. You'd be the king/queen of bar trivia! Power: Use your mind to read thoughts and communicate with others. Power: The ability to concentrate psychic energy into an explosion. These powers may be manifested by various methods, including: with some method of molecular control; by access to, or partially or fully shifting to another dimension; manipulating the geometric dimensions of time or space; or using some other unnamed method.

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